

The Research on the Assessment of the Allocative Efficiency of the Chinese Regional Science and Technology Resources

【作者】 谢子佳

【导师】 吕永波;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展和知识经济的到来,经济增长方式由资本推动型向知识推动型转变,知识在社会经济发展中的作用日益突出,科技资源作为知识创新、传播与应用中的核心要素,对经济和社会发展的贡献作用越来越大。因此,合理的科技资源配置对于提高区域科技资源使用效益、加强区域科技能力建设以及带动地区经济持续发展具有重要意义。对我国区域科技资源配置效率进行评估,研究分析影响区域科技资源配置效率的主要因素,可以为科技宏观政策的制定和宏观管理决策提供理论依据,同时对于加快提升区域整体科技实力,进而推动区域社会、经济可持续发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文结合我国区域科技发展的基本情况,构建了以科技投入资源为输入指标,以科技成果产出为输出指标的三级评价指标体系;运用主成分分析法对我国区域科技人力资源投入、财力资源投入与科技成果产出三部分进行指标综合和评估结果分类分析;利用DEA模型对区域科技资源配置的投入产出效率进行了相对有效性评估,在此基础上通过聚类分析研究发现区域科技资源配置的差异特征;最后,结合我国区域科技投入产出配置效率的现状,提出提高区域科技资源配置效率的相关建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of the economic globalization and the coming of the knowledge-based economy, the style of the economic growth is changing from capital-promoted to knowledge-promoted. The impact of knowledge is becoming more and more important in the social economic development. Technology resources, as the core of the knowledge innovation, distribution and application, play an essential role in the economic and social development. Thus, the appropriate allocation of the science and technology resources has a significant meaning for increasing the use efficiency of the science and technology, enhancing the ability of the regional technology and improving the sustainable development of the regional economy. To make the assessment of the regional science and technology resources allocation and research on the main aspects that influence the allocation provides the theoretical evidence for the establishment of the science and technology policies and administrative decisions. It also has the important theoretical and practical meanings for accelerating the power of the regional technology and improving the social and economic sustainable development.With the help of the principal component analysis, the author has summarized the three parts of indexes which are science and technological human resources, financial resources and the fruits outputs and analyzed the assessment results. Then, DEA assessment model is used for the assessment of the output-input efficiency of the regional science and technology allocation. Based on that, the author has found out the different characteristics of the allocation of the regional science and technology resources by the cluster analysis method. Finally, the author has proposed the corresponding suggestions for improving the allocation efficiency of the regional science and technology resources in China according to the current situation reached in the former part.
