

View of the Ancient City of Xi’an Style Main Street East Frontage Architectural Design and Research of Transformation of

【作者】 周琳

【导师】 王陕生;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市在其不同的地域内,经历了漫长的历史演进,形成了它们各自不同的具有其自身代表特色的城市风貌特征。在这种风貌特征中,积淀了厚重的地域文化,历史文化、人文文化特征,是城市历史演变的真实写照。但是随着社会的发展,经济的进步,城市建设如火如荼的城市的每个角落蔓延,使得一些具有浓厚历史氛围和文化特色的传统街道不断的被城市建设的巨浪所吞没。取而代之的是大拆大建整体改造后的千篇一律的现代模式建筑,城市传统的风貌特色逐渐消失,呈现出“大城小城一个样,南方北方一个样”的整体城市风貌,失去了其城市风貌中的个性特色和文化底蕴。西安作为世界四大古都之一,历经了十三个王朝的变迁,已经被列为历史文化名城,而现今的西安作为西部大开发的核心城市,成为一个名副其实的现代化魅力古都。因此西安的城市建设和历史文化名城的保护之间矛盾,是不能以常规的方式去对待。明城区作为西安历史文化名城重点保护区域,其整体的区域风貌没能得到较好的统一和协调,很多明城区内的街道在现代化高速发展的今天亟待改造。何种改造方式是适合于西安城市历史风貌特征且对城市和街道的肌理以及空间形态能够形成保护,同时能够满足城市对于现代经济发展的要求呢?这个问题值得我们思考。东大街发展至今,是明城区内四条重要轴线大街中从未进行统一整体规划和大规模建筑改造的街道,一直以一种自然和自发自我代谢的建设状态发展。因此街道形态深层结构依然得到延续和继承。而也正式由于这种自然自发自我代谢式的街道发展模式,形成了东大街现状方方面面的多样性,这种多样性是东大街作为现代商业街道不可或缺的特质,也是东大街商业氛围浓厚,人气聚集,有别于其他三条轴线大街的关键因素之一。其街道现状是东大街按照其街道性质所决定的内在发展规律自然形成的,是历史印记的必然组成部分。但是西安城市经济建设的发展,以及对历史文化名城的古城风貌的保护对东大街提出了新的要求,同时东大街整体历史氛围的构筑,也有利于其商业经济的进一步提升,因此东大街临街面建筑的改造是一个双赢的举措,势在必行。所以本文从西安市历史文化名城的古城风貌保护的角度出发,从提升东大街整体商业经济及购物品质考虑,以东大街临街面建筑的改造作为研究对象。在对东大街发展史和现状建筑从外部形态、保留价值、使用价值等方面充分调查的基础上,提出了如何在保持东大街现代商业街“多样性”特质以及不破坏其街道深层肌理的前提下,能够符合现代西安经济建设发展以及相关规划部门对于东大街的新的要求,并能和西安市古城风貌保护相融合的问题。针对此问题提出了群体建筑改造应遵循小规模渐进式改造模式,从而对街道空间形体以及深层肌理进行保护,在建筑单体改造方面,进行了建筑的分类及保护等级的划分,并从保护、更新、改造三个方面对其设计方法计策略进行研究。希望能够对西安市历史区域内的商业街道临街面建筑的改造作出贡献,对相关改建项目有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Different cities in its land area has experienced a long history of evolution of different forms of their respective representatives with their own unique characteristics of urban style. In this style features, the accumulation of the heavy local culture, history, culture, humanities and cultural characteristics, historical evolution is a true portrayal of the city. However, with social development, economic progress, urban construction in full swing every corner of the city spread of modern industrial production methods and modern people’s way of life and the modern commercial activities, all showed some with strong historical and cultural characteristics of the atmosphere traditional street constantly being swallowed up by waves of urban construction. Instead, the overall transformation of major demolition and construction after the monotony of the modern mode of architecture, urban traditional style features gradually disappear, showing "a kind of small town big city, a kind of northern South" in the urban style, lost its style in the city personality characteristics and cultural heritage.As one of the world’s four ancient capitals Xi’an, after a 13 dynasty, the changes have been classified as historical and cultural city, and today’s Xi’an as the western development of core cities, but also show a side of their fashion metropolis, as a real charm of the ancient capital. Therefore, the city of Xi’an city buildings and the protection of historical and cultural contradiction really is not a conventional way to deal with. Ming City as a historical and cultural city of Xi’an protection area, the overall regional outlook failed to get a better harmonization and coordination, many of the streets within the next city in the modern transformation of the rapid development of today’s urgent. Transformation method which is suitable for the historic look of the city of Xi’an features and texture of cities and streets, and spatial form can form protection? This question worth pondering.Has started to develop from East Avenue, East Avenue is clearly within the four major urban axis Avenue in the overall planning has never been a unified and large-scale reconstruction of the street construction has been driven by commercial interests in a natural and spontaneous state of self-construction of the development of metabolic. Therefore, the deep structure of the street patterns still get the continuity and succession. This deep structure convey a sense of history we can still be perceived, but the East Avenue street side building as a whole ancient city Xi’an street style and appearance of the physical carrier, and its status though the streets of East Avenue in accordance with the nature of its decision inherent natural law of development, but with historical and cultural cities of the ancient city of Xi’an style is quite different, so reform is imperative. This paper attempts to the overall historical and cultural city of Xi’an city style point of view, the transformation of its building frontages as the research object. In the history and current status of East Avenue building from the external morphology, retain value, use value and so on the basis of full investigation, combined with the overall historical and cultural city of Xi’an urban style, urban history, culture and human culture, from various angles the overall style of the ancient city of Xi’an to explore the integration of, and does not destroy the original fabric of the city streets and space patterns,With modern commercial activities, people’s lifestyle, aesthetic, Xi’an East Avenue frontage to match the transformation of surface construction methods and practices. Hope that the historical region of Xi’an commercial street frontages contribute to the transformation of construction, renovation project on the related benefit.
