

Study on Spatial Variability of Land Productivity in Nutrient Barren Area of Heilonggang

【作者】 王兴华

【导师】 霍习良; 门明新;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 确保国家粮食安全,是构建社会主义和谐社会的前提条件。生产力是耕地生态系统的核心和关键,中国粮食供给的增长是在粮食单产已经接近甚至超过世界平均水平的基础上的再提高,所以研究区域耕地生态系统生产力及生产力变异性空间分布规律和特征,剖析影响生产力空间差异的主控因素,对耕地生态系统生产力稳定提高具有重要意义。本研究以黑龙港流域雄县耕地生态系统为研究对象,通过剖析农耕地生产力变异性理论及内涵,从不同层次出发剖析了雄县耕地生产力空间变异性特征,构建了田块尺度耕地生态系统生产力及生产力变异性的评价指标体系,采用实地调查、室内分析和图件处理等方法,分析了雄县耕地生产力及生产力变异性空间分布规律和主控因素。主要得到以下结论:(1)从耕地生产力的趋势性、波动性和稳定性三个角度对雄县耕地生产力进行分析。生产力趋势上,粮食总产趋势值平均增长率为4.05%,趋势增长率发展并不稳定,从2000年开始增长率呈下降趋势;年均增长率超过4.00%的乡镇为米北乡,为全县最高,大营镇发展条件相对较差,粮食总产趋势量增长为负值,为-0.28%。波动性方面,雄县粮食总产量呈现出了5年、10年、15年三个时间尺度周期性变化同时存在的波动特征,波动强度存在由东南部向西北部减弱的空间分布规律,其中北沙乡波动强度最大,达到0.59,居全县之首,昝岗波动强度仅为0.12,为全县最低。稳定性变化特征呈现出由东南向西北逐渐弱的整体空间分布格局,雄县雄州镇耕地生产力稳定性最高为0.3968,北沙乡耕地生产力的稳定性指数小于0,是雄县耕地生产力稳定性最差的区域。(2)建立了田块尺度耕地生产力评价指标体系,通对全县各地块标准粮产量的分析,探明了雄县耕地生产力空间分布规律及主要影响因素。雄县标准粮最高为891kg/亩,最低仅为432kg/亩,全县范围内不同标准粮产量水平分片集中度较高。排水条件、有机质、灌溉保证率、全氮、碱解氮和速效钾是田块尺度上生产力空间波动的主控因素,随着生产力的不断升高,人为因素和自然因素对生产力的影响出现交替现象,具体表现为:生产力相对较低区人为因素和土壤自然属性共同作用,生产力较高区人为因素占主导地位。(3)从田块尺度进一步对雄县耕地生产力变异性进行分析,揭示了雄县耕地生产力空间变异性规律。1类变异区([0,0.10])面积分布最大为9722.28hm2,占雄县耕地总面积的31.09%;2类变异区((0.10,0.18])和3类变异区((0.18,0.25])面积相当,分别为7889.41hm2和7862.33hm2,占总面积的25.23%和25.14%;4类变异区((0.25,0.38])面积分布最小,仅占耕地总面积的18.54%。生产力稳定性空间波动的主控因素主要有全氮、土体构型、盐渍化情况和有机质含量。总体上看,人为作用对雄县耕地生态系统生产力稳定性的影响最大,土壤自然属性因素在中等稳定程度上与人为因素相当。(4)雄县耕地生态系统生产力高产出(标准粮产量高)不一定高稳定,而低产出(标准粮产量低)亦不一定低稳定,两者存在相互交叉区,即有一定的交叉性。高产出高稳定和高产出低稳定两区面积最大分别为6836.73hm2和68766.61hm2,占全县耕地总面积的43.85%,雄县耕地生态系统生产力水平较高、稳定性较强,加强人工管理,控制施肥量,提高灌溉工程设施等是保持高产出高稳定状态良好手段。

【Abstract】 To ensure national food security is a prerequisite of building a socialist harmonious society. productivity is the core and key of Farmland ecosystem, the growth of China’s food supply is based on a further increase when the grain yield is already close to or above the world average, so studying on regional agro-ecosystem productivity and Variability of spatial distribution and characteristics of productivity, analysising the controlling factors of the land productivity spatial variability, is important to the improvment of the Agro-ecosystem productivity. In this study, taking the Xiong County Land of Heilonggang Valley for ecosystem study, by analyzing the theory and content of the land productivity spatial variability, the study analysised the feature of Xiong County land productivity spatial variability through different levels and builded evaluation system of land productivity and land productivity variation in field Scale, And then studyed the spatial distribution and controlling factors by using the methods of field survey, laboratory analysis and map address. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The land productivity was analyzed from three aspects of trend, volatility and stability. Productivity trends, the average growth rate of total grain output is 4.05% and it is not stable development, the growth rates has declined since 2000; The villages and towns of the average annual growth rate more than 4.00% is Mibei and it’s the highest in Xiongxian county.The development conditions of Daying town is poor and total grain output grew for the negative trend by the -0.28%. In the Volatility of land productivity, Xiong County’s total grain output shows the 5yeaes, 10 yeaes and 15 yeaes, three time scale fluctuations in the cyclical changes in characteristics exist, the spatial distribution of fluctuations in intensity is weakening from the southeast to the northwest, the fluctuations of the maximum intensity is 0.59 in Beisha town and the minimum is 0.12 in Zangang town. The Stability variation showed a feature that it is weaken gradually from southeast to northwest, the highest stability of land productivity is 0.3968 in Xiongzhou town and the lowest is Beisha town which is Less than zero,is the worst areas in cultivated land productivity stability in Xiongxian County.(2) The study established a field scale evaluation index system of land productivity, Ascertained the spatial distribution and the main control factors of land productivity in Xiongxian. Xiong County pay the highest standard grain of 891kg/acre, the minimum is only 432kg/acre, and the standard grain within the different levels of distribution was distributed by poor state flower,the concentration of Land Quality is Higher. Drainage conditions, organic matter, irrigation guarantee rate, total nitrogen, available nitrogen and potassium is the control factors of volatility of productivity.With the productivity rising, Human factors and natural factors on the productivity appeared alternately phenomenon, Concrete expression is: Human factors and natural properties of soil is interacting in the relatively low productivity areas, dominated by human factors higher productivity areas.(3) It reveals spatial variability rule of land productivity from further cultivated field scale for land productivity variability in Xiong County.The distribution area of one class variable region ([0,0.10]) 9722.28hm2 is the biggest ,and accounts for 31.09% in the total area of cultivated land, 2 class variable region ((0.10,0.18]) and 3 class variable region ((0.18,0.25]) are similar, It is respectively 7889.41hm2 and 7862.33hm2 and accounts for 25.23% and 25.14%; 4 class variable region ((0.10,0.18]) is the least and only accounts for 18.54% .The controlling factors of productivity space fluctuations in the Productivity stability contain mainly total nitrogen, soil configuration, salinization conditions and organic matter.The effect of human is the biggest for productivity in farmland ecosystem productivity stability, it is similar for Natural properties of soil stability factor in the middle with the very human factors.(4) High-yield farmland ecosystem productivity (grain yield high standard) is not necessarily high stability, and low output (standard grain yield is low) is not necessarily less stable in Xiong County. It exist the cross-cutting areas,that certains cross-cutting. High stability and high yield of low stability were the two largest area and 68766.61hm2 6836.73hm2,high yield of high stability and low yield of high stability respectively is 6836.73hm2 and 68766.61hm2, accounts for 43.85%in the total area of cultivated land throughout the county, The higher level and stability of farmland ecosystem productivity can maintain high steady-state by Strengthening labor management, controling fertilizer, improving irrigation facilities and so on.
