

Investigation on WSN Cluster Routing Protocols Based on Node Location and Energy

【作者】 肖刘军

【导师】 邓平;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络作为一种全新的信息获取与处理技术,能够广泛应用在国防军事、环境监测、空间探索及物品跟踪等许多领域。无线传感器自身的特点及工作环境决定了节点的能量是严格受限的。如何有效地提高能量的利用效率,延长网络的生存时间,是无线传感器网络需要研究的首要问题。本文在查阅相关文献的基础上,综述了无线传感器网络路由技术在国内外的研究现状。以LEACH路由协议为研究课题,在分析和比较现有主流无线传感器网络路由协议的优缺点,及其应用环境范围特点的基础上,对LEACH分层路由协议进行了详细具体的分析,指出了LEACH协议的优缺点。针对LEACH协议分簇过程中,簇头的随机产生,簇头在网络中的分布不合理的情况,本文进行了具体改进。首先,本文对簇头数目比例的最优值进行了推导,得出在网络规模一定的情况下,簇头数目的最优比例。然后,通过对网络的区域进行划分,使簇头出现在固定区域内,以减少网络的能量消耗,并延长网络的生存时间。接着,以簇头间的距离作为出发点,在LEACH随机产生簇头的过程中,限制簇头间的距离,使簇头在网络中分布更加均匀,以此均衡网络的负载,减少能量的消耗,并延长网络的生存时间。此外,本文还将网络中节点的位置信息与节点的剩余能量相结合,同时作为选簇考虑的指标,提出了一种LEACH改进算法,避免了原始LEACH算法随机选择簇头存在的缺点,降低了能量过低的节点成为簇头的概率,把传输消耗的能量尽可能平均地分担到各个节点。文中仿真结果的分析和比较表明,该改进算法在能量的节省及网络生存周期的延长等方面,性能得到明显提高。最后,对本论文所作的工作进行了总结,指出了需要进一步研究的问题与方向。

【Abstract】 As a new information capturing and processing technology, Wireless Sensor Networks can be widely applied in many areas, such as national military, environment monitoring, space exploration, indoor tracking etc. As WSN’s own characteristics and the working conditions decide that the node’s energy supply is strict limited, how to enhance the energy efficiency and prolong whole network’s lifetime is the most important question needed to study.Based on the analysis of related literatures, this thesis has summarized the domestic and the foreign present research status on WSN’s routing protocols and selected the LEACH protocol as the main research topic. Based on the analysis and comparision of the mainstream WSN’s routing protocols, including their application environment, We have studied the advantages and disanvantages of the LEACH protocol in detail. Aim at the disadvantages of LEACH, an improved protocol is proposed by stochastic selecting clusterheads, this make the clusterheads distributed uniformly.First of all, the optimum number of the clusterheads is derived. Based on the dividision of the network cover region, the clusterheads are strained in the fixed area, and this has reduced the network’s energy consumption and prolonged the network lifetime. Secondly, we have restricted the distance between clusterheads during the selecting process, made clusterheads uniformly distributed, the network load more even, the energy consumption more balanced, and the network lifetime is prolonged.Besides, combining sensor’s position information and the remain nodes energy, considering this two aspects as the standard of selecting clusterheads, an improved new algorithm which avoids the disadvantage of clusterheads random selecting is proposed. This algorithm reduce the possibility that the lower energy nodes to be the clusterhead, and average the transmission energy consumption of each node. The analysis and comparision of the simulation result show that this improved algorithm has obvious nice performance in network energy comsumption and the delay of network lifetime.Finially, the main work of this thesis is summarized and the future research items of WSN routing protocols are prospected.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN915.04
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】181
  • 攻读期成果