

Facial Feature Point Location Algorithm and Its Application in Face Caricature Portrait

【作者】 张智敏

【导师】 朱虹;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 卡通人脸是指既具夸张风格,又不失真实人脸的可识别特征的艺术形象。近年来,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,如何利用计算机自动生成卡通人脸肖像已经成为国内外的研究热点之一。本文对人脸卡通肖像绘制方法从特征定位、图像变形以及肖像提取三个方面展开研究。首先:本文参考MPEG-4标准,建立了一个由78个特征点表示的人脸模型,并采用主动形状模型(Active Shape Model,ASM)方法进行人脸特征定位。然而,该方法易受初始情况、光照等因素的影响,会因模型畸变导致特征点不能提取准确。为此,本文提出了一种根据特征点间的位置关系,建立关联度评价函数,由此修正特征点搜索错误。实验结果表明,与传统ASM相比,本算法可获得高准确度的定位效果。其次:在夸张人脸个性特征时,只需要通过用户交互,选取需要变形的人脸特征,就能够对该特征对应的特征点的位置进行调整。再利用基于特征线对的图像变形方法,可实现对人脸图像进行变形,获得具有夸张效果的人脸图像。最后:在肖像化的过程中,本文利用特征点的位置,并定义了一定的笔触,使得人脸轮廓线会产生渐变的效果,使获得的肖像画更具立体特征,更生动。实验结果表明,本系统可准确提出人脸的特征点,并且可以生动自然生成人脸卡通肖像画。

【Abstract】 Caricature Face is an artistic image which refers to be both exaggerated and without losing the true face’s identifiable features. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, the issue of how to use computer to automatically generate caricature face portrait has become a research hot spot at home and abroad. In this paper, the research on face caricature portrait is studied from facial feature location, image warp, as well as face portrait three aspects.First of all, according to MPEG-4 standard, this paper use 78 feature points to express human face model, and use active shape model (ASM) method to locate feature points. However, due to lighting condition and other factors, it will lead to inaccurate feature point location due to model distortion. So, this paper proposes to construct an association degree evaluation function according to relations of feature points. This revises error feature points. The experimental results show that the algorithm is able to obtain highly accurate result than the traditional ASM.Second:When exaggerating facial personal features, just need user interaction, select the required deformation facial features, then can correspond to the characteristics of the location of feature points to adjust, and utilize image distortion algorithm based on feature lines can realized image deformation and obtain an exaggerated effects of human face images.In the end:In the process of portrait, this paper uses the positions of feature points and defines a brush stroke which can get gradient facial contours. So, the portrait can be more and more vivid.The experimental results show that the system can make an accurate facial feature points location, and can make a lively face cartoon portraits.
