

Relationship between Acculturation Strategies and Subjective Well-being among German Students in China

【作者】 梁杰

【导师】 马剑虹; 张秋和;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 应用心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究重点以德国在华留学生为研究为样本,考察了文化适应策略与主观幸福感的关系,并探讨了自尊在其中的作用。研究共分为两大部分。问卷调查部分首先对比了271名在华留学生在婚姻、交友等六个生活领域选择文化适应策略的情况,然后重点探讨德国留学生的文化适应策略、主观幸福感以及自尊之间的关系。共有148名德国留学生参与了此次研究。以主观幸福感的情感维度和认知纬度为因变量,利用分层回归方法对结果进行分析后表明,自尊与整合、同化、隔离以及边缘化四种文化适应策略均有交互作用,证实了调节作用的存在。除此之外笔者选取部分被试组成美国、亚洲、德国组,对比不同文化背景的被试在文化适应策略、自尊以及主观幸福感各维度上的差别。在个人访谈部分笔者选取了浙江大学两个有代表性的德国留学生为访谈对象,力图深入了解他们在文化适应过程中遇到的具体问题,并挖掘其深层次的文化根源。鉴于本研究的不足和局限性,笔者对日后的相关研究提出以下建议:1.探讨内隐自尊在文化适应态度与主观幸福感之间的作用;2.探讨更多调节或者中介变量的作用;3.将文化样本扩充到更多国家。

【Abstract】 This study examines the relationship between acculturation strategies and subjective well-being among German students in China and investigates the role of self-esteem as well.The study includes two parts. With questionnaire the researcher first made comparisons of different acculturation strategies that 271 foreign students in China prefer in different living domains, such as marriage and friends-making. Later on the importance was laid on the examination of relationship among German students’ acculturation strategies, subjective well-being and self-esteem.148 German students participated in the study. First using emotional and cognitive indices as criteria in hierarchical multiple regression analysis, we found interactive effects of self-esteem and integration, assimilation, separation or marginalization strategy, which confirmed the hypothesized moderating effect of self-esteem.In addition, the author also surveyed 123 students from the USA, South Korea, Japan, etc. Selecting some of them into three groups-the USA, Asia and Germany, we compared the differences among diverse cultural backgrounds in acculturation strategies, self-esteem and subjective well-being.In the interview research the author selected two representative German students in Zhejiang University, striving to learn the specific problems they come across during the acculturating process, trying to find the in-depth cultural roots at the same time. In consideration of the shortage and limitation of the present study, suggestions for related research in future were proposed as follows:(a) to explore the effect of implicit self-esteem in the relationship between acculturation strategies and subjective well-being; (b) to explore the effects of more moderating and mediating variables; (c) to extend the sample to more countries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】711