

【作者】 贺娟娟

【导师】 卢山冰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,我国旅游业迅猛发展,实现了从亚洲旅游大国到世界旅游强国的跨越,越来越多的海外游客开始来到这个以前在他们眼中神秘而古老的国度。作为促销旅游产品首选方式之一的旅游广告随着旅游行业的兴起逐渐从广告行业中细分出来,并得到了快速的发展。随着经济全球化,世界一体化时代的到来,以及信息传播技术的日趋完善,我国旅游广告的跨文化传播不仅成为必要,而且已经成为事实。我国旅游广告在进行跨文化传播的时候和其他的广告一样,面临者来自不同文化背景的目标人群。他们与我们有着差异很大甚至完全不同的思维方式,价值观念,审美兴趣和接受习惯等,于是如何使他们更好的理解旅游广告所要传达的内容,使他们对我国旅游目的地产生兴趣最终产生消费行为就成了旅游企业所要考虑的问题。本论文就是基于这个问题,首先对我国旅游广告跨文化传播的现状进行研究,提出我国旅游广告跨文化发展中的问题以及分析造成这些问题的原因所在;接着对影响我国旅游广告跨文化传播效果的因素进行分析,指出本土文化对于旅游广告的制约,分析中西方旅游广告所表现出来的文化差异,最终对影响我国旅游广告跨文化传播的中西方文化差异进行研究;然后对我国旅游广告跨文化传播的地位使用SWOT分析方法进行衡量,指出我国旅游广告跨文化传播的优势,劣势,机会和威胁所在。最后提出我国旅游广告跨文化传播的策略,从标准化创意本土化执行的策略,努力寻求不同文化之间的共性,对源文化与目标文化进行整合和表现内容和形式的国际化策略四个方面进行论述。本文的目的在于提出我国旅游广告的跨文化传播策略,以期望给我国旅游企业在跨文化传播中制作更加有针对性,有作用的旅游广告提供理论参考。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China had changed from a big tourist country in Asia to Great Tourism Power around the world in the rapid development of tourism, more and more overseas would like to travel this mysterious and ancient country in their minds. As one of the preferred methods for promoting tourism products, tourism advertisement has separated from advertisement and developed a lot. With the advent of global economy and worldwide united, the intercultural communication of tourism advertisement of China not only necessary, but has become true already.As other kinds of advertisement, tourism advertisement faces different people from different cultures. Because they possesses big difference even totally divergent values, aesthetic, and accept customs, how to make them better understand the contents of tourism advertisement, attracting them finally come to target scenic spot is the key point for every Chinese Tourism Industry. Based on this question, this paper first analysis on the status of Intercultural communication of tourism advertisement and put forward current problems and also the factors which lead to these problems; secondly, it pay attention on Cultural Differences Between Chinese and Western which affects the influence of Intercultural communication of tourism advertisement; thirdly, through SWOT analysis, this paper will comb the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism advertisement in intercultural communication; finally, according to the prefer study,we will find the strategies of Intercultural development of tourism advertisement:standard creation but location enforcement; looking for common sense between different cultures; cultural integration and Internationalization strategy in forms and contents of tourism advertisement. This paper aims at provide a theory reference of Chinese tourism industry, promoting the Intercultural communication of tourism advertisement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1560