

Group Decision Support System Mode of Communication Studies

【作者】 张杨

【导师】 张永进;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 沟通作为人际信息交流与共享的过程,在工作与日常生活中起着基础性的作用,在人们使用群体决策支持系统进行决策的过程中,沟通在很大程度上决定了决策的正确性,群体决策支持系统的沟通模式也逐渐成为近年来研究的一个焦点,信息在沟通过程中的传递形式,信息传递渠道,信息载体的多样性,如何处理信息不对称以及群体思维对决策过程的影响等问题都是沟通模式的研究重点。本文在对比了传统群体决策沟通方式(FTF)与传统以计算机为中介的群体决策(text-CM)的相关研究成果之后,发现群体决策沟通模式是提高决策质量的重要影响因素。群体决策沟通模式是指群体成员使用何种方式来加工信息、考虑备择项和作出选择的过程。在这一过程中,参与者原本获得的信息往往是不对称的,如何使得参与者之间能够获得更好的信息沟通,信息以什么样的结构通过什么样的渠道在参与者之间传递,群体决策过程如何组织,如何消除因为权威专家发言而产生的群体思维,增加参与决策人员对于决策过程的满意度,都是本文研究的问题。本文首先用实验针对不同的群体决策沟通模式进行问卷调查和结果分析,得出沟通过程中问题重要存在于信息交换频率较低,成员获得信息不对称等方面。针对群体决策系统中,信息载体单一、散乱的问题,提出了以图尔敏结构模型为载体的信息表达方式,并将之运用在群体决策支持系统的数据模型中。以基于涌现的Multi-agent群体决策支持系统协同框架来协调群体成员之间的沟通与认知,针对群体决策沟通过程中经常存在的信息不对称、群体思维等情况,设计了逻辑合理的决策流程,提出了系统运行的逻辑模型。更引入了以JXTA为框架模型的P2P网络来丰富信息沟通的渠道,较好的解决了信息不对称,群体思维,信息传递形式单一等问题。论文的最后总结了系统的优势和需要改进之处。

【Abstract】 As a process of information exchange and share, interpersonal communication plays a fundamental role in the work and everyday life. In the process of using group decision support system for decision-making, communication has a large extent determine of the decision-making. The mode of group decision support system of communication is becoming a focus of research in recent years, transfer form of the information in the communication, information transmission channels, the diversity of information carriers, how to deal with asymmetric information, as well as group-thinking of the implications of the decision-making process the mode of communication are the focus of the study.In this paper, comparing the traditional group decision-making mode of communication (FTF) and traditional computer-mediated group decision-making (text-CM) related research, and found that mode of group decision-making communication is to improve the quality of decision-making an important factor. The mode of group decision-making communication refers to the manner in which group members use to process information, to consider alternative options and make choices about the process. Participants in the process of group decision-making tend to have the information asymmetry, but if the members of an over-reliance on a particular information-sharing, it’s easy to form groups of thinking. At the decision-making process, members were forced to introduce cognitive to consider the alternative of each item in the controversy. In order to enhance the decision-making effectiveness, but it is not focus on reaching consensus for the purpose, and undermining the satisfaction with the decision-making process.In this paper, the experimental group decision-making for different communication patterns questionnaire and the results of analysis resulted in an important communication problem in the process of information exchange exist in the lower frequency, the members of access to information asymmetry and so on. In order to solve the information carrier single, scattered issues in group decision-making system, it put forward a Toulmin structure model as the carrier of information expression. And use the data model in the group decision support systems. It also uses Emerging-based Multi-agent group decision support system for collaborative framework to coordinate communication between group members and awareness of communication for group decision-making process. There is always information asymmetry, group thinking, and so on in the communication of group decision-making process, so the design of logic and rational decision-making process put forward a logical model of the system is running. It also introduced the JXTA and P2P network model as a framework to enrich the communication channels, a better solution to the information asymmetry, group thinking, information transmission form a single and soon.At last.Paper concluded the system’s strengths and needs improvement.

  • 【分类号】C934
  • 【被引频次】4
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