

The Evolution and Development of Causative Verb Structure in Jianyu Sentences in Ancient Chinese

【作者】 林琳

【导师】 朱承平;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 兼语式,是汉语中的一种结构很特殊的句式。它在甲骨卜辞中就已经开始应用,先秦两汉时期成了书面语言中的主要句式。但先秦两汉的兼语式至今还缺乏系统深入的研究,对于兼语式和兼语动词的演进发展,更少人涉及。“使令”类兼语动词是兼语式中的典型结构,也是兼语动词中最早发展出来的一个类别。本文根据西周至东汉1 1部文献,对上古汉语兼语式中的使令类兼语动词作了共时描写和历时比较,说明使令类兼语动词在上古时期的发展变化。我们发现:(1)使令类兼语动词的基本类别一直保持在一个稳定的状态中。它们的两大基本类型:强使式和助佑式,在西周时期就已经定型,一直到东汉时期都没有什么变化。(2)许多使令类兼语动词都有前后沿承的关系,保证了兼语动词的基本稳定。但各个时期都有新的兼语动词产生、旧的兼语动词消亡的现象出现,兼语动词的应用处在一个不断演进发展的过程中。(3)兼语式的发展从简单到复杂,朝着更加精细更加缜密的方向发展。研究结果表明,从西周至东汉,使令类兼语动词都在不断地演进发展,使令兼语句也在日益变得复杂,每一个时代都有新的变化,不会停止在一个水平上。而细致地分析这些现象,会使我们对兼语式有更清楚的认识。

【Abstract】 Jianyu Sentences, a special kind of sentence pattern in Chinese, which had already been found in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, became a main type of sentence structure in the written language from the Pre-Qin Period to the Han Dynasty. However, few have undergone systematic and profound studies on Jianyu Sentences during that era, let alone the evolution and development of Jianyu Sentences and causative verb structure. The causative verb structure is a typical type of structure in Jianyu sentences, and it is also the earliest type of verb structure in Jianyu sentences. With the reference of 11 pieces of classical documents dated from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the dissertation studies the causative verb structure in Jianyu Sentences in ancient Chinese by a synchronic depict and a diachronic comparision as well, so as to illuminate the development and changes of causative verb structure in Jianyu Sentences in ancient Chineses. Hence we can conclude as follows:(1) The basic classification of causative verb structure has been in a steady state all the time. It falls into two mian types:compulsory verb phrases“强使式”and guidance verb phrases“助佑式”.These verb phrases, already formed in the Western Zhou Dynasty, had not changed until the Eastern Han Dynasty.(2) Many causative verb phrases have an inheritance relationship, which ensures the stability of the verb structure. Yet each period has witnessed the appearance of new verb phrases and the extinction of the outdated, which consists of an evolutionary process of this verb structure.(3) Jianyu Sentences evolve from simple patterns to complicated ones, becoming more and more sophisticated.The conclusion of study indicates that from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the causative verb structure in Jianyu sentences had been in a continuous evolution and causative Jianyu Sentences became more and more complicated. New changes had taken place in every period, unceasing at the same level. And a thorough analysis of these phenomena will give us a further understanding of Jianyu Sentences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】H141
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】273