

The Effects of Jinshaniuhuashipian on the Factors of Stone Formation in Patients’ Urine of Urolithiasis

【作者】 周上军

【导师】 周学鲁;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中西结合临床, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的通过对金沙牛化石片治疗的尿石症患者服药前后尿液中各种成石因素的测定和统计学分析,了解金沙牛化石片对尿液成石因素的影响,探索其作用机理,为其临床应用提供依据,以及能更好的应用本药。方法对尿石症患者服药(金沙牛化石片,9片/次,每日三次)前、服药后第一天、第五天、第十天尿液的pH值、草酸、枸橼酸、葡胺聚糖、尿酸、钙、钠的定量测定,以及24h尿量、尿白细胞及红胞测定。结果服药后第1天与服药前尿量、尿钠、尿pH、枸橼酸、葡胺聚糖、草酸、尿钙、尿酸无差异。服药后第1天尿中红细胞、白细胞较服药前减少(P<0.05)。服药后第5天尿中红细胞、白细胞较服药前减少(P<0.05)。服药后第5天尿量较服药前增加(P<0.05)。服药后第五天与服药前尿钙、尿钠、尿pH、尿酸、枸橼酸、葡胺聚糖、草酸无差异。服药后第10天红细胞、白细胞、尿酸较服药前减少(P<0.05)。服药后第10天尿量、枸橼酸较服药前增加(P<0.05)。服药后第10天尿钠、尿钙、尿pH、草酸、葡胺聚糖无差异(P>0.05)。结论本研究实验表明金沙牛化石片对尿石症病人的尿液中的尿钙、尿钠、尿酸、葡胺聚糖和尿pH影响不大。其防治泌尿系结石时主要是通过增加尿量、增加尿液中枸橼酸,并减少尿酸和减轻尿路感染炎症反应而发挥作用的。

【Abstract】 Objective The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Jinshaniuhuashipian (a compound of Chinese herbal medicine) on urinary factors of urolithiasis, to understand of its mechanism, and provide the theoretical basis for its clinical application, and finally improve its formula for better effect.Methods Jinshaniuhuashipian was orally given to the patients of urolithiasis in a dose of 9 tablets, three times daily for ten days. And then the patients’ urine of twenty four hour was collected before the taking the medicine and after one day, five day and ten day of administration. The volume of thetwenty-four-hour urine was measured. The urine sample was annlyzed foritspH, calcium, sodium, oxalate, uricacid, citric acid and glycosaminoglycans respectively. RBC and WBC were also calculated in patient’s urine.Results There were no significant changes in twenty-four-hour urine volum, calcium, sodium, pH, citric acid, oxalate, uric acid, and glycosaminoglycans on the first day of administratin. Howvere, red blood cell and white blood cell in the urine sample was remarkably reduced (P<0.05). The volume of urine of the fifth day was moderately higher than that before the adminitration(P<0.05). The count of red blood cell and white blood cell in the urine sample kept going down (P<0.05). But other items measured, such as calcium, sodium, pH, citric acid, oxalate, uric acid glycosaminoglycans continued to be unchangeable remarkably.Except of increasing of the volume of urine, and decreasing of the count of red blood cell and white blood cell continually, the tenth day’s urinary citric acid increasede significantly (P<0.05), and that of uric acid was declined greatly (P<0.05). There were no remarkably significance among calcium, sodium, pH, oxalate, and glycosaminoglycans, compared with those before the administration. Conclusion This study shows that it is strongly suggested that the increase of the volume of urine and citric acid, and the decrease of uric acid and the count of red blood cell and white blood cell may play an significant role in prevention and treatment of urolithrosis with Jinshaniuhuashipian.
