

The Reservoir Water Analysis and Treatment Studies in Western Region of Small Cities and Towns

【作者】 左芬芬

【导师】 黄廷林;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,面对西部地区日益加剧的水源水污染和水资源短缺等问题,国内外研究学者针对这类微污染水源水的水处理技术已经开展了许多研究工作。本研究以陕西省蓝田县汤峪水库水为主要研究对象,从2008年3月至2010年2月份通过对该水库水质进行水质监测,分析其各项水质指标的变化情况和变化原因,对特定时期的水质分别进行实验室烧杯混凝试验以及运用高效固液分离器对汤峪水库原水进行处理的现场中试试验。监测结果表明:汤峪水库源水的pH值基本在8左右,浊度和总氮超标,氨氮和总磷含量符合一级生活饮用水水源水质标准,只有偶尔会超标。夏季,水中藻类爆发,由于藻类的大量繁殖、代谢、死亡导致水中的有机质含量较高。夏季是暴雨多发季节,暴雨会引起水位的急剧上涨以及水质的严重恶化,尤其是浊度。高温高藻期,对水库表层水以及不同深度的水进行强化混凝试验,采用单一混凝剂进行试验,投加PAC25mg/L时的水质处理效果最佳。采用助凝剂进行混凝试验,当PAC投加25mg/L、PAM投加0.4mg/L时净化的效果最佳。冬季,水库处于低温低浊期,采用高效固液分离器对汤峪水库源水进行现场中试试验。试验期间,源水浊度在4-6NTU,水温在4-14℃,PAC投加点在静态混合器之前,PAM投加点在静态混合器和管式反应器之间。试验的主要目的是确定PAC、PAM的最佳投药量、最佳搅拌强度、最大上升流速、污泥回流比、采用PAC和铁盐两种混凝剂进行对比确定最优的混凝剂种类等。试验表明,当PAC投加量为3.0mg/L、PAM投加量为0.4mg/L、搅拌强度为4r/min、上升流速为35cm/min、回流污泥比为49.2L/h时出水水质效果较好,混凝剂采用PAC的效果优于铁盐。

【Abstract】 In recent years, facing the problem of increasing water pollution and water shortage,domestic and overseas research on the treatment of micro-polluted source water (MPSW) is available. This study selected Tangyu Reservoir as its research object, which is located in Lantian City, Shaanxi Province, China. Based on monitoring water quality from April,2009 to January,2010 about ten monthes, we analyzed the change trend and reasons of pollutants measures. Enhanced coagulation laboratory tests of static beaker and using highly efficient solid-liquid separation were done for treating the water quality of a particular period.The monitoring results indicated:pH of source is approximately 8, turbidity and the concentrations of TN exceed the allowed standard, the concentrations of NH4+-N and TP consistent with a drinking water quality standards, but occasionally exceed the allowed standard.In the summer, the concentration of organism is caused to be high as a result of massive reproductions, metabolism and death of algae.More rain in summer,the rainstorm will cause water levels rise sharply and the serious deterioration of water quality particularly turbidity. In high-temperature and high-alga water quality phase, the best option is PAC dosage of 25mg/L if only sole coagulant was used to enhanced coagulation, while the best option is PAC dosage of 25mg/L and PAM dosage of 0.4mg/L if the coagulant-aid was added.In low-temperature and low-turbidity water quality phase, efficient solid-liquid separator used on the source of the water reservoir conducted Tangyu pilot test site.Source water turbidity in the 4-6NTU, source water temperature in 4-14℃.In the test,PAC adding point is before the static mixer,while PAM adding point is between the static mixer and the pipe reactor. The primary purpose is to determine the best dosage of PAC and PAM、Best stirring intensity、the largest increase in flow rate、sludge recycle ratio、comparison of PAC and ferric salt test and so on. Results show that, the best dosage of PAC is 3.0mg/L、dosage of PAM is 0.4mg/L、stirring intensity is 4r/min、the return sludge flow is best to be 49.2L/h、PAC is better than using ferric.Concluded from the experiments:the technique has a promising potential to be applied in the drinking water treatment, and it should to be father deeply studied.
