

Study on Reservoir Sedimentary Microfacies of Quantou Formation of Fuyu Oilfield in Songliao Basin

【作者】 张宇

【导师】 王金荣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 构造地质学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 松辽盆地是我国大型含油气盆地之一。自1959年发现举世瞩目的大庆油田以来,松辽盆地已先后找到四十多个油气田,油气产量占我国油气总量的三分之一。松辽盆地可划分为北部倾没区、东北隆起区、西部斜坡区、中央坳陷区、东南隆起区和西南隆起区共6个二级构造单元。位于中央坳陷区的扶余油田勘探开发前景十分广阔。扶余油田泉头组作为其重要的储层,有必要进行深入研究。笔者通过对扶余油田X区泉头组岩石学、沉积结构构造、测井曲线、粒度分布进行综合分析,取得了以下主要认识:1)泉头组泉三段为河流相沉积,可识别出曲流河亚相、小型决口河道亚相、废弃河道亚相,进一步划分出了点坝微相、天然堤微相、决口扇微相、溢岸薄层砂微相、河道间泥质淤积微相,为油田的进一步开发提供了可靠的地质依据。2)泉头组泉四段为三角洲相沉积,可识别出三角洲分流平原亚相、浅水三角洲前缘亚相,进一步划分出了分流河道微相、废弃分流河道微相、小型决口分流河道微相、天然堤微相、决口扇微相、溢岸薄层砂微相、分流间微相,对认识油藏储集砂体具有重要意义。3)从沉积相平面展布图上看出,河道微相呈辐射状分叉、汇合的条带状分布,主力层交叉更为复杂;天然堤呈长轴平行流向的透镜体分布,主力层连片于河道之间;分流间微相在主要储层上呈小片状,条带状分布,而在非主力层呈连片状大面积分布。4)通过上述沉积相的对比研究认为,河道的储集能力最好,是今后主要的工作方向。

【Abstract】 Songliao Basin is a large oil and gas basins. Since the 1959 discovery of the Daqing oil field has attracted worldwide attention since Basin has been found more than 40 oil and gas fields, oil and gas production accounts for one third of China’s total oil and gas.Songliao Basin can be divided into the north plunge area, northeast uplift area, the western slope zone, the central depression, the Southeast and Southwest uplift total of six secondary structure units. The central depression area Fuyu bright future exploration and development. Fuyu Quantou as an important reservoir, the need for further research. Based on an X zone Fuyu Quantou petrology, sedimentary texture and structure, well logs, a comprehensive analysis of particle size distribution, made the following key understanding:1) The Quantou three paragraphs are fluvial deposits, sedimentary facies in the river below, but also identify the meandering river facies, small crevasse channel facies, abandoned channel facies, there is some further identification of micro-dam with the natural levee facies, crevasse splay facies, thin overbank sand microfacies, river mud between the micro-phase deposition for the further development of oil fields to provide a reliable geological basis.2) The Quantou four paragraphs are delta facies, sedimentary facies in the delta under, but also to identify delta distributary plain, and shallow-water delta front, distributary channel and further to identify the micro-phase, waste distributary channel facies, small burst distributary channel facies, microfacies natural levee, crevasse splay facies, thin sand overbank facies, micro-phase segregation between, on the understanding of reservoir sand bodies is important.3) Plane from the sedimentary facies distribution map shows that micro-phase radial channel branching, convergence banded structure, more frequent in the minor cross; natural levee along their longitudinal axis parallel to the flow of the lens distribution, in the main layer contiguous between the river; shunt between the main reservoir on the microfacies were small pieces, banded structure, which was not even in the minor sheet large distribution.4) Through this comparative study of sedimentary facies that, in these types of sedimentary facies, the reservoir capacity of the best channel is the main future direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】306