

Evaluation and Evolution of the Chinese Land Policy

【作者】 翟阳

【导师】 李仙娥;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,“土地是财富之母”,是生产要素之一,是经济活动和各项建设的基本空间。土地作为不可再生资源,是民生之本,发展之基,也是财富之母。在中国,土地的重要性尤为突出,它涉及人民群众特别是广大农民的切身利益,更涉及国家的粮食安全、经济安全。自中国共产党成立以来,就颁发了各种相应的土地政策以解决革命问题及农民问题,并且得到了较好的成果。改革开放以来,我国的土地政策发了重大变化,以市场化为导向,着实完善《土地管理法》,为促进我国经济社会的平稳发展取得了推波助澜的作用。本文从建国初期、全面建设社会主义时期、文化大革命时期、建设中国特色社会主义时期这四个阶段对建国六十年来我国土地政策的变化进行梳理,由废除封建土地所有制、实现农民土地所有制开始,到合作社的出现,逐渐地实现解放农业生产力、发展农业生产力。随着我国经济社会的发展,有关我国土地政策的侧重点,也更加注重公平与效率。在建设中国特色社会主义时期这一阶段,家庭联产承包责任制以及土地流转政策的提出,给我国农村带来了翻天覆地的变化。近年来,越来越多的专家、学者以及政府官员都对我国现行的土地管理政策提出了建议与意见,当前我国土地方面的突出矛盾和问题解决与否,直接影响到我国经济健康可持续发展,甚至影响到我国社会的稳定。随着2008年有关土地流转政策的进一步提出,学者们对土地政策的若干讨论又进入高潮。其中,政府作为掌握公共权力的国家机关的总和,对我国土地政策的颁布和审查又有怎样的理解。政府的行为失范也对我国土地政策的执行、土地矛盾的升级有一定的影响因素。本文将以时间为轴线,梳理和讨论了建国六十年来我国土地政策的演变过程,从政策分析的角度入手,分析并评价了我国土地政策的时效性,结合土地案例与法律条文的诠释,以政府土地行为失范为突破口,对日后土地政策的改革及制定提出几点建议。

【Abstract】 As we all know, "Land is the mother of wealth" is one of production factors, economic activity and the construction of the fundamental space. The land takes the non-renewable resources, is foundation of the livelihood of the people, base of the development, is also mother of the wealth. In China, the importance of land particularly, it involves the people are the general farmer’s vital interest specially, involves the food security which, the economic security thinks about home. Since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party has issued a variety of appropriate on land policy to address the revolution and farmers, and get good results. Since the reform and open policy, China’s land policy made a significant change in the market into a direction, really improve the "Land Management Law", in order to promote our country economic society’s steady development to obtain the function which added fuel to the flames.This article from four phases on changes in land policy in China, by the abolition of feudal land ownership, land ownership, the peasants began to gradually achieve the liberation of agricultural productivity, development of agricultural productivity. As China’s economic and social development, the focus of land policy in China, pay more attention to fairness and efficiency. In recent years, a growing number of experts, scholars and government officials on current land management policy recommendations and advice, the current situation of land to solve the outstanding contradictions and problems have a direct impact on sustainable development of our country’s economic health even affect the stability of our society. With the transfer of the land policy of 2008 further raised, the scholars a number of discussions on land policy has reached its climax. Among them, the government control of public authority as the sum of state organs, the promulgation of China’s land policy and review how about understanding. Government misconduct is also the implementation of China’s land policy, the escalation of land conflicts have certain factors. This axis will be time for further discussion of the founding of carding and six years the evolution of China’s land policy, the policy set from the start, analyze and evaluate the timeliness of the policy, combined with case and the interpretation of the law, misconduct of government land for the breakthrough point in the future development of land policy reform and put forward several proposals.
