

【作者】 甄香兰

【导师】 陈克守;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 数字与我们的现代生活息息相关,随着计算机的发明和数字技术在生活中的广泛运用,人类日益进入一个数字化的时代,因此,人们越来越关注数字的研究。数字不单单表示数学概念,它还可以参与构词造句,成为使用频率很高的思维和交际工具,在这个意义上,我们可以说数字是“国人的第二语言”。而语言既是文化的一部分,又是文化的载体。不管在任何时期,以何种方式出现的文化现象,都能够体现一定的历史性和独特性。这些文化现象真实反映出不同历史时期的政治、经济和习俗,为我们今天了解当时的情况提供了宝贵的历史资料。汉语中数字的运用也具有这种特质。本论文主要分为五大部分。第一部分为绪论。主要是点明本课题的研究现状,继而明确本课题的研究范围、研究意义与方法等。第二部分论述汉语数字的文化内涵,主要从四个方面展开论述。首先,从物质文化角度看,人类创造出种种物质文明,其中无不有数字的痕迹。其次,从制度文化角度看,中华民族的种种生活制度、家庭制度、社会制度和理论体系,也处处体现出数字的功效。再次,从精神文化角度看,数字的运用也贯穿了人们的思维方式、审美情趣、宗教信仰和价值观念。最后,重点论述了数字姓名文化。第三部分是对上述种种文化现象的成因分析。汉语数字文化作为中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,有其产生和发展的社会历史背景和文化渊源。总体来说,汉语数字的文化内涵的形成可以从古代的哲学思想、宗教文化的折射、趋吉避凶的心理以及在社会习俗中的意义变异四个方面进行阐释。第四部分为汉语数字的文化内涵的社会功用。通过对汉语数字的文化内涵的分析,我们了解到,它是中华民族传统文化的载体和延续。对汉语数字的文化内涵的深刻理解,不仅可以帮助我们正确地理解汉语的字、词,而且有助于推动跨文化交流的顺利进行。因而我们要积极领悟汉语数字的文化内涵,发挥数字文化的积极意义。第五部分为结语。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,运用文化语言学、社会语言学等相关理论,从语用文化的角度研究汉语数字的文化内涵。并试图解释汉语数字文化内涵的成因,希望能对弘扬传统文化和跨文化交际有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Figures and our modern daily life, with the invention of computers and digital technology widely used in everyday life, humanity more and more into a digital era, therefore, there is growing concern about the number of studies. Figures do not only express mathematical concepts, it can make word-sentences, as a high frequency of use of thinking and communication tools. In this sense, we can say that figure is "Citizens have a second language ". Language is part of culture, but also the carrier of culture. In any given time, the manner in which the emergence of cultural phenomena that can reflect a certain historic and unique. The cultural phenomenon which reflects the different historical periods of political, economic and customs, providing valuable historical information for us to understand what was happening today. The uses of Chinese figures have such qualities.The thesis is divided into five major sections.The first part is introduction. The main issue is highlighted in the study of this status quo, and then clearly defines the scope of the study subjects to study the meanings and methods.The second part discusses the figures of Chinese culture, mainly from four fronts discussed. First, from the perspective of material culture, human beings created out of all kinds of material, which are all signs of a number. Secondly, from the system, and cultural point of view, all the life of the Chinese system, family system, social system and the theoretical system, but also reflects the number of effects everywhere. Again, from a spiritual and cultural point of view, figures also through the use of people’s way of thinking, aesthetics, religious beliefs and values. Finally, the name focuses on digital culture.The third part is on the above analysis of the causes of various cultural phenomena. As an important part of excellent Chinese traditional culture, the emergence and development of Chinese digital culture, has its historical background and cultural roots. Generally speaking, Chinese language and cultural connotation of the formation of figures from ancient philosophy, religion, culture, refraction, good fortune psychological as well as the significance of social customs in the four aspects of variation explained.Part IV is divided into the number of Chinese cultural connotation of social function. By the number of Chinese cultural connotation of the analysis, we understand that it is the carrier of Chinese traditional culture and continuity. Chinese figures on a deep understanding of cultural connotation, not only can help us to correctly understand the Chinese characters, words, but also help to promote cross-cultural communication goes smoothly. Thus we should actively grasp of Chinese digital culture, digital culture to play a positive significance. The fifth part is the conclusion.Drawing on previous research results, based on the use of cultural linguistics, social linguistics and other related theories, from a pragmatic perspective of Chinese culture, we study the cultural connotation of the number of Chinese. And attempt to explain the causes of Chinese digital cultural content, hoping to carry forward the traditional culture and cross-cultural communication help.
