

The New Pattern of Architectural Design Teaching of Higher Grades

【作者】 王国荣

【导师】 屈培青;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会经济的快速发展,建筑行业的繁荣,建筑方面专业人才的需求量也越来越大,一方面2000年后高校扩大招生规模,另一方面一些工科院校也纷纷开办了建筑学专业,但由于办学条件及师资力量的缺乏,不可避免地让教育面临着质与量的临界点。另外,大多数普通院校由于办学时间短,教学经验少,在建筑教育方面往往没有充分结合自身的特点,只是原封不动地照搬其它重点院校的教育模式,导致培养的毕业生不能及时地进入到职业建筑师角色中去,建筑用人单位又不得不花费人力物力进行“二次培养”。那么探索适合时代发展的教学模式,提高学生的综合素质就成了建筑教育改革的当务之急。当然贯穿于五年制本科教育始终的主干课程建筑设计课教学模式更是面临着变革,目前众多建筑院校都在进行新的建筑设计教学模式探索。本文在调研几所重点院校本科教学现状、并整理和分析的基础上,又查阅了大量教改资料,同时也借鉴了国外设计工作室教学方面的成熟经验,探讨出处于院校不同地位、不同地区、以及不同教学对象的建筑设计教学的“设计工作室”体制的发展方向,以期对我国建筑院校建筑学专业设计教学有所启迪。论文主要分为三个部分:第一部分:通过对重点院校高年级建筑设计本科教学现状的分析,探索适合时代发展的教学模式,引出设计教学新模式“设计工作室”体制的出现。第二部分:通过对重点院校高年级建筑设计教学的“教授设计工作室”模式以及典型的“建筑师设计工作室”教学模式的对比分析,总结了其特色和存在的问题,为今后较好的发展“设计工作室”教学模式打下了基础。第三部分:最后,在总结前文的基础上,对不同前提下的高年级建筑设计教学的“设计工作室”体制发展提出了设想,并总结出几点特性,希望为建筑设计教学改革提供具有一定参考意义的思路。

【Abstract】 Along with social economy fast development, Construction profession prosperous, The construction aspect professional’s demand is also getting bigger and bigger, Then after 2000, the university expands the recruitment of students scale, On the other hand some engineering course colleges and universities all in abundance managed the architecture specialty. But because school condition and teachers strength lacking lets the China’s construction education face the nature and quantity critical point. Because the most ordinary colleges and universities the school time is short, the teaching experience are few, often does not have full union own characteristic in the construction education, only copys other key colleges and universities educational pattern, finally causes the graduate who mostly not to enters promptly to the professional architect’s role, the construction Employer must to spend the manpower and resources to carry on "two raises".So explorations teaching patter, improves student’s overall quality to become the important educational reform urgent matter. Certainly the architectural design class teaching patter faces is transforming passes through in five year system undergraduate course architecture professional education, now lots of constructs colleges and universities are carrying on the new architectural design teaching patter exploration.This article has the foundation of the massive educational reform material, Also has consulted the massive educational reform material, Simultaneously has also profited from the overseas design studio teaching aspect mature experience, obtains to is at the colleges and universities different position、the different area、as well as the different teaching object architectural design teaching "Design Studio" system’s development model, has the inspiration by the time to our country university architecture specialized architectural design teaching.The paper mainly divides into three parts:The first part:Through to the key colleges and universities architectural design teaching present situation’s analysis, The exploration suits the time development the educational pattern, Derivation "Design Studio" regarding the new architectural design teaching patter system’s formation.The second part:Through "professor design Studio" to the key colleges and universities higher grades architectural design teaching the pattern as well as the model "the architect design Studio" the educational model contrastive analysis, Summarized its characteristic and the existence question, "designed Studio" for the good development the teaching patter to build the foundation.The third part:Finally, in the summary preamble’s foundation, "designed Studio" to under the different premise’s higher grades architectural design teaching the system development to make the tentative plan, And summarizes several characteristics, hoped that provides for the architectural design educational reform has certain reference significance mentality.
