

Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Biaxial Eccentric Compreesed Members with the Thin-Walled Box Section

【作者】 朱震华

【导师】 杨应华;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代钢结构设计中,为了节约投资控制造价,同时减小地震与温度作用、增强结构的安全性,需要有效的减小用钢量,在焊接截面构件设计时尽量采用较小的壁厚。薄壁箱形构件由于质量轻、承载力高等优点,在国内外的工程中得到广泛的应用。薄壁箱形构件板件的高厚比较大,虽在受压时容易发生局部失稳,但可以适当地利用板件的屈曲后强度。计算此类构件的承载力常常根据有效截面。但各国规范对有效截面的规定差别很大,而且此类构件承载力的计算尚未有统一的方法。因此,有必要进行试验研究以检验规范公式的适用性,提出合理的承载力计算方法。本文通过试验及有限元计算研究薄壁箱形构件在腹板高厚比超过限值后的承载力问题。试验共进行了八根试件,分别改变试件腹板的高厚比、试件的长细比、试件的相对偏心率。以试验结果同ANSYS分析、《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003)和欧洲规范EN 1993-1-5:2006计算出的理论值进行对比,分析了规范中有效截面计算方法的适用性,提出这类构件承载力的计算方法。试验和有限元分析表明,现行《钢结构设计规范》有效宽度的计算方法较为保守,欧洲钢结构规范有效宽度的计算方法较为符合实际情况,所提计算方法与试验结果吻合良好。

【Abstract】 In order to save investment, reduce the role of seismic and temperature, enhance the security of structures, in modern steel structure’s design, it need to reduce the effective volume of steel, and maximize the use of smaller thickness in the welding section beam design. Because the thin-walled box structures have light weight and high capacity, it is widely used in the project at home and abroad. Thin-walled box structures have large width-thickness ratio, so it is easily to local buckling in compression. When the web of high-thickness ratio is more than "design of steel structures", use the post-buckling strength. After determining the effective width of the plates, you can calculate the bearing capacity of components by the effective section. But it is different in all of the national standard for the effective width of the very values, therefore, it is necessary to doing experimental analysis for testing the applicability of the formula.Through theoretical analysis, experimental study and finite element analysis, this article get the thin-walled box structures’effective width when the high-thickness ratio exceeding the limit. There are eight poles which were changed the web of high-thickness ratio, slenderness ratio of specimens, and the relative eccentricity. Through contrast the ultimate bearing capacity from different parameters, we can found the factors affecting stability. We make this data contrast with ANSYS analysis of test data, China’s "steel design" (GB 50017-2003), and the European standard EN 1993-1-5: theoretical values calculated in 2006, then analysis the effective section of the specification methods’fitness to the post-buckling strength.Experimental study and finite element analysis showed that the current "design of steel structures" in the calculation of the effective width was more conservative. European steel specifications for the effective width of the calculation method is more realistic and more consistent with the experimental data.

  • 【分类号】TU392.1
  • 【下载频次】81