

Research on the Speed Coordination Evaluation Method on Mountain Area Highway

【作者】 赵磊

【导师】 金键;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国山区面积占全国面积的70%以上,山区公路在全国公路组成中也占有相当大比例。由于种种原因,山区公路上经常发生重特大交通事故,给广大人民群众的生命财产造成了极大损失。山区公路交通安全形式堪忧,对于山区公路交通安全的理论研究意义重大。影响山区公路交通安全的因素是复杂的,它是由人、车、路、环境等多因素组成的一个完整的事故因素链。对于任何一起交通事故都很难将其归结于某一种单一的因素,但运行速度是驾驶员心理行为、车辆状况、公路几何线形以及公路环境等多方面综合作用后的最终结果及外在表现,通过对这种综合的反应结果的研究可以有效的评价山区公路交通安全状况。本论文首先从山区公路交通安全隐患的基础上,分析山区公路交通事故特征及事故形成机理,并从定性的角度分析公路平、纵、横断面分别与山区公路运行速度的相互关系:然后根据不同的交通特征,将山区公路分成直线段、纵坡段、平曲线段、平纵结合段四种路段,对交通流在每种路段上的运行速度进行建模预测:接着构建山区公路交通安全评价体系及评价模型,计算各路段安全度,并得出全路交通安全度。最后依托实际项目,以茂县境内叠溪镇—松坪沟乡段山区公路为实例,结合调查资料,具体应用本文中的研究成果,计算得到了公路各段的运行速度,并对该段山区公路交通安全性进行了评价,验证了评价模型的可行性。

【Abstract】 Chinese mountain area accounts for more than 70% of national area. And the lengths of mountain highway in the composition of the National Highway also occupy a large proportion. Due to various reasons, quantities serious traffic accidents happen on mountainous area, causing tremendous loss of life and property. Safety on Mountain Highway is worrying, so the theoretical study of mountain highway traffic safety is significant.The factor, which affects the mountain highway safety is complex, is a complete chain composed by people, vehicles, road, environment and so on. Any traffic accident is difficult to be reduced to a single factor in a particular. However, speed is the Comprehensive reaction and expression of driver’s psychological behavior, vehicle condition, road’s geometry and road environment. By researching on those reactions and expressions can effectively evaluate road traffic safety situation in mountain areas.This paper analysis characteristics and formation mechanism of mountain highway traffic, based on the traffic Security risk of mountain highways firstly; and analysis interrelation among the road flat, vertical, cross-sectional and running speed in the qualitative point of view. Secondly by different traffic characteristics, mountain road is distributed into four classes:line section, vertical section, flat curve section and flat vertical combination section. Modeling and forecasting running speed on each section. Thirdly, build mountain highway traffic safety evaluation system and evaluation model to calculate the road safety degree of each section and draw the whole road safety degrees.At last, relying on practical projects, taking Die Xi Town Mao County-Song Ping Gou County mountain highway as an example, Applicating this paper’s theories, and combineing survey dates, gets the running speed of each section, evaluates the traffic safety of this highway, and verifies the feasibility of the evaluation model.

  • 【分类号】U412.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】192