

Theory and Practice of Environmental Security in Gansu Province

【作者】 金芳

【导师】 刘兴荣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 劳动卫生与环境卫生学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 工业文明的飞速发展在为人类创造了前所未有的物质和精神财富的同时,给人类的生产生活也产生了很大的负面影响。人口剧增、温室效应引起的全球气候变化、臭氧层破坏、热带雨林以及森林植被锐减、土地荒漠化、生物物种减少等环境问题日益突出,环境污染和环境公害事件的发生频率有增无减,环境安全日益上升为社会各界高度关注的问题。因此,回顾环境安全这一理论的发展过程,研究环境安全的评价机理和方法,探讨威胁环境安全的因素,提出维持环境安全的管理对策,对促进国家及区域生态与环境良性循环,实现可持续发展,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。甘肃地处西北干旱区、青藏高原区和东部季风区等三大自然区域的交汇部位,经济发展速度缓慢,自然条件严酷,生态环境极其脆弱。同时由于地形的约束,大部分城市及人口集中分布于河谷地带,空间狭小,自然环境容量有限,生态环境保护和建设的难度较大。自然生态环境类型多样且脆弱,生态环境恶化一直是甘肃省经济社会发展中面临的突出问题。在经济社会发展过程中“统筹人与自然”、实现人与自然的和谐、建设环境友好型社会的任务非常艰巨,要求也尤为迫切。在环境安全问题逐步成为社会关注热点的背景下,针对甘肃省严峻的环境安全形势,本文系统综述了环境安全的起源与发展,概念和内涵,国内外关于生态环境安全的理论研究、内容和方法,开展环境安全研究的理论基础,环境安全的特点,以及实施环境安全的重要性和影响环境安全的因素等内容。考虑到甘肃省地处西北内陆,生态环境脆弱、经济欠发达的省情,本文以甘肃省、省会城市兰州、资源型城市庆阳、农业型城市平凉为研究对象,在可持续发展理论、人类-环境系统理论、环境承载力理论和循环经济理论的理论基础上,依据国际社会普遍采用的P-S-R概念模型,综合运用理论研究法,德菲尔法和层次分析法相结合的方法,探讨了环境安全评价研究的方法,原则以及评价指标的筛选,构建了环境安全评价指标体系,开展了对上述地区的环境安全状况评价,对影响环境安全的主要因素予以分析评价,经分析得出以下结论:①甘肃2003-2008年的环境安全状况都处于中等级别,且表现为波动型的特征,环境安全整体情况改善速度较为缓慢;②2007年兰州市环境安全综合指数为0.6960,处于良好级别的环境安全状况。③2008年资源型城市庆阳市环境安全水平高于农业型城市平凉,庆阳市处于第Ⅱ级别良好的环境安全状况,而平凉市第Ⅲ级别中的环境安全状况。评价结果表明,影响甘肃省环境安全的因素主要包括以下几个方面:2003--2008年全省人口自然增长率以年均1.3%的速度不断增长;人均煤炭的年消费量日益增加,超过了全国每人年平均量,间接的反应出由于煤炭消费量的增加而使得环境中CO2的污染在加重。尤其是人均水资源量与国际严重缺水衡量标准相差甚远,干旱缺水成为制约甘肃经济和社会发展的主要因素。水土流失日趋严重,土地荒漠化加速发展;经济的发展致使SO2与COD的排放量逐年增加;城乡居民人均收入比扩大、城镇失业率增高、传染病发病率增高同时也是制约环境安全水平提升的重要因素。最后针对这些问题,结合甘肃省环境安全现状,从优化水资源配置,积极推进节水型社会建设;加快水土流失治理,构建区域生态安全;发展节能减排循环经济,持续改善生态环境;统筹兼顾,加强城乡环境基础设施建设工作,增大区域环境容量等方面提出了保障甘肃省环境安全的若干措施建议,为推进甘肃省生态文明建设提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of modern industrial civilization has created unprecedented material and spiritual wealth for mankind, unfortunately it also produced great negative impact for human life. Environment problems are emerging increasingly, such as the explosion caused by the greenhouse effect, the global climate change, the ozone depletion, forest vegetation decline, land desertification, biological species reduction, public nuisance events frequent. So, environmental security problem has already became common concern. Therefore, by reviewing the development process of environmental security theory and studying the environmental security evaluation principles and methods, this study aims to discuss the possible factors of environmental security and put forward the countermeasures for maintaining environmental security. It is expected that the study could provide guides to local sustainable developments.Gansu province is located in north-western China, and in the region that connect Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Loess Plateau, Mongolia Plateau;between latitude 32°31’--42°57’N, and longitude 92°13’-108°46’E, covering 450,000km2,about 4.727% of China. It’s not only undeveloped but also fragile ecological environment. Meanwhile, it is difficult to protect and build the ecological environment due to the limited environment capacity. So the diverse and frail natural ecological environment type has became the prominent problem for Gansu province economic and social developments.Aiming at the severe environmental security situation in Gansu province, this study systematically summarized the evolution of environmental security. Considering the undeveloped economic level and fragile ecological environment, based on sustainable development theory, human-environment system theory, environmental bearing capacity theory, circular economy theory and P-S-R conceptual model, the methods, principles, measurement of environmental security evaluation and the selection of evaluation index have been probed in this study. Then, environmental security evaluation system has been built. Furthermore, environmental security conditions in Gansu province, provincial capital Lanzhou, resource-based city Qingyang and agriculture-based city Pingliang have been evaluated, respectively. Finally, the major factors influencing environmental security have been analyzed. The results were as follows:(1) The environment security in Gansu was in the Medium Level and a typical fluctuating characteristics form 2003 to 2008 was observed. The overall environment security improved slowly.(2) The environmental security index was 0.6960 in Lanzhou City in 2007, totally it was in relatively environmental security level(3) The environmental security in the resource-based city Qingyang was in the Good Level (II), much higher than that in agriculture city Pingliang where environmental security was in the Medium Level(III) in 2008.Evaluation results indicated that the factors influencing Gansu province’s environmental security includes:a natural increase in population by 1.3 percent every year from 2003 to 2008; an increase in CO2 emission per captal annual coal consumption. Especially, it was noted that Gansu was suffered from drought due to scarce precipitation, leading to severe soil erosion and desertification; Emissions of SO2 and CO2 were increased year by year because of the economic development and so on.Furthermore, some suggestions and approaches were put forward to improve the environmental security level in Gansu province. Firstly, promotion for establishment of water-saving society is urgent. Secondly, soil erosion control and regional ecological security construction must be strengthed; Thirdly energy saving and emission reduction must be emphasized especially; Finally, comphensive measures and many attempts should be taken to maintain environmental security and make ecnomic and social develop sustainably in Gansu province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期