

【作者】 王茉琴

【导师】 严汉平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 城市化水平差异成为区域发展差异的显性因素。要缩小地区经济发展水平的差距,实现区域经济协调发展的基本目标,不能不研究城市发展战略。党在十七大报告和“十一五”规划中分别都提到以特大城市为依托,发挥中心城市作用,形成辐射作用大、集聚能力强的城市群,培育经济增长点。西部地区幅员辽阔,地理环境复杂,应集中有限资源,选择经济较强,投资环境相对优越的地区重点发展一批中心城市,形成经济增长极。佩鲁的增长极理论以及后来学者对该理论的不断完善和补充为区域协调发展的城市群战略提供了理论基础。在2009年3月全国两会期间,“陕川渝西三角经济圈”概念被提出,其核心内容是重庆经济圈、成都经济圈和关中经济带联合共同打造中国第四增长极。本文基于上述的现实背景,在大量城市群和区域协调发展的理论基础上,分析区域协调发展背景下的“陕川渝西三角城市群”概念的现实特点和可行性。本文重点通过利用区位商模型分析西三角城市产业功能组合,利用城市流模型分析西三角集聚和辐射功能,利用经济联系强度模型分析西三角与区域系统的经济联系强度对“西三角”现状作静态描述。研究结论证明西三角虽然从地理角度具有了城市群的群聚形态,但就经济条件而言还不成熟。关中经济带和成渝经济区的发展失衡,总体经济总量小;地区经济发展和环境保护矛盾突出;中心城市“一城独大”,而中小城市经济发展不强;尤其自古西南与西北因秦岭相隔,西三角交通基础设施网络未形成。所以,要加快推进西三角城市群网络体系的形成,初期必须依靠国家的推动和支持,加快完善西部地区的市场经济体制改革,建设区域综合交通体系;利用西咸新区成立和关中—天水经济区规划的契机加速大西安快速发展;利用主体功能区划协调不同地区生态环境的一体化整治。

【Abstract】 Differences in the level of urbanization as the dominant factor lead to the regional development dfferences. Regional economic coordinated development as the basic objectives must watch on the city development strategy to narrow the disparity between the level of economic development,. Both Report of the Seventeenth National Congress Party and the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" respectively referred that large cities play a central role in the areas,form city groups with concentration ability and foster economic growth.Geographical environment is complex in vast western region and it should focus on limited resources, select areas with a strong economy and favorable investment environment as the key central city, and foem economic growth pole. Perroux’s growth pole theory and the later scholars’ continuous improvement provides a theoretical basis for coordinated development of urban areas strategy.The "Shaanxi Sichuan and Chongqing West Delta economic circle" concept was proposed in the NPC and NPCC in March of 2009, inculuding Chongqing Economic Zone, Chengdu Economic Circle and Guanzhong Economic Zone as the fourth growth pole. Based on the reality of the above background and the theory of city groups and regional coordinated development groups, the context analysis of regional development features of the "Shaanxi Chongqing West Triangle City Group" and feasibility of the concept of reality.This article focuses on static description of West Triangle through the use of location quotient model about city industries combination,the use of urban flow model about concentration and radiation and the use of economic ties strength model about the regional economic system ties intensity. The research evidence that West Delta city-group has the agglomeration form from the geographical point of view, but is not mature in terms of economic conditions.The conclusion are as the following:Guanzhong Economic Zone and Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone development imbalances, overall economic output is small; regional economic development and environmental protection are in contradiction; center city is "a big city alone," while medium and small urban economic development is not strong; In particular, Southwest and Northwest separated by the Qinling Mountains, but the West Delta transport infrastructure network is not formed. To speed up the West Delta city group network system formed, it must rely on the center goverment to promote and support in the early time, accelerate the improvement of market economic system in the western region, build regional integrated transport system; use the opportunity of Xi’an-Xianyang district and Guanzhong-Tianshui economic area established to accelerate the planning of Big Xi’an rapid development; and use different parts of the main functional divisions to coordinate the integration of environmental remediation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期