

Design and Implement of Electro-optic Modulator on Silicon Based on Microring Resonator

【作者】 胡挺

【导师】 余明斌; 余宁梅;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 电光调制器是光纤通信网络中的核心元件,目前通信网络中广泛应用的调制器是用LiNbO3或III-V族化合物制作的,由于与传统的COMS工艺不兼容,器件制作成本很高。硅材料广泛而廉价,硅基工艺技术成熟,若能设计制作出硅基的电光调制器,就能大大降低成本。另一方面,集成电路中传统的电互连正面临传输的瓶颈,以光互连代替电互连将是今后的一大发展趋势。硅基电光调制器的研制可以推动硅基光互联技术的发展,而且方便与微电子集成电路混合集成。因此,从片上集成和互联的角度出发,研究硅基光波导电光调制器也十分有意义。本文阐述了基于光微环谐振器的硅基电光调制器的原理。利用传输矩阵法,研究了光微环谐振器的基本原理和性质,深入分析了影响微环谐振器性能的各个因素,详细阐述了光耦合系数与环内衰减因子对微环谐振器滤波特性的影响。为了避免模间色散对器件性能的影响,采用波导设计软件Rsoft的BPM模块进行模拟计算,设计了满足单偏单模的脊型截面纳米线波导结构。利用软件Rsoft的FDTD模块对波导的传输损耗、弯曲损耗以及与光纤的耦合损耗进行了模拟计算,设计了减小损耗的结构尺寸。芯片测试结果显示,实现了3dB带宽约为0.158nm,消光比约为9.753dB, FSR约为10nm,端面耦合损耗约为5.5dB/facet,并且只支持TE偏振态的基模传输的硅基光微环谐振器,为制作硅基电光调制器做了充分准备。本文根据等离子色散效应,对调制器的电学结构-pin二极管做了详细的分析和数值模拟仿真,设计了满足电光调制要求的pin结构。仿真软件采用的是synopsys公司的ISE-TCAD。最后,利用性能优越的pin二极管,结合高性能的光微环谐振器,最终设计并实现了基于光微环谐振器的硅基电光调制器,测试结果显示,调制速率可达20kHz、调制深度11.723dB。

【Abstract】 Electro-optic modulator is the key device in the optical fiber communication (OFC) network. The electro-optic modulator applied widely in the OFC currently is made by the materials of LiNbO3 orⅢ-Ⅴcompound, the process of which is not compatible with the standard COMS process and leads the device to high price. Silicon distribution is broad in the earth and very cheap. Silicon-based technology is mature so that the cost of producing an electro-optic modulator will be decreased strikingly if they are made by silicon. On the other hand, the traditional electric interconnection is facing the bottleneck now. There is a tendency that the electrical interconnection will be replaced by the optic interconnection. The research and implement of electro-optic modulator based on silicon waveguide will pull the development of the optical interconnection on silicon chip. And the electro-optic modulator based on silicon can be integrated with electronic integrated circuit. From this point, the research of electro-optic modulator based on silicon waveguide is meaningful.In this paper, the mechanism of the electro-optic modulator on silicon based on microring resonator (MRR) is elaborated. The principle and characteristics of the MRR are investigated by the transfer matrix method. The effect of various factors to the MRR is analyzed. The influence of the coupling and decay coefficient to the MRR is explained in detail. In order to avoid the mode dispersion, the single polarization and single mode rib optic waveguide is designed in this paper by using the BPM module of the waveguide designing soft named Rsoft. The transmission loss, bend loss and coupling loss between the fiber and waveguide is simulated by the FDTD module of Rsoft. The test result shows that the MRR with narrow 3dB bandwidth value and high extinction ratio is implemented. The 3dB bandwidth value and the extinction ratio for the MRR are around 0.158nm and 9dB respectively. The free spectra range (FSR) is about lOnm. The coupling is loss to the fiber is around 5.5dB/facet. The fundamental quasi-TE mode is only promised to transmit in the waveguide. All these work are prepared very well for the design and implement of electro-optical modulator. The electrical structure, which is a pin diode, is analyzed and simulated in this paper as well. The simulation tool is called ISE-TCAD which is produced by the Synopsys. The pin diode match to the need of the electro-optic modulation is designed. Finally, the high performance pin diode is combined to the MRR, which implements an electro-optical modulator on silicon. The test result shows that the electro-optical modulator can operate at a speed 20Hz with a modulation depth 11.723dB.

  • 【分类号】TN761
  • 【被引频次】2
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