

The Transformation of Chinese Literature Existence in New Media Period

【作者】 刘少波

【导师】 张玉能;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 文学的存在方式,可以分别从本体层面和现象层面上来理解,即“文学是什么?”和“文学是怎样呈现的?”对于文学存在方式的理解,不同的时代侧重点不同。在新媒体时代以前,研究者大都是从本体层面上来理解文学的存在方式,即将文学存在方式的研究等同于文学本质与文学本体的研究。但是随着文学的现实语境和哲学语境的改变,当下对文学的存在方式进行现象层面上的解读和阐释,实则是对当下文学的危机和困境进行有力的回应。于是,关于文学存在方式的研究,也就实现了由文学本质到文学现实与文学现象的转型。鉴于传统媒体时代下文学本质与文学存在的关系,本文在进行新媒体时代下文学存在方式转型的讨论之前,比较系统地梳理和归纳了传统媒体时代下文学的存在方式。笔者认为传统媒体时代下对文学本质的界定可以大致概括为三类,即:文学是一种审美创造;文学是一种意识形态;文学是道德的象征。尽管本文并没有将中西方文论史上对于文学本质、文学本体的界定一一囊括,但是此次对文学本质的系统梳理,为阐释文学存在方式的转型提供了较好的参照。在明确了新媒体时代之前文学的存在方式之后,本文又将文学放置在当前的整个社会背景下进行考察,认为当下文学所面临的三大背景为:新媒体时代、新历史主义、新娱乐时代。它们分别在文学的观念、文学的本质、文学的接受上消解了传统意义上的文学存在。正是由于新媒体对文学的挤占、文学本身的激变、读者注意力的转移,使得传统意义上的文学才会在当下走到自娱自乐的地步。从审美创造到复制生产、从意识形态到话语狂欢、从道德的象征到消费的象征,文学存在方式的转型虽不免让人觉得沮丧,但却是文学自身被迫的无奈选择。本文最后希望警醒人们,当下的中国文学最应受到大家重视和关注的焦点,不在于持续争论文学的本质究竟是什么,而是在于改变当下中国文学现状的出路是什么。为此,笔者提出了三点建议,分别是:直面现实,树立以当下为基点的文学创作新方向;回归大众,构建以读者为中心的文学生态新秩序;面向未来,重建以审美为旨归的文学教育新体系。

【Abstract】 It can be understood the existence of literature in Ontological level and phenomenon level.That means "What is literature?"and "How is the literature appears?" There were different emphases in different times in Understanding the existence of literature.Before the new media period, from the Ontological level.This means the existence of literature equivalent to the essence of literature. But now explaining the existence of literature in phenomenon level.And in this time, the research of literature existence is transforming from the essence of literature to phenomenon of literature.Because of the relationship between the essence and the existence of literature in traditional media period, this article systematically sorted and summarized the essence of literature in traditional media period. The author believes the definition of the essence of literature can be characterized as three categories:an aesthetic creation; an ideology; the symbol of morality. Although this article did not include all essence of literature in the history of Western Literature,but it provides a good reference to explain the transformation of the existence of literature. After cleared the existence of literature, this article inspected literature under the current social background:the new media period,the new historicism and the new entertainment period. They deconstructed the traditional existence of literature in three ways:the concept of literature, the essence of literature and the acceptance of literature. It is because of the misuse of new media on literature, literature Crisis and the reader’s attention, the literature declining. From aesthetic creation to copying production, from ideology to discourse carnival, from the moral symbol to consumption symbol,although the existence of the literature transition leaves the reader feeling frustrated, but it was literature itself only could select.At last this article hopes alert people the focus is not the essence of literature,but change the the status of literature.There are three recommendations.First,facing Reality, set new direction of literature Creation.Second, regressing to the public, build a reader-centered literary new order. Finally, facing the future, reconstruct the new education system of literature basing on the aesthetic criticism.

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】4
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