

Research on the Stream Numerical Simulation of Shitou River Reservoir Irrigation District East Main Channel

【作者】 李钊

【导师】 李智录;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为了实现对石头河水库灌区东干渠渠道运行的实时监控,加强用水管理,节约用水,本文在分析输水过程中水流特性的基础上进行水流数值建模,针对所建模型中渠道糙率、综合渗漏系数等参数无法用具体公式求得,提出应用遗传算法根据稳定输水阶段实测的水位、流量值进行反演计算的计算方法和计算步骤,通过对桩号0+000.000至桩号10+150.290的模拟计算,并与实测值进行比较分析,从而验证了应用遗传算法反演参数的方法的正确性,检验了所建模型的准确性和可行性。此项研究为石头河水库灌区东干渠水流数值模拟做出了有益的探讨。论文主要研究内容和成果如下:(1)回顾了前人在灌区渠道水流模拟方面以及对渠道糙率反演和渠道渗漏量计算方法的研究成果。概述了石头河水库灌区东干渠渠系自动化监测系统的设计。(2)分别从恒定渐变流和非恒定渐变流两个方面论述了灌区渠道水动力学模型及计算方法。(3)提出了旁侧入流量由渠道的渗漏量、蒸发量和雨水入渠量之和构成,对旁侧入流量的每一项分别进行了分析建模,并建立了各种交叉式输水建筑物(倒虹吸、渡槽、暗渠、隧洞和闸门)的水流数值模拟模型。(4)提出了根据稳定输水阶段的水位、流量实测值,应用遗传算法反演渠道糙率和综合渗漏系数等参数的计算方法和计算步骤,并对桩号0+000.000至桩号10+150.290渠段的糙率和综合渗漏系数进行了反演计算。(5)通过对桩号0+000.000至桩号10+150.290渠段的水流过程模拟计算,进一步验证了根据稳定输水阶段的水位、流量实测值,应用遗传算法反演渠道糙率和综合渗漏系数的方法的正确性,检验了所建模型的准确性和可行性。

【Abstract】 In order to achieve Shitou River Reservoir Irrigation District East Main Channel of the real-time monitoring of running, strengthening of water management and conservation, base on the analysis of water flow characteristics of the process on the basis of numerical modeling of flow, the model for the roughness of the channels, the integrated parameters such as leakage coefficient can not find a specific formula, application of genetic algorithms to the measured values in accordance with the method of calculating inverse calculation and the calculation steps, by stimulation the 0+000.000 to the 10+150.290,and comparative with measured values, so application of genetic algorithms to verify the inversion method parameters, tested the accuracy and the feasibility of the model. The study for the Shitou River Reservoir Irrigation District East Main Channel of numerical simulation of flow to make a useful discussion.The contents and major results are as follows:(1) Recalling the previous channels in the irrigation area, as well as hydraulic modeling of channel roughness and channel inversion method of calculating the amount of leakage of research results. Provides an overview of Shitou River Reservoir Irrigation District East Main Channel of the design of automated monitoring system.(2) Graduated from constant gradient flow and non-constant gradient flow two ways, discussed the channels in the irrigation of hydrodynamic model and method of calculating.(3) Made to flow from side channel composition of the Leakage、Evaporation、The volume of rainwater into the drainage and water volume quantity, of lateral flow into each of the modeling analysis, and establishment of a variety of cross-water flow numerical simulation of the building model (Inverted、Aqueduct、Culverts、Tunnel、Gate).(4) According to the stability of water raised the water level stage、flow measured, application of genetic algorithms and integrated inversion channel roughness parameters such as leakage coefficient calculation method and calculation steps, and comprehensive calculation of the inversion of the canal, between 0+000.000 to 10+150.290 leakage of the roughness coefficients. (5) By the 0+000.000 to 10+150.290 drainage process flow simulation, further verify the stability of water under the water level stage、flow measured, application of genetic algorithms inversion of channel roughness and overall leakage coefficient method, tested the accuracy and the feasibility of the model.
