

Study on the Detection Technology of Structural Function of Sub-Sea Tunnel on Xia-Men East Passage

【作者】 侯昌银

【导师】 王明年;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以中国大陆第一条海底隧道为依托,对厦门翔安海底隧道土建结构功能性检测技术进行了研究,具有较强的工程实用价值,本文作了以下工作:(1)通过对一般性隧道结构功能性检测技术进行了回顾,针对如空洞、衬砌裂损、钢筋锈蚀等病害进行了相应的检测技术的调研,包括检测频率和隧道各影响因素的定性的调研。(2)通过对海底隧道现场监测数据的分析,现场初期支护、二衬渗漏水、裂缝、坍方情况的调研,找到了影响海底隧道结构安全性影响的因素是:位移变异引起的净空减小,坍方引起的空洞对结构的影响、开裂的部位、开裂的深度、宽度对结构安全性的影响,钢筋锈蚀引起的承载力的下降,并针对这些影响因素提出了检测方法。(3)隧道运营期影响结构安全性的是混凝土的耐久性,通过对现场调研的混凝土保护层厚度,分别计算出了调研各断面在内侧为碳化情况下的寿命和在外侧氯离子侵蚀环境下各断面的寿命情况,提出了钢筋保护层厚度满足在内测2.5cm外侧4.7cm情况下前30a不需要对钢筋进行检测的结论。(4)针对前述的影响因素分析对整个海底隧道进行了检测区段分区,并针对各区段的不同检测内容进行了阶段性分区。(5)隧道海域地段,由于海水强烈的渗透性和对钢结构的强烈腐蚀性,施工期间出现了较多的渗漏水,初期支护部分结构已开始腐蚀,尤其是风化深槽段,必将影响二次衬砌的安全性,在检测时因特别注意,加强检测的频率。

【Abstract】 Relying on to Chinese first subsea tunnel,this paper has studied Civil structure and function of Xia’men subsea tunnel detection technology,which has strong practical value.This paper has done the following:(1) By reviewing the general structure and function through the tunnel detection technology,the paper has researched detection technology such as empty, lining split, corrosion and other defects, including the detection of frequency and tunnel all A Qualitative Investigation.(2) By analysising subsea tunnel on-site monitoring data,the paper retains structural factors affecting safety:decreased clearance due to the displacement variation.Through researching initial support guidelines collapse site, two lining of water leakage, cracks and landslides situation,the paper found the affection of empty holes to structure,the affeciong of the site of crack crack depth and width to structural safety and reinforcement corrosion caused by the decline in capacity.Besides the paper has presented the detection methode for the factors.(3) The structural safety in tunnel operation is concrete durability. Through field investigation of concrete cover thickness, Research articles were calculated for the carbonation inside the section in the context of life and in the chloride environment outside of the cross section of life under the circumstances,and presents a reinforcement layer thickness in the case of closed beta 2.5cm 4.7cm lateral 30a does not require reinforcement before testing conclusions.(4)For the aforementioned factors, this paper analyzes the entire tunnel section area was detected,and paper for the content of each section had different detection stage partitions.(5) Lot subsea tunnel area, due to the strong water permeability and strong corrosion of steel, there are more during construction of the seepage of water, initial support has begun to erode some of the structure, especially in weathered deep channel section, will affect the secondary Lining security, special attention due to the detection, strengthening the frequency of testing.
