

Optimal AT Power Supply and Transformer Wiring Type

【作者】 李爱武

【导师】 解绍锋;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路运输是我国目前最主要的交通运输方式,我国目前正在大规模地进行铁路建设,到2020年全国铁路营业里程达到10万公里。为满足国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高对铁路运输提出的新要求,高速、重载铁路已成为我国铁路发展的必然趋势。牵引供电系统是影响实现高速、重载运输的主要因素之一,牵引网的供电方式及合理的牵引变压器接线形式决定了牵引供电系统的供电质量和效果。AT供电方式因自身的技术性优势而成为适合于高速、重载等大电流机车运行的首选供电方式。文章首先以55kV变电所出口设馈线AT的AT供电方式为例对单线AT供电网、末端并联复线AT供电网及全并联复线AT供电网进行了电气分析,证明全并联复线AT供电网更具有优越性,其次对日本模式、法国模式、新型模式及27.5kV供电的几种AT供电方式及适合于AT供电方式的几种典型牵引变压器接线方式进行研究,得出新型模式AT供电方式及YNvd接线牵引变压器具有较好的电气性能。最后,利用MATLAB/Simulink里面的仿真模块搭建了几种适合于AT供电方式的典型牵引变压器仿真模型、全并联复线AT牵引网模型及日本模式,法国模式,新型模式的全并联复线AT供电系统的仿真模型,并在此仿真模型的基础上分别进行了在相同条件下正常及故障状态的仿真。经过对仿真结果的分析,得出新型模式的AT供电系统具有优越的电气性能。综合各变压器接线形式及AT供电方式的技术性和经济性,可知由YNvd接线平衡变压器和新型模式AT供电方式组成的全并联复线AT供电系统是一种性能优越的AT供电系统。

【Abstract】 Railway transportation is the main transportation way in china.Abundances of new railways are in constructing at current, the total railway will come to 100 thousands in 2010.For the sake of satisfying the new requirement brought forward by the development of chinese economy and people’s living standard, high speed train and heavy-haul train have become the electric railway necessity tend.Traction power supply system is one of the main factors in realizing high speed and heavy-haul railway transportation,the style of power supply for traction network and the transformer wiring type decide the power supply’s quality and effect of the traction power supply system. Because of the several inherent technic advantages of AT(Auto-Transformer) power supply, it has become the first choose for high speed train and heavy-haul train.By taking 55kV AT power supply which is characterized by setting up Auto-transformer at the export of substation for example, the paper analyzes the electrical performance of single-track AT power supply network,terminal-parallel double line AT power supply network and all-parallel double line AT power supply network. Also,the thesis proves that all-parallel AT power supply network has more superiorities.Then, Japan-model AT power supply,France-model AT power supply,new model AT power supply besides several typical traction transformer wiring types suited for AT power supply system are studyed. A conclution that the new mode AT power supply and YNvd connection traction transformer have the best electrical performance is gotten.The simulation models builded based on the Matlab/Simulink software platform as follows:several typical traction transformer simulation models which suit for AT power supply, all-parallel double line AT power supply network simulation model, and Japan-model AT power supply system simulation model,France-model AT power supply system simulation model,new model AT power supply system simulation models. Basing on the simulation models builided above, on the same condition a simulation is carried out in normal and fault state separately.The simulation results obtained demonstrates that the new model AT power supply has superior electrical performance.Summing up all transformer wiring types and AT power supply’s technical and economic performance,we know that the all-parallel double line AT power supply system, consisted by YNvd wiring traction transformer and new model AT power supply, has good performance.
