

Study on Regulation of Ecological Basic Flow in Baoji City Segment of Weihe River

【作者】 尚小英

【导师】 李怀恩;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 渭河流域的生态环境长期以来呈总体恶化趋势。渭河宝鸡市区段生态环境问题尤其突出,造成河流功能退化,水资源的供需矛盾日趋严重,严重制约了宝鸡市经济与社会的可持续发展,解决生态环境问题迫在眉睫。为了维持河流最基本的生态环境功能,就要保障河流的生态基流。在实践上,以往的区域水资源配置与水利工程调度主要考虑传统的兴利除害(城镇供水、灌溉、防洪、发电等)目标,很少或者不考虑河道生态基础流量与生态功能方面的需求,更缺乏考虑生态目标的调度管理经验。本论文以渭河宝鸡市区段为研究对象,探讨生态基流得到满足下的水资源优化配置。主要研究内容及成果如下:1、分析了宝鸡市的社会经济状况、水资源特性、水环境状况等,并探讨了渭河宝鸡市区段的河道特性和河道功能,为生态基流的最终确定奠定基础。2、计算了渭河宝鸡市区段水质达标所需的自净需水量,确定了近期渭河宝鸡市区段的生态基流量。根据搜集到的资料,结合该研究区段的实际状况,运用段首控制法、最小月平均流量法、质量守恒法对自净需水量进行计算,结果表明现状排污下的自净需水量要远大于达标排污下的自净需水量。其中现状排污下的自净需水量为16.3m3/s-89.6 m3/s,达标排污下的自净需水量为7.68m3/s~34.7 m3/s。在此基础上,结合已有研究成果,确定近期渭河宝鸡市区段生态基流值为10.0m3/s。3、进行渭河宝鸡市区段生态基流量的盈缺评价及其影响因素分析。在渭河宝鸡市区段所需生态基流量已知的情况下,对其进行盈缺评价。并分析宝鸡峡灌区引水、魏家堡水电站引水、宝鸡峡渠首加坝加闸工程以及区间支流补给、市区污水排放、农业及其他方面的节水等因素对生态基流的盈亏影响,以便为区域水资源合理配置提供依据。4、建立渭河宝鸡市区段生态基流的调控模型并进行模型求解。在综合分析影响因素的基础上,运用系统优化理论,建立了数学模型,在满足系统基本生态需水的前提下,使系统中的水资源配置实现最优。并分丰水年(25%)、平水年(50%)、枯水年(75%)三种典型代表年;生态基流量的不同保证程度即保证率分别为100%、80%、60%三种情形;现有调蓄设施分考虑和不考虑两种情况,来对模型进行应用。并针对宝鸡峡塬上灌区提出相应的农业节水工程措施和非工程措施。从而减少农业灌溉需水,有利于生态基流保障。

【Abstract】 The ecological environment of Weihe River basin showed deterioration trend over the long time. The ecological environment problems of Baoji City segment of Weihe River is particularly prominent, resulting in degradation of the river features, contradiction of water demand and supply become increasingly serious, the sustainable development of economy and society of Baoji is restricted, so it is urgent to address the ecological environment problems. In order to maintain the ecological environment functions of rivers, it is necessary to ensure the ecological basic flow. In practice, traditional benefit-rasing goals (town water supply, irrigation, flood control, power generation, etc.) were mainly considered in previous regional water resources allocation and operation of water project, little or no ecological basic flow and ecological function demand, but also lack of scheduling management experiences considering the ecological objective.Taking the example of Baoji City segment of Weihe River, the optimal allocation of water resources is studied while ecological basic flow is met. Main research contents and results are summarized as follows:1. Several aspects are analyzed including the socio-economic situation in Baoji, water features, water environment, etc., and also the river features and channel functions of Baoji City segment of Weihe River, for the finalization of the ecological basic flow.2. Self-purification flow is Calculated and the recent ecological basic flow is determined. According to the information collected, combined with the actual situation of the study section, self-purification water demand is calculated using the section-beginning control method, the minimum monthly average flow method, mass conservation method. Results show that the self-purification water demand under present situation to be much larger than the standard reaching situation. The self-purification water demand under present situation is 16.3m3/s~ 89.6m3/s, and the self-purification water demand under standard reaching situation is 7.68m3/s~34.7 m3/s. On this basis, combined with the results existing, the ecological basic flow is determined to be 10.0m3/s in this paper.3. The profit and loss evaluation and impact factors analysis about the ecological basic flow are made in this paper. The profit and loss is evaluated under the case of base flow known. And impact factors are analyzed including Baoji Gorge irrigation district water diversion, Weijiabu Hydropower plant water diversion, Baoji irrigation headwork and branch supplement, urban sewage discharge, agricultural and other water-saving factors, which provides the basis for rational allocation of water resources.4. The ecological basic flow control model of Baoji City segment of Weihe River is established and the model is applied. Based on comprehensive analysis of factors, using system optimization theory, the mathematical model is built to realize optimum water allocation while meeting the ecological basic flow demand. And the model is applied in different cases, such as wet year (25%), flat-water year (50%), dry year (75%), three kinds of typical representative years; the different level of assurance of ecological basic flow that the guaranteed rates are 100%,80%,60%; the existing regulation and storage facilities, to consider and not. From Baoji Gorge up-tableland irrigation area, feasible engineering measures and non-engineering measures are put forward, aims to reduce irrigation water and guarantee the ecological basic flow.
