

Research Rectification and Reinforcement Technology of Brick-concrete Structure

【作者】 姚尔可

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 土木工程建造与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 砖混结构房屋由于其取材方便、施工简单、造价低廉受到了人们的欢迎,尤其适宜于山区、小城镇建造及旧城改造。然而砖混结构自重大、抗剪强度低、抗震性能差,且大多以天然地基为基础,工程中易出现不均匀沉降、倾斜、开裂等问题。针对砖混结构房屋的结构特点以及地基基础特点,分析了房屋现状、各构件的安全性,提出了适合砖混结构房屋的纠偏加固方法。本文通过某新建建筑物在主体封顶后出现不均匀沉降、倾斜、开裂等问题,在对该建筑物结构、基础进行检测鉴定后,分析了建筑物发生不均匀沉降、倾斜、开裂等问题的原因。针对新建建筑物地基土沉降固结没有完成的特点,提出运用坑式静压桩加固的方法加固该楼沉降大的南端部位,并对静压桩进行不卸荷预压托换,使桩与地基土共同作用阻止该部位的继续下沉。在桩的顶升力作用下,使房屋基础沉降得以终止,并略有抬升。对于沉降小的北端部位依靠建筑物自重,利用房屋基础埋深不大和刚度较好的特点,采用浅层掏土纠偏技术。通过浅层掏土减少地基土支承面积,加大基底土中的附加应力的方法迫使基础沉降。当基础沉降达到目标要求时便用已经施工完成的托换桩托换加固,并对掏土施工的掏土孔和掏土坑进行灰土夯实回填。该方法操作简单、成本合理,在砖混结构房屋纠偏加固工程中取得了很好的效果。纠偏加固工程中获得的建筑物沉降量、倾斜率变化等实测资料,对以后类似建筑物的纠偏加固具有参考价值和指导作用。

【Abstract】 Brick-concrete structure drawn as easy, simple construction and low cost are welcomed by people, especially suitable for the construction of mountains and small towns, and urban redevelopment. However, since the major brick-concrete structure, shear strength is low, poor seismic performance, and based largely on natural foundation, prone to differential settlement, tilting, cracking and other issues. For the structural features and foundation characteristics of brick-concrete structure,Analysis of housing situation, all components of security, proposed for a variety of brick-concrete structure Rectification and reinforcement method.In this paper, a new building after the main cap differential settlement, tilting, cracking and other problems,after testing in the identification of the building structure, foundation,analysis of the building of uneven settlement, tilt, and crack the problem. For new buildings did not complete the consolidation settlement of foundation soil characteristics,make use of pit-static pile method of reinforcing the southern end of gailou large settlement site, and not static pile unloading preloading underpinning pile closure, so that the role of pile and foundation soil to prevent the continued subsidence of the site. In the pile under the top lift, so that the basis of settlement houses to be terminated, and a slight lift. For the northern part of the small settlement depend on the building of weight, use of housing is not the basis of depth and rigidity characteristics,using the shallow deviation rectification technology. Cutting through the shallow area of soil to reduce soil support, increased shallow soil in the additional stress of the method to force the basis of the settlement. When the basis for settlement to the target request, it works with the already completed underpinning pile underpinning,construction of cutting and digging in holes and dig soil pits to dust compacted backfill. This method is simple, cost-reasonable,brick-concrete structure in house defletion-corration reinforcement project and good results have been achieved.Deviation in reinforcing project building subsidence and tilt rate changes of measured data, the building after rectifying similar to reinforce has reference value and guidance.
