

Study on the Landscape of Public Space of Small Towns in Baoding City

【作者】 刘苗苗

【导师】 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自“第十五次全国人民代表大会”提出要搞好小城镇建设以来,小城镇规划建设问题受到广泛关注。这一时期,如何把作为城镇整体形象象征的公共空间建设好显得尤为重要。本文以保定市小城镇公共空间为研究对象,通过资料分析、问卷调查和实地调研等方法研究保定市小城镇公共空间景观建设的表现方式及发展现状,分析其存在的问题及产生原因,以延续小城镇公共空间景观的自然特色、地域文化特色和人性化设计为切入点,探索适合保定地区的小城镇公共空间景观建设的策略和方法。文章主要分为以下六部分内容:第一部分:绪论主要讨论小城镇公共空间景观研究的背景、目的意义、研究方法以及国内外研究现状,并初步形成了论文的基本框架结构。第二部分:小城镇公共空间概述在阐述了小城镇、公共空间及其景观相关概念的基础上,讨论小城镇公共空间的基本类型及景观的主要影响因素和构成要素,为小城镇公共空间景观进一步的理论研究和探讨打下了基础。第三部分:小城镇公共空间景观现状调查分析总结保定市小城镇在自然景观和人文景观方面的特征,并通过对保定市内部分小城镇公共空间的现状调研,分析小城镇公共空间景观存在问题的原因。第四部分:小城镇公共空间景观设计讨论小城镇公共空间景观设计的层次、相关的理论探索和空间景观设计的主要内容,探索性的提出保定市小城镇公共空间景观设计的策略和方法。第五部分:实例分析小城镇公共空间景观的实践应用,以保定市狼牙山镇为例,针对自然景观、人文景观和使用者三个要素方面对小城镇的街道、广场、绿地等空间的景观建设提出了相应的策略。第六部分:结论指出研究不足及今后研究的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Since "The Fifteenth National People’s Congress" proposes to do well of the construction of small towns, the planning and construction issues in small town received extensive attention. During this period, how to build the landscape of public space which means a symbol image overall the urban public space is very important.In this paper, Baoding small urban public space as research object, through the small town of Baoding, the performance of public space landscape construction methods and development status of its problems, a continuation of a small urban public space the natural landscape features, geographical and cultural characteristics and human design as the starting point, exploring the tactics and methods to the public space landscape in small towns of Baoding. The article is divided into the following six sections:PartⅠ:Introduction Which mainly discusses the background, the purpose and significance, the research methods and research status of landscape of public space in small towns, and formed the basic framework of the thesis structurePartⅡ:Overview of small urban public space In explaining the small towns, public space and landscape-related concepts, discusses small towns basic type of public space and landscape of the main factors and the elements, the landscape for small urban public space for further study and explore the theoretical foundation.PartⅢ:Investigation and analysis of landscape of public space small towns Summary natural landscape and cultural landscape features in the area of Baoding small towns, and through some small town of Baoding in the status of public space research, analysising the problems of landscape of public space in the small towns.PartⅣ:Design of landscape of Public Space in Small Towns In the small town level landscape design of public space, and space exploration related to landscape design theory of the main contents of the proposed exploratory small town of Baoding Public Space Design the tactics and methods.Part V:Case Study practice use of landscape of small towns unique designing, take Langyashan town in Baoding city as a example, propose the corresponding strategy for the natural landscape, cultural landscape and the users of three elements of the small town streets, squares, green spaces and other landscape building space.PartⅥ:Conclusion Figure out the weakness of this research and furthering develop direction.

【关键词】 保定市小城镇公共空间景观
【Key words】 BaodingSmall townsPublic spaceLandscape design