

The Mechanism and Effects of Seeds Treatment on Seed Vigor and Seedling Growth in Eggplant

【作者】 张新娥

【导师】 赵建军; 申书兴;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 种子老化是种子贮藏过程中普遍存在的现象,茄子种子老化后会造成活力下降,这将给茄子产业造成难以估量的经济损失。为了提高茄子老化种子的活力,本试验通过对茄子种子进行人工老化处理后,获得了中、中下、低三组不同活力程度的老化种子,应用11种方法对老化种子进行L9(34)正交试验设计处理,筛选出提高种子活力的最佳处理组合,用所筛选出的最佳组合处理不同活力程度的种子,进而测定种子的生理生化指标,进而研究种子活力提高的机理。本试验还采用最佳处理组合处理未人工老化种子,研究了种子处理对幼苗生长及幼苗的抗寒性的影响,对茄子生产和种质资源保存具有重要意义。结果如下:1.茄子种子活力指数、发芽指数、发芽率、发芽势均随老化天数的增加而逐渐下降,四者下降趋势相似。分别老化8、14、20天得到了中、中下、低三种不同活力的种子。2.应用GA、6-BA、AsA、PEG、KH2PO4、CaCl2、SA、CTS、SNP、低温、回干、11种处理都能提高茄子种子活力。结合生理生化、直观分析和方差分别获得了每种处理的最佳组合;其中GA的效果最好,其最佳组合条件为25℃、时间24h、浓度500mg/l,可使老化处理8 d的种子活力指数较对照提高2.44倍,使老化处理14 d的种子活力指数较对照提高2.70倍,使老化处理20 d的种子活力指数较对照提高2.77倍;其次是6-BA,其最佳组合为15℃、时间18h、浓度25mg/l;其它9种方法与对照差异也达显著水平。3.不同活力程度的种子经11种方法处理后,种子脱氢酶活性、SOD活性、POD活性、CAT活性、可溶性蛋白含量、淀粉含量显著提高;种子浸出液相对电导率、MDA含量显著下降。MDA含量和相对电导率与活力指数呈负相关,MDA含量与活力指数在0.01水平上显著相关;CAT、POD、SOD、脱氢酶活性与活力指数呈正相关,CAT活性与活力指数在0.01水平上显著相关,SOD活性与活力指数在0.05水平上显著相关;淀粉含量、可溶性蛋白含量与活力指数呈正相关,与活力指数在0.01水平上显著相关,可溶性蛋白含量与活力指数相关性最强。上述特点从机理上解释了种子活力提高的原因。4.种子处理提高了茄子的壮苗指数,提高了幼苗的素质。具体表现为提高了幼苗叶片的SOD活性、POD活性、CAT活性、可溶性蛋白的含量;降低了叶片MDA含量和相对电导率,在不同程度上提高了茄子幼苗的抗寒性。

【Abstract】 Seed aging is an ubiquitous phenomena,in eggplant seed vigor decreases after aging, resulting in negative effects on its industry. In this experiment three different aged seeds including low, middle-low and middle levels were obtained through artificial aging technology. In order to get the best combinations enhanced seed vigor, the L9(34) orthogonal design treatment was applied to screen aged seeds by 11 different treatments. These best combinations selected were used to treat the seeds with different levels of seeds vigor, from which the physiological and biochemical indices of seeds were studied and its mechanism was analyzed. The effects of seeds treatment on seedling growth and cold resistance in eggplant were also investigated by treating the non-artificial aged seeds with the best combinations selected, which is useful for eggplant production and genetic resources conservation . The results are as follows:1) The seed vigor index, germination index, germination percentage, and germination potential in eggplant decreased gradually with the increase in the number of days of aging, with similar downward trend. Three different types of seeds including low, middle-low and middle vigor levels were obtained by aging 8,14 and 20 days respectively.2) The seeds vigor was increased by 11 different treatments of GA, 6-BA, AsA, PEG, KH2PO4, CaCl2, SA, CTS, SNP, low temperature, hydration-dehydrationm. The best combination of each treatment was given through physiological and biochemical, ntuitionistic and variance analysis, among which GA was the best one with vigor index 2.44 times (aging treatment 8d), 2.70 times (aging treatment 14d) and 2.77 times (aging treatment 20d) higher than that of contrast, followed by 6-BA. The best combination conditions of GA were temperature of 25℃, time of 24h, and the concentration of 500mg/l; The best combination conditions of 6-BA were temperature of 15℃, time of 18h, and the concentration of 25mg/l; There were significant differences in vigor index between additional 9 treatments and contrast.3) By treating the different vigor levels of seeds with 11 different methods, the seed dehydrogenase activity, SOD activity, POD activity, CAT activity, soluble protein content, and starch content were significantly increased, the extract relative electrical conductivity, MDA content in seeds was significantly decreased. There were negative correlations between the vigor index and the MDA content, and relative electrical conductivity. The activity index was significantly correlated with the MDA content at 0.01 level, were positively correlated with CAT, POD, SOD, dehydrogenase activity and vigor index, and was significantly correlated with CAT activity at 0.01 level, was significantly correlated with SOD activity at 0.05 level. The activity index was also significantly correlated with starch content, soluble protein content at 0.01 level, in which the most relevant between the soluble protein content and the vitality index was observed. The above characteristics could explain the mechanism why seed vigor increases.4) The strong seedling index and the quality of seedlings were improved by treating eggplant seeds. Specifically, it increased the SOD activity, POD activity, CAT activity, soluble protein content in leaves, lowered MDA content and relative electrical conductivity in leaves, improved the cold tolerance of eggplant seedlings in some aspects.
