

The Study of Linxia Urban Life during Republican China Period

【作者】 王萌萌

【导师】 彭南生; 杨红伟;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 民国时期是近代中国社会由传统向现代转型的重要时期。在这一特殊历史时期内,地处偏远而又有浓厚民族特色的西部城镇临夏的发展状况值得深思。本文从临夏城镇生活入手来探讨民国时期具有地域及民族双重特色性的西部城镇临夏的现代化历程,以期弥补临夏城市史的空白,同时为今日临夏的城市建设和规划提供历史依据。就具体研究框架而言,本论文分五部分。第一部分为绪论。第二部分是民国时期临夏城镇生活发展的背景。包括民国时期临夏城镇的行政建制与演变、民国时期临夏城镇的社会经济两部分。第三部分是民国时期临夏城镇物质生活,主要包括衣着、饮食、住房、交通四方面。第四部分是民国时期临夏城镇精神生活,主要包括教育、宗教、风俗、娱乐四方面。第五部分在总结民国时期临夏城镇生活的特点之基础上总结出:民国时期,在处处弥漫着宗教色彩的临夏城镇生活中,由于受当时军阀及社会名流的示范带动以及致力于地方建设的努力等影响,已经出现了现代化的曙光,处于由传统向现代过渡的转型期。但军阀的作用是双重的,由他们引起的政局变动同时又束缚了临夏城镇生活现代化的进程。

【Abstract】 Republican China period is an important period for transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modernization. In this special historical period, the development of the western town of Linxia which is located in remote corner and has strong ethnic characteristics is worth deeper thought. this article explore the modernization course of western town of Linxia which has the geographical and ethnic characteristics based on urban life of Lin Xia during the Republic in order to compensate for gaps in the history of Linxia city and at the same time provide historical basis.for construction and planning of Linxia urban areas today.In terms of specific research framework, this paper divided into five parts. The first part is introduction. The second part is the background of the development of Linxia.urban life during the Republican China period including the administrative institution and evolution and the socio-economic conditions of Linxia during Republican China period of two parts. The third part is the material life of Linxia urban areas mainly including clothing, food, housing, and transport four parts during Republican China period. The fourth part is the spiritual life of Linxia urban areas mainly including education, religion, customs, entertainment of four parts during Republican China period. On the basis of summing up characteristics of linxia urban life, the fifth part draw a conclusion that Linxia urban life permeated with religious overtones everywhere emerged dawn of modernization and had been in the transition period from traditional to modern transition during Republican China period due to the advanced examples and efforts for local construction of the warlords and celebrities However, because of the dual role of warlords, political changes aroused by whom constrained the process of modernization of linxia urban life.

【关键词】 民国时期临夏城镇生活
【Key words】 Republican China periodLinxiatownLife
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期