

The Study about Season Pasture in Qinghai Province Based on GIS

【作者】 王平

【导师】 陈全功;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 草业地理信息, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 青海省位于青藏高原东北部,地势高耸,山脉绵亘,平均海拔在3000m以上,属高原大陆性气候,草原面积在我国居第4位,是我国的第四大草原省区,天然草地面积3.636×105 km2,占全省总面积的50.34%,其中可利用草地面积3.153×105 km2。畜牧业在青海省农业经济中占主导地位,也是牧区人民经济收入的基础。青海省的草地畜牧业对自然条件的依赖性较强,表现出明显的季节性利用特点,即按季节划分放牧的草地,并随季节的更替轮流放牧。草地的季节性利用是我国西部地区草地畜牧业的显著特征,是牧民长期进行畜牧业生产的经验总结,具有一定的科学性,有利于协调家畜的采食需求与牧草生长的季节性、地域性之间的差异,从而达到经济效益与生态效益的最优化发展。准确掌握草地的季节利用状况,可以为草地畜牧业的管理和规划提供科学的指导依据。本研究基于GIS平台以青海省为研究区域,依据研究区地势高,海拔落差大的地理特征和牧草的生长及利用的垂直地带性规律,确定了利用海拔划分季节性牧场的基本思路;考虑到人类活动因素对草地利用越来越明显的影响,确定了依据人口分布划分季节性牧场的修正方案,最后对这两种划分方案进行综合,形成了双影响因子划分季节性牧场的新方法。利用GIS强大的空间分析功能,对青海省8个地区分别建立运算模型,以1km2栅格为最小单位,研究其草地的季节利用状况,实现对季节牧场的精确划分,并对研究结果划分的青海省季节牧场的分类精度和两种季节牧场的比例分别进行了验证。研究结果表明:青海省草地总面积约为3.8×105km2,全省冬春场草地总面积为1.7×105km2,占全省草地面积的44.62%,夏秋场草地总面积为2.0×105km2,占全省草地面积的52.52%,其它利用方式的草地面积为0.1×105km2,占全省草地面积的2.87%。精度验证的结果显示:双影响因子划分的青海省季节牧场图的分类精度为66.65%,8个地区两种牧场所占的比例与实际的调查数据非常接近,能够准确地反映实际的草地季节利用状况。

【Abstract】 Qinghai Province is located at the northeastern part of Tibetan Plateau. There are large amount of continuous mountains on the plateau, and the elevation there is high, with an average elevation over 3000m. The climate there is plateau-continental climate. Qinghai Province is the fourth largest grassland province in China, with 3.636×105km2 of natural grassland, which is 50.34% of the area of whole province. Livestock husbandry is the mainstay industry of the province, as well as the economic basis of the live and development the population there.Grassland livestock husbandry in Qinghai province is highly dependent on environment, featuring a significant seasonal utilizing of pastureland. The seasonal utilizing of pastureland refers to a pasturing method that divides grassland with seasonal category, and perform a cycle that grazing on different pastureland that following the change of seasons. Seasonal utilizing of pastureland is a key feature of the grassland livestock husbandry in the western part of China. This method is based on the long experience of local herdsmen, and is somewhat scientific. The difference of foraging need between livestock, the seasonal and territorial difference of growth between various species of grass, can be coordinated with this method, for the optimized economic and environmental development. Accurate learning of the seasonal utilize of grassland can be a scientific support to the management and planning of grassland livestock husbandry.This study is based on GIS, with Qinghai province as study area. The research approach of dividing seasonal pastureland is based on the significant elevation difference in study area and the vertical zonality in the growth and utilizing of forage grass. Another approach is to take the influence of population into consideration, and to modify the main approach with the factor population distribution. The combination of the two approaches is the new dual-factor method of dividing seasonal pastureland. With the spatial analysis module of GIS software, simulation model is constructed for 8 areas of Qinghai province, which taken lkm2 as minimum spatial resolution, to study the seasonal utilizing of grassland in study areas, and to perform an accurate divide of seasonal pastureland. An assessment of accuracy of the classification of seasonal pastureland and the area ratio of two types of seasonal pastureland was also conducted. The result showed that the total areas of grassland in Qinghai is about 3.8×105km2, total areas of winter and spring seasonal pastureland is about 1.7×105km2, which is 44.62 of total areas of grassland; total areas of summer and autumn seasonal pastureland is about 2.0×105km2, which is 52.52% of total areas of grassland; other type of seasonal pastureland is about 0.1 X 105km2, which is 2.87% of total areas of grassland. Accurate assessment showed that the classification accuracy of the seasonal pastureland map of Qinghai province is 66.65%, and the ratio between two main categories of pastureland is very close to the field survey in 8 areas, that can accurately reflect the actual utilization of the grass season.

【关键词】 青海草地季节牧场GIS3S
【Key words】 Qinghai ProvinceGrasslandseasonal pastureGIS3S
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期