

【作者】 孟文

【导师】 杨昭宁;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究表明,人类的记忆并不是对过去事件的准确复制,也存在着对过去事件的报告与事实发生严重偏离,产生错误记忆。错误记忆同正确记忆一样包含着记忆的本质信息,随着现代认知心理学的发展,错误记忆现象受到越来越多的关注,对错误记忆的探寻有助于人们理解潜在的记忆过程。以往的研究中研究者借助DRM范式对影响错误记忆的因素进行了深入的探讨。许多研究发现,预警提示和注意状态是影响错误记忆的重要因素,预警提示是否可以有效改善错误记忆,在各种实验结果之间存在差异,注意状态对错误记忆的影响也没有一个统一的定论,存在着大小不同甚至方向相反的效应,各种实验研究各执一词。因此,有必要对预警提示和注意状态两个因素进行研究,探讨其对错误记忆的影响。认知方式反映出个体在认知加工过程中具有的元认知技能不同,如注意的监控技能、信息的组织和提取能力存在着差异,认知方式是否对错误记忆产生影响,场独立被试与场依存被试在错误记忆方面是否存在差异值得进一步探讨。因此,本研究主要探讨不同认知方式个体在不同预警提示、不同注意状态下基于单词的错误记忆的差异问题以及认知方式、预警提示、注意水平对错误记忆的影响问题。本研究采用DRM研究范式,共设计了两个实验。实验一探讨认知方式、预警提示对错误记忆的影响,采用2(认知方式:场独立;场依存)×3(预警提示:无预警;学习阶段前预警,再认测验阶段前预警)×3(项目类型:学过项目;关键诱饵;无关项目)三因素混合设计,其中认知方式、预警提示为被试间变量,项目类型为被试内变量。实验二探讨认知方式、注意状态对错误记忆的影响,采用2(认知方式:场独立;场依存)×2(注意状态:集中注意;分散注意)×3(项目类型:学过项目;关键诱饵;无关项目)三因素混合实验设计,其中认知方式、注意状态为被试问变量,项目类型为被试内变量。研究结果表明:1.不同认知方式个体在错误记忆方面存在差异,场独立型被试对关键诱饵的错误再认率高于场依存型被试,场独立型个体更易出现关联性错误记忆。2.在学习阶段之前给予被试预警提示能够改善错误记忆,减少错误再认,同时对真实记忆有影响,降低了正确记忆,在预警提示因素上错误记忆和真实记忆存在共变。在再认测验阶段之前给予被试预警提示对降低错误再认没有显著影响。3.注意状态的改变对错误记忆没有显著影响,对关键诱饵的错误再认率在集中注意和分散注意条件下的不存在显著差异,错误记忆对一般水平上注意状态的变化不敏感。

【Abstract】 Studies have shown that human memory is not an accurate reproduction of past events. False memory, like the correct memory,contains essential information of human memory. With the development of modern cognitive psychology, the phenomenon of false memory are more and more attracted. To explore false memory will help people understand the potential process of human memory.Researchers in previous studies the factors of affecting false memory with DRM paradigm.Many studies have found that, warning and attention state are important factor affecting the false memory. Whether warning can be effective in improving false memory, it is a variety of differences between the experimental results. Attention to the False Memory does not have a uniform conclusion, there are different sizes and even opposite effects of various experimental study uncompromising. Therefore, it is necessary to examine warning and attention. Cognitive style reflects the individual in cognitive processing has a different meta-cognitive skills, such as attention control skills, information organization and retrieval capabilities, there are differences in cognitive styles whether the false memory effect, field-independent are test and field-dependence were tested whether differences exist in false memory worth exploring. Therefore, this study focused on the cognitive styles of different individuals in different warnings, the different attention to the word-based differences in memory problems.In this study, DRM paradigm, two experiments were designed. Experiments to explore a cognitive style, early warning prompted the impact of false memory, using 2 (cognitive style: field dependence; field-independence) x 3 (warning:no warning; learning phase before the warning, and then test phase of recognition before the warning)×3 (item type:studied items; the lure; unrelated items) three-factor mixed design; of these cognitive style, early warning prompts were tested between the variables were tested within the project type variable. Experiment 2 to explore cognitive style, attention status of the false memory effect using 2 (cognitive style: field-independence, field dependence) x 2 (attention condition:Focus; divided attention) x 3 (item type:studied items; lure; unrelated items) three-factor mixed experimental design, in which cognitive way, attention condition were tested between the variables, item type were tested within the project type variable.The results indicated:1. Different cognitive styles of individual are different in the error memory, field-independent subjects’errors rate in recognition is higher than field-dependent subjects, field-independent individuals are more vulnerable to associated false memory.2. Warning before learning phase can improve the false memory, reduce false recognition, while the correct memory also reduced. In the factors of early warning, false memory and real memory is covariant. Warning after learning phase before recognition test did not affect recognition significantly.,3. The result revealed that there is no difference in critical lure recognition rate between full attention and divided attention. False memory is not sensitive to the general level of attention changes.

  • 【分类号】B842.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】301