

Research on the Use of Chinese Woman Beach Volleyball Team in 29th Olympic Games

【作者】 宋志刚

【导师】 孙平;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着第29届奥运会结束,新的奥运周期又拉开了帷幕。如何掌握沙滩排球运动的规律,结合队员自身条件,充分发挥竞技沙滩排球比赛中重要得分手段——进攻的作用,是中国女子沙滩排球继续屹立于世界女子沙排强队的必备技术能力之一。论文的意义在于通过统计分析,比较第29届奥运会女子沙滩排球比赛中两支中国女沙队伍在进攻手段运用上的差异,达到以下目的:第一,了解自身在进攻手段运用上的规律;第二,有针对性地完善队伍进攻技能,提高得分能力,制约对手。因此通过对沙滩排球进攻手段在比赛中运用的研究,得出客观结论,不仅为运动员今后的训练提供切实有效的参考数据,同时对实现比赛胜利也有实际重要的意义。本文通过文献资料、录像统计、逻辑归纳、对比分析等研究方法,对在第29届奥运会沙排比赛中中国女子沙滩排球两支不同组合形式的队伍的各自7场比赛进攻手段的运用情况进行比较与分析。全文整体以先总后分的形式,从不同阶段、近网与远网、一攻与防反这三个方面进行论述,得出以下结论:高低组合不同阶段、近网与远网、一攻与防反的比较都有存在差异。主要表现在第二阶段扣球增加,吊球减少;远网进攻中吊球减少,增加了垫球手段运用;防反中吊球减少却增加了二次球的运用。差异项涵盖了扣球、吊球、二次球和垫球。说明高低组合在进攻手段上,突出了势大力沉的扣球和利用机智多变的进攻手段来攻击对手达到得分目的。高高组合不同阶段中没有差异。近网扣球多,而远网的轻拍运用的多;一攻时扣球多,而防反时轻拍多。说明高高组合主要以其各项进攻手段稳定的发挥来制约对手为队伍得分创造机会,但是手段运用的种类略显单一。另外中国两支队伍在内陆城市沙滩环境的比赛中,阳光和风力不是对其技术发挥影响的主要因素,然而在雨天里则表现出扣球能力不突出。但是经过努力两支队伍分别利用自身特点取得了第29届奥运会女子沙滩排球的银牌和铜牌。

【Abstract】 As the 29th Olympic Games ended, the new Olympic cycle has kicked off. For Chinese women beach volleyball, how to master the laws of beach volleyball and how to combine the team players’own conditions to bring the score means, known as attack, into full play has become one of the key techniques to stand still in the world of women beach volleyball. In the form of general the first and division the last, this paper analyzed how the two Chinese women beach volleyball teams in different combinations applied and performed the attack in their respective seven games.By employing document data, video material statistics, logical inductive and comparative analysis, it was found that the order of attack means applied by the two different teams in their respective seven games was spiking, tapping, hanging, setting and digging.There were differences in the first stage, the front and back zones, the first attack and attack between offensive and defensive. The most differences were in tapping and setting.The abilities in the combination of high and low attack and the spiking were outstanding. The means of high combination was much more average. However, the two teams won the silver medal and bronze medal respectively with their own characteristics. In the interior city games, the sunshine and the wind did not influence the players to perform, but when playing in the rain, their abilities to spike were not so excellent.The meaning of this paper is not only to analyze the laws of attack means, but also to improve the team’s abilities of scoring and constraining the opponents. Therefore, the objective conclusion by researching the attack means in beach volleyball is on one hand to provide the effective data for the athletes and on the other hand to help the team finally realize the victory of the competitions.

  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【下载频次】194