

Harbin Longway Middle School Performance Valuation of the Pilot Reform Program

【作者】 刘晖

【导师】 夏光; 白帆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了哈尔滨市远方国际中学由于现行的绩效评估体系落后,无法对教职员工产生激励作用,同时教育行业的大环境也营造了实施绩效评估改革的客观氛围,因此于2008年上半学期,将“引入平衡计分卡进行绩效评估改革”作为试点项目进行尝试。通过论证,我们逐步认识到项目管理是实施该项目的有力保障和必由之路,可对其过程进行全面系统的管理与预控,有条不紊的运作项目,降低试运行过程中的成本损失,提高该项目的可行性。因此,全文分别从该项目范围的界定、团队组织的搭建,以及实施过程中进度管理、文档管理、质量管理等多个维度的管控进行了论述,以期实现该项目在该学校2008年上学期时间段内得以顺利的实施。最后,针对该项目进行过程中的得失,总结出了项目实施经验,以期对未来学校绩效评估体系改革发挥重要指导作用。同时,也为最终摸索出一套适用于国内教育行业的项目管理方法提供了宝贵的经验。

【Abstract】 With the growing diversification of investment education, society to run schools are increasingly becoming subject to existing national investment in education complements. Particularly in the rise of the private high school principal in Heilongjiang, with its abundant capital, modern management methods, excellent teaching quality as the education sector and a landscape. At the same time, we need to see is that private high school operating in exposed as lack of human resources management, teaching quality assurance weak etc, seriously restricting itself to develop.Harbin distance international distance education school by the Investment Management Co., Ltd. Heilongjiang wholly organized private high school, which is characterized by teaching in English education and foreign cooperation projects. For new private schools which are schools, but the management system and methods are state-owned secondary schools follow the old pattern, with the school’s teaching management, good and bad teachers, lack of incentives, constraints, role fatigue, irregular behavior of egalitarianism and distribution of such phenomena.The introduction of modern human resource management theory, by improving the performance evaluation system to ensure the quality of teaching is imminent. Through the project management approach to performance evaluation method introduced in the Balanced Scorecard project will be implemented in the management of their control of the implementation process, organizational management, quality management, schedule management and document management for better management.So far, Harbin International Secondary School Reform Project Management Performance Evaluation of planning applications aimed at the implementation of the present study to determine the project scope and project time, quality, process control systems and the expected results of scientific research and planning to form a scientific project management and pre-control.The current rapid development of foreign project management theory, but also more mature, although new theories in China, but also in types of schools have been more and more applications, project management theory is the essence of vitality in a prosperous show and the world. This theoretical approach is widely used, Practice and strong, but also in the education sector has rarely been applied. This article hopes to pilot the project, lessons to be learned, explored a more effective high school science project management and performance evaluation methods. Commonly used in this project to a scientific theory, empirical methods used in the daily work of government agencies,In this thesis, Harbin City, the distance from the analysis of international schools in the first half of 2008 introduction of the "balanced scorecard" approach to performance evaluation of strategic significance and necessity. In view of the project involves all aspects of the school, involving a broader population, its acceptance, academic levels vary, the quality of different services, while large projects, pressing, weight and other realities, to make the project "quality and quantity" to carry out proposed project’s background and problems,Described in Harbin Yuan Fang international school in the first half of 2008 the introduction of the International School in Harbin distance Reform Project Performance Assessment means the application of project management the necessity and feasibility. According to the International School in Harbin Yuan Fang Performance characteristics of reform projects, can be seen in the course of the project management control, more emphasis on project management functions in the organization and management, quality management, schedule management and document management. In this article, several aspects of project management to start International schools in Harbin distant reform project management performance evaluation research and planning, the use of modern management theory and project management knowledge, theory with practice, the use of general management theory, to address the international schools in Harbin distant Performance Management Reform Project practical problems and their comprehensive and systematic process of planning and early warning, the final form a relatively complete international schools in Harbin distance performance evaluation program of reform and project management plan to guide the project practice.ChapterⅡ, based on the distance Harbin International School Performance analysis of the characteristics of the reform project, project management, team building, project-based introduction of the concept of project management structure is discussed in detail the project management structure and the specific implementation. "Balanced scorecard" performance evaluation of the characteristics of the project is within the terms of investment in a certain amount of large, strategic impact of a larger project, and that is subject to internal and external factors to contain more, but must be delivered on schedule, Suo Yi The project team will not only need to manage the project itself, but also requires strong efforts to promote the project.The project team from project managers to the various departments and teaching and research, shall be relevant professional experts, to achieve strict control of quality, schedule strictly, strictly in accordance with project-related regulations, to avoid quality problems due to the phenomenon of rework. But there is a very important point is that high-level participation, this will mobilize all resources to try to eliminate the external factors on the project’s negative impact on the delivery schedule for the project provided strong support. Also described in detail the more important project scope management, clarified the scope of this project, and the meaning of management objectives. After working on the project structure decomposition ( WBS), to further clarify the content of the various parts of the work, management needs to achieve.ChapterⅢ, from the progress of the export control process of the overall project schedule control method-"progress node control" law and in practice, to solve this model to organize and coordinate various stages of this volume, from the progress of the node control, information transmission, plans to change aspects of the treatment to ensure the progress of the objectives of the control; and from the progress of the project objective planning process to analyze straight-line graph with the preparation of the total project schedule (Gantt chart), according to the total schedule request time for each step.Thus far, Harbin presented a comprehensive performance evaluation of international high school reform project progress control of the specific implementation.Progress control is not unilateral, with quality control, cost management, information management, environmental management and organization and coordination go hand in hand. "Balanced scorecard" performance evaluation to promote quality control of the project different from the works or development projects, its quality is mainly reflected in the development of indicators of various positions on the KPI. Thesis focused on the management of this project the positive significance of strict quality control, and the specific KPI method developed and conducted an example.In the fourth chapter, the authors discussed in depth the project management to implement the successful experience for the future in the field of Project Management provides a theoretical guidance. It also summed up the shortage, and put forward their own views and can be used to improve measures for future research to explore the direction.In summary, this paper Harbin distance international school performance assessment project as the starting point of its use positioning, project management, start planning aspects of international schools in Harbin distant reform project management performance evaluation research and planning, the use Modern management theory and project management knowledge, theory with practice, the use of general management theory, to solve the distance Harbin International School Reform Project Performance Management in the actual problems and their comprehensive and systematic process of planning and early warning, preparedness and orderly operation of the project, to promote the process of reducing various types of losses,Enhance the feasibility of the project, eventually form a relatively complete international schools in Harbin distance performance evaluation program of reform and project management plan to guide the project practices, and lessons learned to create a more scientific and effective project management model, and hope that through the project The study identified a set for the implementation of the modernization of the education sector and effective project management a good way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】G632.1
  • 【下载频次】62