

【作者】 张海波

【导师】 刘卫平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 汉初《诗》学源自先秦,是先秦《诗》学在汉代《诗》学的转型和裂变。贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。贾谊作为汉初六艺之学的主要传承者,其《诗》学会是什么样的状态,本文拟通过以下四章来分析探讨。第一章,汉初《诗》学概况及前贤对贾谊《诗》学的判定。通过对西汉初期四家诗的流传及其特征的简要概述,结合新出土的文献资料的研究,来探讨汉初《诗》学概况,并确定汉初《诗》学并非只限于鲁、齐、韩、毛四家,四家之外尚有其他《诗》学流传。接着概略地分析了后人,特别是以陈乔枞、王先谦为代表的清代学人对今文三家诗的辑佚及其所取得的成果,并为前贤对贾谊《诗》学的判定做一勾勒。第二章,贾谊《新书》引《诗》考。《新书》所引《诗》凡十七处,涉及14篇内容。本文把这14篇内容按风、雅、颂的顺序逐篇进行考证。前列诗文、诗义,后下案语,以比较贾谊《诗》学与四家诗及其他先秦文献引《诗》用《诗》之异同,并得出以下结论:贾谊说《诗》与《毛诗》相同者1首,与《鲁诗》相同者3首,本于《左传》者1首,源自《国语》者1首,与四家相近者3首,相异者亦3首,与诸家关系不清者2首。第三章,贾谊《诗》学新探。通过比较研究得出:贾谊说《诗》以“雅”、“颂”为主,其《诗》学应非四家诗系统,而与《左氏》有很深的渊源,受先秦《诗》学的影响极深,继承的是“以诗为教”的传统,反映着先秦儒家《诗》学向汉代《诗》学转型的特点。第四章,贾谊《诗》学与其礼治及文艺思想。首先看贾谊《诗》学和其礼治思想的关系。《新书》中多次提到礼,还有专门的篇章去论述。一方面贾谊说《诗》非常注重礼学精神,强调“以诗为教”和经世致用;另一方面,《新书》在谈到“礼”的内容、作用及重要性时,又多次引《诗》为说,其目的是为阐述礼的思想而寻找权威的佐证。再看贾谊《诗》学和其文艺思想的关系。贾谊十分重视以《诗》为代表的文艺的教化作用,并提出“广道显德”的文艺观,反映着对儒家诗教的继承和发展。

【Abstract】 The early Han Dynasty Poetry came from the Pre-Qin, which transformed and fissioned by the Pre-Qin Poetry. Jia Yi was born seven years, the Han emperor Liu Bang (200BC), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago (168BC), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development. Jia Yi as the main inheritors of the early Han Dynasty’Six Classics, what’s the Poetry? This paper will analysis by the following four chapters.ChapterⅠ, early Han Dynasty Poetry profile and the predecessors of the Jia Yi Poetry ruling. By overviewing the feature and spread of the Four Poets’poetry of the early Western Han Dynasty briefly, andcombined with recently excavated from the research literature to explore the early Han Dynasty Poetry, and determine the early Han Dynasty spread was not restricted to Lu, Qi, Han and Mao, in addition there were four other spread circulating. Then introducted the result of the collenction of the Three Poetry, especially of the Chen Qiaozong and Wang xianqian’work,and described previous judgements on Jia Yi Poetry.ChapterⅡ, Studying Jia Yi’s "New Book" quoted "the Book of Songs". "New Book"quoted "the Book of Songs" were the 17 times, which involved 14 elements. The contents of this 14 article Feng, Ya, Song of the order of articles for research. Forefront of the poetry, poetry justice, the case following the words, to compare the Jia Yi Poetry with the Four Poets’poetry, and other pre-Qin literature cited "the Book of Songs", and reached the following conclusions:Jia Yi’s Poetry,which was similar one to Mao, three to Lu, one was from "Zuo Zhuan",one was from the "National Language", three were similar to the Four Poets’poetry,and also 3 differences, and two were not clear with all of them.ChapterⅢ, Jia Yi’s Poetry New perspectives. The research results are:Jia Yi Poetry was not a identical system of The Four Poets’poetry, but has a close relationship with "Zuo Zhuan" and has a deep impact by Pre-Qin Poetry, which inherited "the tradition of poeticinstruction", reflects the Confucianist Poetry to change the Han Poetry.ChapterⅣ, Jia Yi’Poetry and their Rites and literary thought. In the first place, dicussing Jia Yi’s Poetry to the Political Ideas relationship. "New Book" refered to the ceremony many times, there was a special chapter to the discussion. On the one hand Jia Yi’s Poetry attaches great importance to the spirit of ritual theory, emphasized the poeticinstruction and the Confucian of "the Book of Songs"; other hand, the "New Book" interpreted Poetry to argument the important of the Ceremony, the purpose is to elaborate ceremony of ideas to find evidence of authority. The secondly Jia Yi’s Poetry and his literary relationship. Jia Yi attaches great importance to the Poetry as the role of education on behalf of literature and art, and that "universal morality" of the art concept,respone to the continuation and development of Confucianist Poetry education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期