

Design of Pedestrian Twice Crossing the Street and the Impact to the Pedestrian Delay

【作者】 李昂

【导师】 毛保华; 孙全欣;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 智能交通工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 行人过街交通是混合交通流中重要组成部分,解决行人过街与机动车交通的干扰与冲突问题是改善我国城市交通运行状况的重要内容。在机动车流量较大的交叉口,行人一次过街因其等待时间较长,超出行人等待心理极限时间,常会造成行人违章过街情况的发生,加大对机动车的干扰以及对行人自身安全的威胁。本论文结合科研项目《2010年北京市交通拥堵调查和缓堵措施研究》,对行人二次过街的设置方案及其对交叉口行人及机动车通行能力及效率的改变进行了研究。行人二次过街的方式能够提高行人过街的安全性,减小行人过街等待时间,增加行人的通过效率,减少行人违章过街率,从而与机动车之间的干扰降低,且此种过街方式设置灵活、成本较低,可在机动车流量较大、车道数较多、有中央隔离带的大型交叉口适用,因此本论文对于行人二次过街设施及行人延误方面进行了研究。主要有以下几个方面:(1)本论文总结行人过街设施,行人过街特性,包括行人过街心理特性、行人过街等待心理极限时间、行人速度特性,行人流的特性以及行人过街可穿越间隙以及行人一次过街概率的基础上,分析了设置行人二次过街设施及信号的必要性。(2)总结了行人二次过街的设置条件及设计标准,分析了对于不同信号相位,设置行人二次过街后,信号配时的改变情况。在分析了行人过街方式的不同对于交叉口机动车之间的干扰情况,介绍即有的行人延误模型,借用行人体概念,将行人体过街时间分解为行人体等待行人绿灯信号至行人体启动的反应时间以及行人体穿越交叉口人行横道所需时问之和,行人二次过街时其走行距离较一次过街减半。基于即有行人延误模型及其他研究学者得出的结论进行改进,得出新的交叉口行人一次过街及行人二次过街的行人延误模型。(3)以四通桥下平面交叉口为例,从行人二次过街的设施及信号配时等方面,对研究的交叉口进行分析设计。采用微观交通模拟工具VISSIM仿真软件,结合调研内容,设计模拟分析方案。通过对不同机动车流量及行人流量的模拟,研究该交叉口设置行人二次过街后对行人延误的改变。仿真结果表明设置行人二次过街后行人延误较行人一次过街改善30.85%,同时行人的通行能力及机动车的通行能力及效率都有明显的改善。

【Abstract】 Pedestrian is an important part of the mixed traffic flow. How to solve the interference between the pedestrian-flow and the vehicle-flow is the important element to improve the status of China’s Urban Transport. In a signal intersection with high vehicle-flow, pedestrians will wait a long time to cross the street, often that time will beyond the Waiting Psychological Limits. That will often cause pedestrian crossing the street illegally, and increase the interference to vehicles. The dissertation combined with the project of "The investigation Measures and ease traffic jams in Beijing 2010" discussed the design of pedestrian twice crossing facilities and the effect of the capacity and efficiency of the vehicles and pedestrians.The pedestrian twice crossing the street can improve the safety of pedestrians, saving the waiting time, increase the efficiency of pedestrians, reduce the rate of illegal pedestrians cross the street, reduce interference between vehicles. This dissertation discussed the set of the pedestrian twice crossing the street and the delay of the pedestrian.(1) The dissertation comprehensive analyses pedestrian crossing facilities, characteristics of pedestrians crossing the street, include the pedestrian psychology, walking speed and flow. Analysis the need to set pedestrian twice crossing the street signal and the facilities.(2) Summed up the conditions and design standards to set the pedestrian twice crossing the street setting, analysis of the change of different signals. Introduce the pedestrian delay model, use the concept of the pedestrian block to conclude the new pedestrian delay model to the pedestrian twice crossing the street.(3) The microcosmic traffic simulation software, VISSIM, is used to further validate this kind facility impact on the signal intersection. It simulate the different cases of Sitongqiao intersection with different vehicle-flow and pedestrian-flow, then discussed the change of the pedestrian delay in different case. The result shows that after set the pedestrian twice crossing the street, the pedestrian delay reduce 30.85%. The capacity and efficiency of pedestrians and vehicles has significantly improved.

  • 【分类号】U491.23
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】728