

The Research about Optimizing of the Industrial Structure Based on the Principal Function Region Construction in Sichuan

【作者】 黄益民

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 区域产业结构优化一直是区域经济学研究的重要课题,也是我国工业化过程中的热点课题。作为一个后起的发展中国家,我国正处在体制转轨和经济快速发展的时期,结构性矛盾始终是一个基本的制约因素。在国际金融危机和国内资源环境矛盾日益尖锐的情况下,优化产业结构更是促进区域经济又好又快发展的重要途径。然而,区域产业结构优化是一个十分复杂的问题,不仅要考虑产业层面的因素,更要考虑区域资源环境承载能力和功能定位。因此,国家“十一五”规划纲要提出要根据不同区域的资源环境承载能力、现有开发密度和发展潜力构建优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类主体功能区。这为优化区域产业结构提供了一个新的思路。本文根据主体功能区建设对区域产业结构优化的影响,以四川省为例,从产业综合发展水平、产业结构合理化水平、产业结构高度化水平、集聚化水平等方面对四川产业结构的整体现状以及各主体功能区产业结构的现状进行了分析。分析结果显示,目前区域内的产业结构存在产业发展与区域主体功能定位不符、产业结构低度化、产业能耗水平高以及产业专业化、集聚化水平较低等问题。为此,本文认为需根据四川省各主体功能区的功能定位,实施差异化的产业结构优化战略。我们认为,四川省优化开发区要提升产业层次,集中发展高附加值、低耗能、低污染的新兴工业,大力发展现代服务业和现代农业并完成与区域主体功能定位不符产业的转移;重点开发区要壮大产业发展规模,促进产业集群发展,加快优势农业工业化进程,促进第三产业发展并有选择的承接发达区域的产业转移;限制开发区则在坚持保护优先、适度开发和点状发展的原则下,适度发展特色产业;禁止开发区要把生态功能放在第一位,严格控制产业活动。同时,为了使各主体功能区产业结构优化战略得到有效实施,除了市场调节之外,我们认为还必须依靠科学的、分类的区域政策加以指导。

【Abstract】 The optimizing of the industrial structure of a region has been an important issue in regional economics, and also is a hot topic in China’s industrialization. As a developing country, China is in the period of institutional transition and rapid economic development, but the structural contradiction has always been a fundamental constraint. Because of the international financial crisis and the contradiction among economic development, resource supply and environment protection, the optimizing of the industrial structure plays an even important role in promoting economic development in a sound and rapid way.However, the regional industrial structure optimization is a very complex issue. So we should not only consider the factors of industrial level, but also the resource and environment carrying capacity and regional functions. Therefore, according to region’s resource and environment carrying capacity, development density and potential development ability, the 11th Five-year Plan put forward that our national space should be divided into four types Principal Function Region:optimizing development zone, key zones for development, restricted development zones and the forbidden development zones. This provides a new approach to research the regional industrial structure optimization.Based on studies in Sichuan, according to the impacts of the Principal Function Region on industrial structure optimization, and considering the industrial development level, the rationalization, supererogation and agglomeration of the industrial structure, this thesis analyzes the status of the industrial structure in Sichuan and its four types of Principal Function Regions. The results indicate that the current industrial structure has some problems such as industrial development not consistent with regional functions, low industrial structure, high levels of resources consumption and low agglomeration.The author believes that strategies of industrial structure optimization should be established for different types of Principal Function Regions in Sichuan. Optimizing development zone in Sichuan should upgrade industrial structure, develop new industry that is high additional value, low energy consumption and low pollution in a concentrated way, develop modern service industry and modern agriculture and transfer the industry which is not consistent with regional functions. Key zones for development need to enlarge the industrial scale, promote the development of industrial clusters and tertiary industry, speed up the process of industrialization of advantage agriculture and carry on the transfer of industries from developed regions in a chosen way. For restricted development zones, characteristic industry should be developed under the resource and environment carrying capacity. For the forbidden development zones, however, ecological functions must be in the first place, and industrial activities should be strictly controlled. At the same time, in addition to market regulation, scientific and classified regional policies are needed to ensure that all strategies of industrial structure optimization could be effectively implemented.
