

The Strategy Thinking on Sports Powerful Nation Building from the Sports Power

【作者】 苏宁

【导师】 祝莉;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是对胡锦涛总书记提出的“推动我国由体育大国向体育强国迈进”的战略部署进行的理论思考,通过对体育大国和体育强国的基本概念、本质特征等方面探索和研究,构建出体育强国的初步指标体系,并对当前世界体育强国的现状进行多角度的分析,找出我国与世界体育强国的差距,提出对策和建议,为推动我国由体育大国向体育强国迈进提供理论支持。研究的主要结论如下:1、体育大国是指其竞技体育、群众体育、体育产业相互促进、协调发展,在世界体育领域具有广泛影响力的国家。其特征是:世界大型赛事中成绩位列前三集团;体育人口基数大,但所占全国人口的比重小,体育场地设施投入高,但人均占有率低,各地区民众参与体育锻炼的差异较大;体育产业占国民生产总值的百分比呈现增长趋势,但仍未达到世界先进水平。2、体育强国是指竞技体育、群众体育和体育产业发展均已达到了世界领先水平,具有引领世界体育发展,掌控重大国际体育事务的能力,对世界体育的发展有着重大推动力的国家。其特征是:体育强国首先应该是竞技体育强国;群众体育能够与竞技体育协调发展;体育产业发展状况良好,在国际体育市场具有很强的市场竞争力;在国际体育事务中占有主导话语权;国民的体育意识较强;健全的体育管理机制和完善的体育法制;强大的体育宣传力度和广泛的体育交流。3、体育强国的初步指标体系分为三个一级指标,即竞技体育发展水平、群众体育发展程度、体育产业的发展状况,45个具体指标。4、我国与世界体育强国的差距:竞技体育领域体现在奥运会的成绩、世界大型赛事的影响力、竞技体育人才培养模式、职业体育的发展水平等方面;群众体育领域体现在管理体制、体育人口占总人口的比例、体育场地设施、经费来源、全民的体育锻炼意识、体育指导员的数量等方面;体育产业领域体现在体育产业占GDP的百分比、体育产业链的完备与否、体育产业人才培养和健身娱乐业等具体产业方面。5、构建体育强国的17条对策和建议:竞技体育领域应由奥运强国向竞技体育强国迈进;群众体育领域应由人口大国向全民健身强国迈进;体育产业领域要向实力雄厚、门类齐全的体育产业强国迈进。6、体育大国向体育强国迈进战略的阶段性目标:2010年-2015年为重点发展群众体育和体育产业阶段;2015年-2020年为竞技体育、群众体育、体育产业全面发展阶段。

【Abstract】 This article focuses on how to develop the sports powerful nation from the sports power on national strategy level, which is proposed by General Secretary Hu Jintao. Based on the exploration and research of the concept and substantive characteristics of sports power and sports powerful nation, a preliminary indicator system of the sports powerful nation is constructed. Meanwhile, Multi-perspectives analysis on the present situation of current sports powerful nations is carried out and thus finds the disparity between China and world sports powerful nations. Finally, based analysis above, some countermeasure and recommendation are proposed in order to provide scientific basis for sports powerful nation building in China. The results are follows:1.The sports power is refers to a nation which has the widespread influence in the world sports field, and its athletics sports, the mass sports and the sports industry are promoted mutually and develop coordinately. It has a series of characters, including a) to be placed in any big sport events; b) a big sports population while a small proportion, a high investment to sports facility but a low per-capita share, and a big difference in physical activity among various regions; c) a growth trend of the sports industry accounts for GDP, but still not achieved the world advanced level.2.The sports powerful nation is refers to a nation which athletics sports, mass sports and the sports industrial development have achieved the world advanced standard, and could lead the development of world sports and control major international sports affairs. Such countries have played an important role in the development of world sports. It has a series of characters, including a) a athletics sports powerful nation is necessary; b) coordinated development between mass sports and athletics sports; c) the development of sports industry is in a good condition, and has highly competitiveness in the international sports market; c) holds the leading power in the international sports business; d) a strong sports consciousness; e) perfect management mechanism and consummation legal system; f) formidable sports propaganda and widespread athletic exchange.3. The preliminary indicator system of sports powerful nation is divided into three first-level targets, named athletics sports level of development, mass sports degree of development, sports industry development condition. Besides, there are 45 concrete indicators under three first-level targets.4. The disparities between China and world sports powerful nation are find. As to the athletics sports, it includes the result of Olympic Games, the influence on world big sport events, training mode of athletes and the level of professional sports development; As to the mass sports, it includes the management system, the sports population proportion, the sports facility, the sources of funding, the physical activity consciousness and the numbers of sports instructor; As to the sports industry, it includes the percentage of the sports industry in GDP, whether the sports industry chain is complete or not, the degree of sports industry personnel training and some concrete industrial aspects such as the fitness entertainment industry and so on.5.17 countermeasures and recommendations are proposed, including: Athletics sports should make great strides from the Olympic Games powerful nation to athletics sports powerful nation; The mass sports domain should make great strides from the large population to all-people body-building powerful nation; The sports industry should make great strides forward to the strong and a complete range of power sports industry.6. The phased target of the sports powerful nation building:2010-2015 is the stage focus on the development of mass sports and sports industry; 2015-2020 is the stage focus on the all-round development of athletics sports, mass sports and sports industry.
