

The Finite Element Analysis Basing on the Contact Problem for Cylinder Roller Bearing of Printing Machine

【作者】 王进堂

【导师】 武吉梅;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 印刷工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 印刷机滚筒上的圆柱滚子轴承是印刷机的重要部件之一,它应能满足高速、重载、工作精度高等要求。因此,如何保证印刷机轴承处于良好的工作状态对整个印刷生产具有重大的意义。本文主要以赫兹接触理论和有限元法为理论基础,对印刷机滚筒轴承接触问题的分析方法进行了分析和研究。首先,运用了赫兹公式和有限元法对外形规则、接触状态简单的模型进行接触应力和接触变形计算。其次,重点分析了有限元法处理接触问题的一般过程,给出了如何选择接触单元、建立有限元模型,如何划分网格、建立接触对,如何加载、求解。提出了分析过程中应注意的关键问题,如网格单元大小的选择,载荷施加问题等。最后,以高宝科美特70(KBA COMET 70)报纸轮转印刷机压印滚筒上的轴承为例分析了三维单圆柱轴承和全尺寸轴承的受力变形情况。本论文研究的主要内容有:1、基于圆柱滚子轴承力学分析的理论及原则、单体接触问题中的Hertz理论,以高宝科美特70 (KBA COMET 70)报纸轮转印刷机滚筒用NN3024ASK.M.P型双排圆柱滚子轴承为例,详细分析了轴承的接触应力、变形、载荷分布情况。2、建立了接触分析的有限元模型,采用接触问题的拉格朗日乘子法,分别讨论了二维接触模型在不同单元长度不同载荷作用下的一系列的结果,得到了接触变形图,讨论了网格疏密对求解结果的影响,提出了解决接触问题的有效方法,为分析三维接触问题打下基础。3、建立了最大载荷滚动体处的接触模型,得出了滚动体、套圈的接触应力变形图,利用有限元数值方法对接触弹性变形量与作用载荷的关系指数进行了修正。4、在单个滚子轴承的基础上建立了全尺寸三维圆柱滚子轴承NN3024ASK.M.P的有限元模型,详细论述了ANSYS提供的边界条件设置以及轴承载荷的施加情况。对轴承进行数值模拟并分析,得到了轴承性能分析的有效方法,为该轴承承载能力动力学分析研究奠定了基础。5、应用有限元数值模拟技术对圆柱滚子进行了凸度设计。本文的研究方法和结果对印刷机滚筒轴承的可靠性分析和优化设计具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The Cylindrical Roller Bearing is one of the important components of the printing machine. Not only the roller Bearing is working in high precision, but also it must meet the challenge of over loading and high speed. Therefore, it is significant for entire printing production to ensure the normal work and life of the cylindrical Roller Bearing. The analyzing method of the contact Problems and engineering application is researched basing on Hertz contacting theory and finite element method.First contact stress and deformation of Parts which have normal shapes and simple contacting status are calculated using Hertz formula and finite element method. Then process of finite element method dealing with contact problem is discussed. Choice of contact elements, establishing finite element model, portion of gridding, establishing contact Pairs, loading and solution are expatiated. At last, The distorted deform of the one cylindrical Roller Bearing and entire cylindrical Roller Bearing is given.The thesis includes the main contents in the listed below:1、Take the NN3024ASK.M.P bearing which produced by KBA used on roller for example, based on the power analysis and Hertz theory with cylinder roller contact problem, the contact stress, displacement, and the load distributed is analyzed in detailed.2、Finite element model of the contact analysis is established. based on the contact theory with Lagrange, the results of the 2d finite element contact model in different length and different load is discussed. The contact stress is got, and the results influence by different mesh is given, which make a good guide for 3d contact problems.3、The contact model which take the biggest load is established, and the contact stress between the cylindrical roller and ring is demonstrated. The index between the displacement and load is modified based on the FEM methods and theory.4、The whole model and finite element model of the NN3024 bearing is established, and the math simulation and analysis of the border and load is made, the method of the properties of the bearing is given, and make a foundation for dynamic analysis. 5、Based on the Finite element numerical simulation technology, the cylinder roller convexity is designed.The method and outcome will bring important effect on optimization design and reliable of the cylindrical Roller Bearing.
