

Study on Key Problems of Urban Road Congestion Pricing

【作者】 王平

【导师】 罗霞;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,城市的机动车拥有量和居民出行需求量不断增长,城市道路交通需求大大超过交通供给能力,交通拥挤成为必然现象。拥挤收费作为交通需求管理的措施之一,以经济管理手段调整交通结构和交通流分布,减少交通需求,从而达到缓解拥挤的目的。论文在总结国内外拥挤收费理论研究成果和国外拥挤收费实践成效的基础上,分析了拥挤产生的原因和影响,阐述了拥挤收费的原理,研究了拥挤收费经典理论模型及其局限性。然后分析了拥挤收费涉及到路网管理者(政府相关管理部门)和道路使用者,是一个典型的双层规划问题,所以采用双层规划模型更符合实际。接着介绍了现有的双层规划模型特点和缺陷,并结合拥挤收费策略的效果——不仅会影响到用户的路径选择,还会影响交通方式划分,提出了基于交通方式分担和交通分配组合的双层规划模型。然后详细介绍了交通拥挤收费的实施方案,包括收费对象、收费时段、收费费率和范围、收费模式等多方面内容。最后分析了我国城市实施拥挤收费措施所必须的保障措施。

【Abstract】 With the socio-economic development and urbanization process accelerating, vehicles and residents’travel-demands are growing so fast in cities, that urban road demandments exceeds suppliment greatly and congestion becomes inevitable. Congestion pricing, one of Transportation Demand Management Measures,eases traffic congestion by adjusting the structures of transportation and reducing the traffic demand.On the basis of summaring theoretical studies and practices of congestion pricing at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the reasons and influences of crowding, introduces principles of congestion pricing, researches the classical models and limitations. It is reasonable to utilize Bi-level programming model because congestion pricing is a classical Bi-level Programming Problem relating governors and users. Then the paper, introducing characteristics and defects of the existing Bi-level programming models, combining the results of congestion pricing which effects not only routing but also transportation mode split, advance the Bi-level programming model about transportation mode split and traffic assignment.This paper introduces the program of congestion pricing which contain pricing objects, period, congestion pricing, area, pattern and so on. Finally, necessary safeguards, carring out congestion pricing in domestic cities, have been proposed.
