

The Study on the Problems and Solutions of Liaoning Province’s Sports Industry

【作者】 戴宁阳

【导师】 朱晓东;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以辽宁体育产业为研究对象,采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析等多种研究方法进行了研究。研究结果表明,辽宁体育产业的发展大体可分为三个阶段。第一阶段:萌芽阶段,从1989~1993年;第二阶段:起步阶段,1994-2000年;第三阶段:发展阶段,从2001年至今。目前辽宁体育产业初具规模,且高于全国平均水平,本体产业成效突出体育产业投资主体多元化格局初步形成。随着体育竞赛市场开发日益活跃,体育消费市场的日益壮大,体育彩票市场也正在健康快速地发展起来,尤其是在2007年,辽宁省体育彩票全年销量突破了20亿元大关,跻身全国第五位。体育产业正在逐渐成为辽宁省经济增长的一个新亮点。但是,体育产业的发展不平衡,地区间差距较悬殊。无论是与辽宁经济在全国的地位和作用相比,还是与竞技体育、群众体育的迅猛发展相比,都处于一种相对落后的水平,而且与全国发达地区相比还较大的差距。本文从科学发展观的角度,对辽宁省体育产业的现状、优势和存在的问题进行研究,结合辽宁省省情提出合理的适用于辽宁体育产业发展的对策。旨在为辽宁体育产业和谐快速的发展提供理论依据,为辽宁行政部门的决策提供参考。

【Abstract】 The study object of this article is Liaoning province’s sports industry, the article adopted literature method, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics method, and logical analysis. From these researches, we can divide Liaoning province’s sports industry into three stages. The first stage:the embryo stage, from 1989 to 1993; the second stage:infancy stage, from 1994 to 2000; the third stage:development stage, from 2001 until now. Liaoning province’s sports industry begins to be of some size at the moment, it ranks above the nationwide average level, the main body industry has a prominent effect, and the investment subject of the sports industry has preliminarily framed a diversity framework. With the development of the sport competition markets, the sport consumer market is growing stronger day by day, the sports lotteries market develops healthy and quickly as well, especially in 2007, sales of Liaoning province’s sports lotteries up to two billion, ranking the Nationwide fifth puller. Sports industry is becoming one of the Liaoning province’s economic growth new highlights. However, sports industry development has a serious imbalance, there exist a great regional disparity, no matter compared to the Status and Function of Liaoning’s economic to the entire country, or compared to the rapid development of competitive sports and mass Sports, it is relatively fell behind, moreover, compared to the entire country’s developed areas, it has a great disparity. This article is based on the scientific thought of development, according to Liaoning province’s sports industry’s current situation, advantages, and problems to complete the research. According to the current situation, this article puts forward something applicable to the development of the Liaoning sports industry. Its aim is to provide rationale for Liaoning sports industry to develop fast and harmoniously, it can also provide reference for Liaoning administrative division’s strategic decisions.
