

Study on the Model of Urban Water-saving Society Construction in Baoji

【作者】 黄茹

【导师】 解建仓; 汪妮;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生命之源,水危机也是今后中国所面临的重大挑战之一。水资源的短缺和时空分布不均,严重制约了宝鸡市社会经济的发展。建设节水型社会是解决目前城市水资源短缺、推动社会、经济可持续发展的根本出路。本文在分析宝鸡市水资源开发利用的基础上,从规划管理和措施方案方面探讨节水型社会建设的理论与实践问题,构建宝鸡市节水型社会建设模式,并重点对模式中的三大支撑工程——节水型社会管理信息化、节水专家大院和节水文化进行研究,旨在推动节水型社会的建设以及城市的和谐、可持续发展。主要研究工作包括以下几个方面:(1)通过研究宝鸡市水资源开发利用状况和经济社会发展的需求,论证节水型社会建设的必要性和紧迫性,从而提出宝鸡市城市节水型社会建设模式。(2)提出基于Web体系结构的节水型社会管理信息化平台及其主要的功能结构,详细研究平台的实现技术和体系结构,并建设宝鸡市节水型社会管理信息化重点项目。(3)通过建立节水专家大院来推广节水科技成果和知识。并提出节水专家大院的综合运作模式和运行机制。详细研究基于事例推理技术CBR的专家指导模式,并阐述节水专家大院的服务内容。(4)从心理、道德和习惯方面对城市各群体的用水行为进行分析,提出用节水文化来加强个人的节水意识,推动全社会节水风气的形成。重点研究从观念文化、制度文化和物质文化三方面进行节水文化体系的建设。

【Abstract】 Water is the source of life.water crisis is also becoming the biggest challenge we will face in future. Water shortage and uneven distribution of time and spatial severely restricts the social and economical development of Baoji city. Construction of water-saving society is fundamental way to solve the water shortage problem in cities, to promote the sustainable of social and economical development.The theory and practice of water-saving society construction were discussed on managements and measures. The model of water-saving society construction in Baoji city was developed, especially the three support projects, namely, informatization management of society, experts courtyard and water-saving culture. the models of water-saving society construction were developed to promote the sustainable and harmoniously of the city. The main achievements are as follows:(1) By researching the utilization of water resources economic and social development needs in Baoji city, necessity and urgency in water-saving society construction was demonstrated, therefore the Baoji City water-saving society construction mode was put forward.(2)Functional structure of a water-saving informatization platform based on WEB was proposed. Function, implement technology and system structure of a water-saving informatization platform was proposed to surport the key project of water-saving society in Baoji city.(3) Expert courtyard is developed to popularize the water-saving achievement and knowledge, in which the details of operation mechanism, expert guidance mode based on CBR and service content of expert courtyard are also discussed.(4)According to psychological, moral and customary on water use, water-use behaviors of various urban groups was analyzed. To strengthen the sense of personal water-saving and promote the formation of water-saving ethos in the whole society by water-saving culture was proposed. The construction of water-saving culture system was researched with the emphasis on concept culture, system culture as well as materialistic culture.
