

Study on the Treatment of Low Temperature and Low Turbidity Raw Water in Small Cities and Towns of Northwestern Regions by Using Pellet Flocculation Process

【作者】 陶新良

【导师】 黄廷林;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 采用由西安建筑科技大学研发的新型高效水处理设备—高效固液分离器进行了低温低浊水处理试验。试验分两部分进行,第一部分为高效固液分离器处理低浊度水中试试验,对系统运行工况、悬浮层特性和系统稳定性做了研究分析;第二部分为现场中试试验,用高效固液分离器处理汤峪水库低温低浊水,重点研究了管式反应器的微絮凝特性和系统的优化运行条件。主要研究成果包括:(1)优选了微絮凝反应器及药剂投加条件。高效固液分离器混合反应装置选用二级静态混合器串联管式反应器,PAC投加在一级静态混合器之前,污泥回流条件下,PAM投加在管式反应器之前,回流污泥在两级静态混合器之间处理效果较好。(2)实验室中试试验人工模拟了汤峪水库原水水质,进水浊度4NTU左右,进水CODMn含量3-4 mg/L,水温17-21℃。在PAC投量为3.2mg/L, PAM投量为0.4mg/L,污泥回流比4.8%左右,污泥浓度在21.2-23.8 g/L运行工况下,滤前出水浊度能达到0.8-1.9NTU;系统对有机物也有良好的处理效果,CODMn的去除率能达到27.42-36.64%左右;系统抗冲击负荷能力强,系统水力负荷最大为27 m/h。(3)高效固液分离器处理低温低浊水现场中试试验结果表明,在平均水温3.8℃,浊度6NTU左右时,系统最佳运行工况为:混凝剂PAC投量为3mg/L,混凝后的初始颗粒表面Zeta电位为一12.2mV,助凝剂PAM投加量为0.27-0.4mg/L,污泥回流比7.46%,回流污泥浓度约为12.4 g/L。对管式反应器的管长、管径进行了优化,确定出适宜管径为DN25mm,适宜管长为40米,此时对应管式反应器G值为156.47s-1,同时确定管式反应器GT值在14777.63-19164.22之间系统处理效果最好。系统连续运行试验结果表明,处理后出水浊度能够达到2.07NTU左右,系统抗冲击负荷能力强,水力负荷最大为27m/h。系统增加了强制搅拌,使悬浮层中的絮体颗粒受力更加均匀,改善了悬浮层的流化性能,避免了结团絮凝区内局部积泥及短流现象,从而保证了系统的稳定高效运行。(4)高效固液分离装器用于低温低浊水处理是可行有效的,系统稳定性高、处理效果显著,操作简单;采用水力混合,能耗低;利用回流污泥的助凝作用,降低了药剂投加量,节约了水处理成本,适合于西北地区小城镇冬春季低温低浊水的处理。

【Abstract】 The low temperature and low turbidity water was treated by using a high efficient solid-liquid separator, which invented by Xi’An University of Architecture and Technology. The study includes two parts, part 1 is about the low turbidity water treatment, the system operation, the characteristics of suspended layer and the stability of the system was studied in this part; Part 2 is about the research of the pilot experiments on low temperature and low turbidity water treatment, mainly including the characteristic of tubular reactor and the stability of the system. The main contents and achievements are as follows:(1) The coagulation equipment is constituted with two static mixers and tubular reactor in series. Good effect could obtain when PAC injection point is before two static mixers, PAM injection point before tubular reactor, and backflow sludge injection point is between two static mixers.(2) The water used in the pilot experiment is artificial and simulated the characteristics of TangYu raw water with raw turbidity 4NTU, CODMn 3-4 mg/L, temperature 17-21℃. The treatment effect was satisfactory for the effluent turbidity before filtration reaching 0.8-1.9 NTU, the CODMn removal efficiency 27.42-36.64% and the flow rate 30cm/min-50cm/min When PAC dosage of 3.2 mg/L, PAM dosage of 0.4 mg/L, sludge backflow ratio is 4.8% and sludge concentration about 21.2-23.8 g/L.(3) It could be observed that the Optimal operating conditions were the dosage of PAC 3 mg/L, the initial particle’s surface Zeta potential-12.2mV after coagulation, PAM 0.27-0.4 mg/L, sludge backflow ratio 7.46% and sludge concentration about 12.4 g/L under the conditions of the raw water average temperature 3.8℃and the raw turbidity about 6 NTU in the pilot experiment. Based on G and GT,40m and 25mm was respectively the optimal length and diameter of tubular reactor according to effluent effects while the value of G is 156.47s-1. The tubular reactor could obtain a good effect when the value of GT was between 14777.63 to 19164.22. The effluent turbidity could reach 2.07 NTU after continuous operation, and the system had a strong impact resistance on max load capacity with 27m/h. The function of compulsory mixing could contribute to stable operation for the suspended particles uniformly forced, the improvement of the fluidization effect of suspended layer, the avoidance of short flow and local deposits, the persistent balance and replacement of the suspended layer.(4) It is feasible using the efficient solid-liquid separator to treat low temperature and low turbidity water. The results showed that the system has the advantages of high stability, good treatment effects and simple operation, also a low energy consumption by using hydraulic mixing, a lower dosage costs of PAM by using backflow sludge as flocculants, and is suitable for the treatment of low temperature and low turbidity water in small cities and towns of northwest regions.
