

【作者】 司海迪

【导师】 李冬红;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 唐诗作为中国古代文学宝库中的一枝奇葩,一直散发着永世不衰的艺术魅力。唐诗中的人物形象也一直是众多学者研究唐诗的一个重要切入点。唐诗中的思妇形象众多,其描写无不渗透着唐朝的时代特色,从中可以窥见唐朝女性的生活点滴,对于了解唐朝的时代背景和社会文化生活有着重要的文献价值。此外,认这些研究成果有助于建设我国先进的性别文化,吸收传统性别文化的精华,剔除其文化糟粕,既是对女性的尊重,对平等的追求,对文明的认知,也是对传统的尊重,对现时的负责,对未来的遗留。本文选择女性形象中的一个即思妇形象来做为研究对象。思妇形象自在《诗经》里面出现,在以后的岁月里一直延绵不绝,在两汉乐府诗和《古诗十九首》里也有所发展,到了唐代,思妇形象逐渐丰富起来,几乎每个大诗人的作品中都有思妇形象,其艺术手法达到了前所未有的高度。本文着重讨论唐诗中的思妇形象。本文按照思妇的身份将其分类,有征人妇、商人妇,游子妇等。对于唐诗中主要的三个思妇类型及其心理特点做了简要的描述,使读者横向上对唐诗中思妇形象有个大致的了解。然后,本文按照唐诗的四分法,即初唐、盛唐、中唐、晚唐的时间顺序,把思妇形象在整个唐代的发展流变做了简要的描述,使读者在从纵向上对唐诗中的思妇形象发展流变有个大致的了解。其后,笔者分析总结了唐诗中塑造思妇形象的艺术手法,主要有运用多种意象(如征衣、月亮和梦)、情和景的巧妙结合和大量使用代言等。最后,本文得出结论:唐诗中的思妇形象类型众多,刻画丰满,在艺术上取得了非凡的艺术成就。这对于我们研究唐诗的艺术魅力、了解唐朝的社会生活和提高女性地位有着非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Tang as a treasure house of ancient Chinese literature in a wonderful work, has not changed forever exudes artistic charm. Poetry in the many characters have been an entry point for scholars studying Tang poetry. Tang in the thinking of many women’s image, its description permeates the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty era, from which we can glimpse the life of women in the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty era for understanding the background and the social and cultural life has a great documentary value. In addition, the results of these studies will help identify construction of gender in China’s advanced culture, absorbing the best of traditional gender culture, remove the dross, is respect for women, the pursuit of equality.Understanding of civilization is the traditional respect for the present, the future legacy.This choice of a female image in the image of women that do the thinking for the study. Women think the image itself, "The Book of Songs," which appears, has never been stretches, in the Han Dynasty Poem, and "Nineteen," where there are also, to the Tang Dynasty, the image gradually enriched thinking women, almost every major poet’s works Wives are thinking, its artistic reached unprecedented heights. This article in accordance with the thinking woman’s identity to classify, with hiring women, women traders, women and other wandering. Tang in the three main types and psychological characteristics of women thought a brief description of the reader in thinking laterally Tang Women have a general understanding of the image,Then this article in accordance with the Tang’s illustration of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Tang, Tang chronological order, the woman thought the image of the Evolution in the Tang Dynasty a brief description of the reader from the vertical Women of the Tang Dynasty in the image of the development of ideas flow have a general understanding. Tang then analyzed and summarized in the shape of the women thought the image of the art techniques, mainly the use of multiple images (such as Zheng Yi, the moon and dreams), and King of the unique combination of intelligence and extensive use of endorsements and so on.Finally, the paper concludes:Poetry in the thinking of many types of women’s image, full characterization, in art achieved extraordinary artistic achievements. This is our study of Tang’s artistic charm, to understand the social life of the Tang Dynasty and the advancement of women have very important significance.

【关键词】 思妇征人妇商人妇游子妇
【Key words】 thinking womanhiring womenbusiness womenwandering woman