

Study on the Culture Characteristics of Mycelium and Artificial Domestication of Lepista Nuda

【作者】 赵婷

【导师】 陈艳秋;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 紫丁香蘑[Lepista nuda (Bull.ex Fr.)Cooke]又名花脸蘑、裸口蘑、紫晶蘑,分类学上隶属担子菌亚门(Basidiomycotina)、层菌纲(Hymenomycotina)、伞菌目(Agricales)、白蘑科(Tricholomataceae)、香蘑属(Lepista),是一种新型的珍稀食、药用真菌,有药用或开发成为防癌、抗癌健康食品的价值,具有广泛的市场应用前景。本文对紫丁香蘑的分类地位、食药用价值、应用前景等方面进行了系统的概述,介绍了菌丝体培养特性及人工驯化栽培研究的国内外研究现状,并对延边大学农学院应用真菌实验室搜集到的紫丁香蘑菌株进行了菌丝生长的营养特性、环境条件,各级菌种培养料配方筛选及人工驯化栽培方面的研究,研究结果如下:本试验以野生紫丁香蘑子实体分离得到的纯化菌丝为试材,通过单因子试验和正交试验筛选出了紫丁香蘑菌丝生长的最佳碳源、氮源、无机盐及其最佳组合。试验结果表明:紫丁香蘑菌丝生长的最佳碳源为蔗糖,其次为白糖、葡萄糖;最佳氮源为酵母膏,其次为黄豆粉;最佳无机盐为硫酸镁,其次为硫酸钙;通过正交试验筛选出的最佳组合为:蔗糖25g·L-1、酵母膏2.0g·L-1、硫酸镁0.5g·L"1,通过极差分析和方差分析可知,影响紫丁香蘑菌丝生长因素的主次顺序为C→B→A, C因素(无机盐)对菌丝干重影响最大,A因素(碳源)对菌丝干重影响最小。紫丁香蘑菌丝生长的最适温度为25℃;菌丝培养的适宜pH值范围在6-7之间;紫丁香蘑菌丝在黑暗条件下,菌丝日均长速和菌丝干重均最大,且菌丝浓密、粗壮;适宜的二氧化碳浓度有利于菌丝生长;培养料含水量为65%、60%时紫丁香蘑菌丝生长速度快,长势强、均匀。培养料含水量过高或过低均不利于菌丝生长、菌丝长势弱,分布不均,含水量过高菌块不易萌发。紫丁香蘑菌丝生长的最佳母种培养基为黄豆粉培养基(黄豆粉40g,蛋白胨2g,葡萄糖20g,琼脂20g,加水至1000ml);最佳原种培养基为配方H(木屑73%,稻草5%,黄豆粉15%,白糖3%,CaC032%,KH2P040.5%,石灰1%,石膏0.5%);最佳栽培种培养料配方为配方A1l(干牛粪55%,稻草36%,豆饼粉5%,CaC032%,KH2P040.5%,石灰1%,石膏0.5%)。

【Abstract】 Lepista nuda belong to the Basidiomycotina,Hymenomycotina,Agricales, Tricholomataceae,Lepista and is also named Hua lianmo,Luo koumo,Zi jingmo.It is a new and rare medicinal fungus.It has extensive market apply foreground for value of medicinal and cancer prevention healthiness.The research summary of taxonomic status and value of medicinal and apply foreground of Lepista nuda.This table introduce the present research status at home and abroad of mycelium growth characteristic and domestication.So the paper researched of nutrition characteristic and environment condition for mycelia growth,filter of nourishment material formula and domestication of Lepista nuda.The result showed that:The pure mycelium isolated from the fruit body tissue of Lepista nuda was used as tested material.This paper studied on the optimum carbonic sources,nitrogenous sources,inorganic salts and the best combination on the growth rate of Lepista nuda was studied by single factor and orthogonal experiment. The result showed that:sucrose is the most optimal carbonic source,white sugar and glucose is the second;yeast extract is the most optimal nitrogenous source,yellow soybean powder is the second;MgSO4 is the most optimal inorganic salt,CaSO4 is the second.The orthogonal experimeng and ANOVA showed that the optimum combination is sucrose 25g·L-1,yeast extract 2.0g-L-1,MgSO4 0.5g-L-1. The primary and secondary order of effect mycelium growth factor is C→B→A.The best tempertature for mycelium growth of Lepista nuda is 25℃.The suitable pH extension between 6 and 7.The growth rate of everyday and dry weight of Lepista nuda mycelial are the best of all,and the mycelia is dense and thick.The feasible concertration of CO2 is favorable for mycelium growth.The mycelia is the best under the containing water of culture material on 65% and 60%.The mycelia is not good under the containing water of culture material higher or lower.The best mother culture for mycelia growth of Lepista nuda was improved yellow soybean powder culture medium(yellow soybean powder 40g,peptone 2g,glucose 20g,agar20g,add water to 1000ml).The suitable original spawn substrates is boxwood dust 73%,straw 5%,yellow soybean powder 15%,white sugar 3%, CaCO32%, KH2PO40.5%,lime 1%,cast 0.5%.The best cultispecies substrates is dry dung 55%,straw 36%,beancake powder 5%,CaCO32%,KH2PO40.5%,lime1%,cast 0.5%.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】S646
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】352