

Study on Lighting Design of Scene Space

【作者】 刘娜

【导师】 董芦笛;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从场景空间和艺术照明的基础理论研究出发,内容包括场景的基本概念、场景的空间划分、艺术照明理论及类型划分等。本文第四章为核心章节,重点提出场景空间景观艺术照明设计的核心论点即对于重点表现时间性、戏剧性、象征性的景观要素的灯光设计依据“师法戏剧舞台灯光”的原理;通过对戏剧舞台灯光的基本原理、园林景观艺术照明与戏剧舞台灯光的关系的研究,结合景区景观剧的研究提出了园林景观特定场景空间艺术照明设计向戏剧舞台灯光设计学习的4个方面:1)借鉴舞台灯光光色的应用;2)借鉴舞台灯光空间感、时间感及多维空间感的表达;3)借鉴舞台灯光写意与写实环境光的气氛营造;4)借鉴舞台灯光的可塑性与可控性。总结了场景空间艺术照明表达手法:写实照明与写意照明;通过对“人、景、光”的相互作用关系分析提出夜景意境的理论;并划分了“意景”的两个层次即,“情景”与“意景”。并总结归纳场景空间景观艺术照明的艺术性与技术性相结合的四个方面,1)照度对夜景空间主要景观要素及可视范围的限定;2)光源的色温、显色性协调夜景空间气氛;3)灯具造型突出夜景主题;4)照明分线控制实现场景的时空转换。最后应用场景空间景观艺术照明的基础理论指导照明工程设计。艺术照明实践研究部分着重从实际调研中总结园林景观不同场景艺术照明要素研究、针对八种不同园林景观类型研究其夜景空间形式、文化特性、要素构成、人的行为活动、审美需求及分线控制等;在工程实践案例研究中,着重分析了本人亲自参与实践的景观艺术照明工程设计及施工过程。实践案例针对延安西北川山体公园这样的综合性城市公园;少华山潜龙寺入口景区这样的自然山水景区;浐灞竹影廊桥这样的开放性滨水综合游憩公园的实践课题研究。通过对这3种类型的风景园林服务对象及场景空间性质的分析,提出夜景照明的设计标准指导照明方案的修改和完善到照明施工中出现和解决的问题;最后完成照明工程使用评价。这样一个完整的照明工程实践过程,总结艺术照明在3种不同的空间中所应用的照明手法。增加了理论的科学性和实践性,为场景空间景观艺术照明设计研究提供更有价值的实践依据。论文最终得出了一套照明在特定场景空间设计中的设计手法和审美评价系统,从使用者的角度出发,将夜景中不同的场景空间与适用人群的情感、背景、历史结合,艺术照明通过写实手法和写意手法,营造“情景交融”“景意两浑”的场景空间夜景艺术氛围。

【Abstract】 At the first this article is the begining from the ’scene space’ and the basic theory of lighting. It including the basic concept of the scene and the scene of the space partition. In addition it including that art theory and type of lighting and so on.The Chapter four is the core chapters. Bring forward the "learning on the theater lighting" which is the lighting design of scene space’s center point. And argument that design principles of the lighting design of scene space. Through the Examination of the theatrical stage lighting basic principles and the lighting design of scene space.Put forward the lighting design of scene space study on the atrical stage lighting.The 4 aspects including:1) Reference the application of stage lighting’s the light and the color; 2) Reference the space of the stage lighting and the time space of the stage lighting and the expression of multi-dimensional space of the stage lighting; 3) Reference the realistic lighting and impressionistic lighting of the stage lighting to create an atmosphere of lighting ambient; 4) from the plasticity and controllable of the stage lighting. Summed up the expression of the lighting design of scene space——realistic lighting and impressionistic lighting. By analyzing the interaction between the "man, landscape, light,"proposed the theory of’mood space’in night.And the division of the "mood space" of the two levels namely "feeling scene" and "Ideological scene".Eventually obtained four points of the artistry and technology in the lighting design of scene space.1) The major landscape elements and visual range by illumination limited in night; 2) The night atmosphere is built by the light source and the color temperature and the color rendering; 3) The night’s theme implicated the lamp shape; 4) The time scene and the space scene to be changed by lighting sub-line’s control. Finally use the space art of landscape lighting scenes based theory to guide lighting design.The practice section.In connection with the key elements’artistic lighting of the landscape garden. In connection with 8 types of landscape gardens’spatial of the night and the cultural characteristics and the elements of composition and the activities of human behavior and the aesthetic needs and the lighting sub-line’s control and so on.through the engineering cases’ studing to analyzed the practical process of personally involved in the landscape art of lighting design.Practice cases against the 3 types that were the Yan’an of Northwest River Park which is comprehensive park of the city. That Qianlong Temple Mountain entrance scenic area which is the natural landscape.That Chanba Moderate and bridges scenic which is the open waterfront recreational park. Which were practice integrated research project. By analyzing these 3 types of landscape garden’s users and the scene spatial proposed standards of landscape lighting design.And use these theories to guide the lighting engineering practice. Finally completed the use evaluation after the lighting projects.It is a complete lighting engineering practice.Summing up the three kinds of lighting design methods.It increased the scientific theory and practice to the lighting design of scene space.Paper finally come to a particular space lighting design practices and aesthetic evaluation system in the lighting design of scene space.From the user point of view combined the night scene in a different space and for the people’s emotional and the background and the history.Use the realistic lighting and impressionistic lighting to create the ’feeling scene’ and the ’Ideological scene’ artistic atmosphere in night scene space.

  • 【分类号】TU113.66
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