

Research on Geological Background and Soil Nutrients of Laoshan Green Tea and Its Quality

【作者】 李倩

【导师】 丁兆堂;

【作者基本信息】 青岛农业大学 , 茶学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 青岛市崂山区是我国茶树种植纬度最高地区,也是北方海拔较高的产茶区之一,具有特殊的地域特征,是青岛茶叶生产的优势产业带。由于不同地区地质环境、土壤条件及水肥调控措施存在差异等原因,导致崂山各茶园茶叶产量高低不一,茶叶品质参差不齐,这些情况迫使我们必须加强对茶园地质及土壤养分水平问题的探讨,从而提高崂山绿茶品质和价值。研究地质背景、土壤养分、崂山绿茶品质及他们之间的关系,可以为青岛地区新茶区的开拓提供理论依据,同时有利于对现有茶园的土壤养分水平进行调控,从而改善茶叶质量,为茶园及茶叶等级的划分提供依据。本项目主要从研究崂山绿茶产地地质背景开始,对崂山茶树种植区进行综合地质调查,确定区内地层、构造、岩浆岩分布及土壤类型,在崂山茶树种植区内选择18个具有代表性的茶园,分不同生长季采集土壤样品及茶叶样品,测定土壤样品的有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾等主要养分指标,分析相应茶园茶叶的主要品质因子:水浸出物、茶多酚、咖啡碱、氨基酸及儿茶素各组分,并计算酚氨比和儿茶素品质指数,研究崂山茶区土壤养分水平及茶叶品质情况以及土壤养分因子与茶叶主要品质指标的相关关系。主要结果如下:1.崂山地区主体由花岗岩体构成,主要土壤类型为棕壤。崂山茶树种植区代表性茶园的地质主要以碱性花岗岩单元和正长花岗岩单元为主要类型,还有部分为白垩系青山群火山岩。土壤类型以普通棕壤面积较大,pH值的范围也适宜茶树生长。崂山地区适合茶树生长的地质主要是花岗岩发育的棕壤类土壤为主,这种地质背景下的地区经过适当的土壤改良及种植改良后适宜茶树生长,如惜福镇的夏庄、即墨的龙泉镇等地区。2.土壤养分调查表明,崂山地区不同茶园在养分水平上存在明显差异。按土壤养分水平分为三等,处于中等以上水平的占77.8%,总体情况较好,但总体土壤有机质含量偏低,氮素水平中等。茶园土壤养分指标因季节不同存在显著差异,尤其是速效养分表现更为明显,不同等级的茶园养分均呈现明显的年变化趋势。茶区不同茶园土壤养分水平也存在显著差异。3.在不同土壤养分水平条件下,茶叶中各品质化学成分含量在不同的采摘期均存在极显著差异,使得茶叶品质有所区别。三类茶园茶叶中各品质成分含量变化均呈现下述特点:春季茶叶中的氨基酸含量最高,酚氨比最低,春茶的品质较高;而夏茶的氨基酸含量低,酚氨比高,所产茶叶品质较差,秋茶介于两者之间。但各季茶叶指标含量均能达到绿茶滋味的要求。茶叶主要功效成分儿茶素总量、非酯性儿茶素、酯型儿茶素及儿茶素各单体C、EC、EGC、GCG、ECG、EGCG都呈现出春低、夏高、秋居中的季节性变化规律,儿茶素品质指数也呈现出同样的变化特点;不同土壤养分水平下茶叶中儿茶素儿茶素总量、非酯型儿茶素、酯型儿茶素,都因季节不同存在显著差异,养分水平低的茶园各含量明显低于养分水平均衡的茶园。4.多元线性逐步回归分析结果表明:土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾对崂山绿茶茶叶品质影响较大,特别是有机质和碱解氮与茶叶品质的关系密切。崂山绿茶中的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸含量及酚氨比与土壤有机质含量均呈线性相关,而有机质含量整体偏低,成为崂山茶园优质高产的限制性因子;速效磷与茶叶中的水浸出物、茶多酚、咖啡碱呈线性相关,崂山茶区整体磷含量偏高,应对磷素的施入稍加控制;咖啡碱的含量与速效钾呈线性正相关,氨基酸含量与碱解氮呈线性正相关,碱解氮和速效钾含量中等,可以配合施用。

【Abstract】 Qingdao Laoshan district is the highest region of China tea-planting areas and one of the high altitude in north China tea-producing areas with special regional characteristic. Laoshan district has been recognized as the advantage industrial zone of Qingdao tea production.The different yield and quality of Laoshan green tea production was resulted by different geological environment,soil conditions and fertilizer control measures differences causes, These circumstances force us to step up the research with geology and soil nutrient level of tea garden to enhance the quality and value of Laoshan green tea. The research on geological background, soil nutrients and quality of Laoshan green tea was helpful for opening up the new tea-planting area.The soil nutrient and tea garden environment could be controled and the quality of tea could be classified, using for reference to planting and processing of tea.This research was studied from the geological background of Laoshan green tea, The geological survey in tea-planting areas were investigated comprehensive with strata,magmatic rocks and soil types. Soil and tea samples were collected in different seasons and from different representative tea gardens. The soil organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of soil samples and the content of water extracts, tea polyphenols, amino acid, caffeine and major tea catechins component content in tea samples were tested and analyzed. The ratio of tea polyphenols and amino acid and the catechin quality index was calculated. The soil nutrient levels,tea quality and the correlativity of the main factors were studied. The main results showed that:1.Laoshan district constituted by the granite and main soil type was brown soil. The main geology in tea-planting area were Alkali Granite and Syenogranite, some were Cretaceous Volcanite.Normal brown soil was widespread and the range of pH values were suitable for tea growing. The granite and brown soil in Laoshan district were the best type for tea growth. Tea trees could be plant in this kind soil after soil improvement,eg Xiazhuang in Xifu town and Longquan in Jimo.2. The results of soil investigation showed that the tea garden soil nutrients had significant difference. The soil nutrient level in chosen tea gardens could be clustered into three types by cluster analysis.77.8% tea gardens were above average level. Overall soil nutrient conditions were good at Laoshan tea-planting areas, but the soil organic matter content was lower and the available nitrogen was medium. The tea garden soil nutrients of different seasons had significant difference especially available nutrients. Also soil nutrient in different level and tea-planting area were found to have a distinct annual variation trend.3.The chemical quality component of tea samples from different seasons varied significant under different soil nutrient level made tea quality different with each other. The green tea in three level gardens of different season were proved to be:The amino acid content of spring tea was tested to be highest among different season tea and its ratio of tea polyphenols against amino acid were lowest. As a summary, the quality of spring tea was better than the quality of autumn tea and summer tea. The summer tea was bad in all. But all tea contents could reach the requirements of tea flavor index. The total catechins content, non-ester-type catechins, ester-type catechins and catechin constituents of C, EC, EGC, GCG, ECG, EGCG all showed a lower trend in spring and higher one in summer, and the catechin quality index had the same change tendency. Furthermore, the total amount of catechins, non-ester-type catechins and ester-type catechins of different levels soil nutrients varied significantly in different seasons, the contents in low nutrient level tea garden were significantly lower than those in nutrient equilibrium tea garden.4. The analyzed results with multiple linear stepwise regression analysis showed that Laoshan green tea was affected deeply by the soil organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, especially soil organic matterand available nitrogen. There was a significant linear correlation between the content of water extracts, tea polyphenols, amino acid, the ratio of tea polyphenols and amino acid and the soil organic matter. The overall low organic matter content was the restrictive factor of high quality tea. There was a linear correlation between available phosphorus and the content of water extracts, tea polyphenols, caffeine,the available phosphorus content was high, the phosphate fertilizer dosage should control. The content of caffeine and available potassium were directly related. The content of amino acid and available nitrogen were directly related, the content of available nitrogen and available potassium were medium range, They were fertilized combination with each other.
