

A Comparison of the Management Models of Protected Areas between China and the African Southern Region

【作者】 克罗帝诺

【导师】 崔国发;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 管理模式是管理保护区的一种工具。本文以中国和非洲南部地区保护区管理模式进行对比作为研究对象,分析其中的异同点,特别是两个地区管理特点的积极和消极方面。研究结果表明:(1)从各类相关文献中收集了二手数据资料,例如政策文件、学位论文、科学文章和期刊杂志,资料综合表明:1956年,中国第一个自然保护区在广东省肇庆市鼎湖山建立。截止2005年底,中国自然保护区数量已达2349个,总面积14995.90万公顷,约占中国陆地面积的15%。而数据显示,在非洲南部,面积11487920公顷的陆地上大约有4390个保护区;在东非,保护区的面积大约有1838144公顷,占东非陆地面积约15.0%。在Paul Kruger(南非的战争领袖)向当局发出部分动物物种灭绝的警告后,1926年南非建立了第一个自然公园。(2)在本研究之前,保护区建立的速度已越来越快,相比之下,中国在现阶段比非洲南部地区要快得多。尽管这样,随着人口的增加,非洲南部的这些保护区目前还面临着严峻的挑战(威胁到他们的生存)。鉴于此,把成功的东方模式和各方面因素相结合,实行参与性的生物多样性监管和环境教育,这样才能对地方的需求负责。此外,本研究发现,为了让管理模式能产生良性影响,就必须找到一个资源、科研、群众和地方政府积极参与的开发与保护的平衡点。群众和地方政府积极参与管理并且遵守世界保护联盟提出的五项原则:1)典型性、2)广泛性和平衡性、3)充足性、4)连贯性和互补性、5)一致性有效性和公平性。(3)中国所有的保护区都是国有的,而在南非,有些保护区归私人所有。除此之外,政府所采用的模式或者类型,也就是把共同经营和共同管理结合起来,实践证明这是成功的。国有的保护区和私人所有的保护区都取得了巨大的成功,并且与单纯的国有管理相比更有利于保护计划拟定和管理。

【Abstract】 A Comparison of the Management Models of Protected Areas between China and the African Southern Region allows reading and evaluating the similarities and differences in the use of management model as a management tool for protected areas in China and Southern African Region. Specifically, some positive and negative features of the management approaches for the two regions.Secondary data was collected from various related literature such as policy documents, students’ dissertations/thesis, scientific articles and magazines. Based on the method above, the study found out that China’s first nature reserve was the Dingus Mountain Nature Reserve in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province established in 1956. By the end of 2005, about 2,349 nature reserves of various kinds were set up throughout the country, covering a total area of 149.95 million ha and accounting for 15 percent of the total land territory. The study further found that Southern Africa has approximately 4,390 protected areas out of 11487920 total land areas and Eastern Africa has approximately 1838144 protected areas, which is equivalent to 15.0% of the total land areas. Southern Africa in this region had its first declared natural park in 1926 after Paul Kruger (a war hero) had alerted the authorities of the extinguishing threat of some animal species of region.Previous to this study it verified the designation of protected areas as increasing at a faster rate than ever before, comparatively much faster now in China than Southern Africa regions. Nevertheless, many of these areas are currently facing their greatest ever challenge (threats to their very existence) as their value to humankind increases. For that reason, it therefore behooves any success oriented model to combine different parameters as participatory biodiversity monitoring and environmental education in such a way that it responds to the local needs. Moreover, the study found that in order for a management system to erect positive results, it has to provide the exploitation-conservation balance of resources, activities, intensive participation of residents and local politicians in the management as well as in cooperate the following five elements found by the IUCN:a) representativeness, b) comprehensiveness and balance, c) adequacy, d) coherence and complementarily and e) consistency, cost effectiveness, efficiency and equity.Last but not least, the paper further found that in China all the protected areas are state owned whilst in Southern Africa regions there are some protected areas that are privately owned. Also that the models or typology of governance applied are successful for the fact that they both combine co-management or collaborative management, community-conserved areas and private protected areas that are subject to greater success and can help design planning and management than those who use exclusively government management.

  • 【分类号】S759.9
  • 【下载频次】97