

Seepage Analysis and Study on Anti-Seepage Measures of Li River Third Tunnel from Shang Zhou to Lan Tian Highway

【作者】 冯雨

【导师】 丁卫华;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 拟建的李家河水库与李家河隧道之间存在一定的水头差,李家河水库可能对李家河隧道的渗流量产生一定的影响,从而影响到隧道运营期安全,因此李家河隧道渗流分析与工程防渗措施研究具有重要的工程应用价值。本文的主要工作有:(1)开展了专门的水文地质调查研究工作和野外地质调查,重点进行了隧道与水库之间裂隙调查与统计、断层调查、断层带地球物探、断层带地质勘探钻孔、以及压水试验渗透系数实测等工作,为渗流模型的建立提供实际参数;(2)进行了隧道开挖施工期间围岩渗漏部位和渗流量的观察和测量,并实测了竣工后隧道的总渗流量;(3)对岩体水力学裂隙渗流理论进行分析,结合李家河隧道实际的岩体特征和水文地质条件,建立了岩体渗流分析的数学模型;(4)根据隧道竣工期渗水量,运用渗流软件对岩体渗流进行了反演分析,得到了合理的渗透系数场,根据渗透系数场并通过计算抗水压段灌浆与不灌浆时李家河三号隧道的渗流量,对比分析隧道抗水压段横剖面拱顶外水压力和流速的分布,验证灌浆的必要性。(5)分别对隧道在李家河水库水位到达880m条件下、突发暴雨条件下以及李家河水库水位880m和突发暴雨共同作用条件下隧道渗流结果进行分析,提出了李家河三号隧道工程的防排水的措施为:抗水压段灌浆,减少渗流量和防止围岩渗透破坏;布置全隧道防水措施,包括土工布和防水板;建立合理的隧道纵向排水系统,通过以上措施实现隧道围岩地下水的防排结合。本文针对李家河三号隧道抗水压段进行了数值模拟,论证了灌浆必要性,预测了三种工况下隧道渗流量。根据预测结果分析,提出了李家河隧道具体的防排水方案。

【Abstract】 There is difference of waterhead between the proposed Li River reservoir and the Li River tunnel., which will likely lead to Li River tunnel seepage certainly, thus affecting the operational safety of the tunnel. To carry out Li River tunnel seepage analysis and anti-seepage measures play an important value on engineering.Thesis main work as follows:(1) Do a research of a specific hydro-geological investigation, such as field geological survey, concentrating on fracture survey and statistics and fault investigation between the tunnel and reservoir, geophysical prospecting of earth fault, geological exploration drilling of fault, as well as the pressurizing water test, etc., in order to provide practical parameters for seepage mode;(2) Carry out rockmass seepage observations and measurements during the tunnel excavation, and measure the total seepage discharge after the completion of the tunnel;(3) Make a theory analysis on fracture mechanics in rock mass hydraulics, and establish a mathematical model of rock seepage analysis combined with Li River tunnel rock mass characteristics and the actual hydro-geological conditions;(4) According to the tunnel seepage volume in the completion period, carry out the inversion analysis of a reasonable permeability coefficient with the use of rock flow software, and verify the necessity of grouting through the comparative analysis of waterhead distribution and seepage velocity distribution between grouting and without grouting;(5)According to seepage analysis results of Li River tunnel when Li River reservoir water level is 880m, when sudden rainstorm comes, and under the action of Li River reservoir water level is 880m with the sudden rainstorm.Put forward anti-seepage and drainage measures for Li River 3rd tunnel project:grouting in anti-pressure section to reduce seepage and prevent the surrounding rock seepage failure, seting waterproof board and earthwork cloth in all the tunnel, making reasonable arrangements for vertical drainage system,in order to achieve the combination of anti-seepage and drainage.In this paper,author verifys the necessity of grouting through a numerical simulation in anti-pressure section of Li River 3rd tunnel under three working conditions, and provides an important measures for anti-seepage and drainage design.
