

Researches on Three Benefits of Golf Course on Yongding River of Beijing

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 韩烈保;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 草业科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 永定河是北京最大、最主要的水系,也是北京冬春季节主要的沙尘来源地。近年来永定河上出现了新的绿化形式——高尔夫球场。本研究主要通过对高尔夫球场生态效应和经济效应的分析,对球场存在的合理性加以探讨,并对其今后发展提出建议。在对球场及其周边生态环境的研究中,采用样方法对当地植被种类和植被盖度进行了调查,调查结果显示,球场内部的植被盖度明显优于球场外部的,从功能区来分,植被盖度依次为:果岭>球道>高草区>河床无人管理区。果岭平均盖度在0.95以上,并且盖度稳定,球道和高草区的平均盖度均大于0.75,而河床无人管理区植被平均盖度小于0.50,部分区域甚至低于0.20,潜在风蚀可能大大超过球场内的果岭、球道和高草区。对植被种类的研究表明,被调查区乔木主要以毛白杨、刺槐、油松为主,共计27种,灌木以荆条为主,共计18种,草本植物种类丰富,主要有81种。通过对周边社会经济环境的调查发现,该地区球场密度大、成本低、竞争激烈的特点,它们在创造产值的同时,为周边居民提供了就业岗位,优化周边投资环境。最后文章以加州水郡为例,通过SWOT分析,对该球场的发展提出了建议,并以此推广到整个永定河流域高尔夫球场,提出了合理规划,保护球场周边生态环境;将采摘农业、体育休闲与旅游业相结合的发展的建议;并提出了个体球场和“高尔夫走廊”整体的经济发展策略。

【Abstract】 Yongding River is considered one of the places where the sandstorms during spring and fall in Beijing originate as it has dried for years. In recent years golf courses have emerged as a protection of the land from wind erosion. Ecological effects and economic effects are mainly discussed to prove the rationality of golf-course-cluster in this research. Suggestions are made for the future planning.In the research of ecological environment, sampling method was used to investigate the vegetation coverage and plant species. The results showed that vegetation coverage of areas inside the golf courses is higher than that of the wild samples. Among the four different areas on golf courses, vegetation coverage of green areas was the highest and the most stable with the average reached 94.5%. The average vegetation coverage of fairways and roughs were both above 75%. The vegetation coverage of wild areas was much lower than those three mentioned above. As the average vegetation coverage of the areas was below 50%,even some of those lower than 20%, this type of land was deemed to be more susceptible to wind erosion than green, fairway or rough.Suvey of plant species indicated that, there are three species of arbores,18 species of shrubs and 81 species of main herb.During the poll to social environment, the cluster was characterized as high density, low cost and fierce competition. It provided job opportunity and optimized investment environment while creating output value.As an example, SWOT analysis was done on California County Club in order to give developing suggestions. In the end, advices on the whole cluster were offered, including rational planning, protecting ecological enviroment, sports development together with toursim and agriculture. Suggestiongs are given not only to individual courses but also the whole cluster.
