

Analyses and Thoughts about Arctic under the Perspective of the International Law

【作者】 张守启

【导师】 那力;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂的北极争端问题想要在现有的国际法框架下找出一个合理的解决方案困难重重。这既有现有法律自身的缺陷问题,也有北极问题中所反映出来的而国际法涉及的问题。从整个北极的历史发展脉络来看,目前问题的核心在于《联合国海洋法公约》下各国的外大陆架权利争端问题。国际社会中大国在北极问题上的政治角逐使得本来就模糊不清的北极问题的解决之路异常的渺茫。国际大陆架界定委员会对俄罗斯北冰洋外大陆架权利申请的驳回,似乎预示着这一问题的解决将更多的取决于科学考察得到的地质证据(用以证明该国提出的外大陆架申请),但从目前的情况看,没有任何一个国家能够提供令委员会信服的足够科考证据。北极问题也不得不再次回到《联合国海洋公约》下的国际谈判的轨道上来,这也是目前北极问题最为光明的解决出路。

【Abstract】 With global warming, the Arctic region which riches in natural resources and has a unique geographic location features attracts more and more world’s attention. Migrations in the Arctic over the past century the increased and the exploitation of resources became more active. Arctic is becoming more and more important for its resources, transportation, military reasons.This chapter describes the Arctic landscape, and its legal status, it analyzes the deep-seated reasons for the Arctic problem: Arctic is rich in oil, gas, minerals, natural resources and fisheries resources, which are not yet large-scaled developed; Arctic navigable shipping rountes become increasingly prominent as climate warming. Northwest Passage will greatly change the future pattern of world trade nowadays. In addition, there is a high Arctic military strategic value, military power is directly related to its Arctic policy in the Arctic and even global strategic initiative.In the second chapter, Arctic were analyzed historically from the twenties and thirties of last century, by the Arctic’s "Sector Principle", "Occupation Doctrine" and so on, to the UNCLOS based fights on the outer continental shelf. The sector principle is about the state specifically the poles and made a request to support the basis for its territorial sovereignty, but it is not recognized by the international community, and there is no precedent in practice; "Occupation Doctrine" is the most important national legal and territorial access to means in the colonial era, but as the development of history, it has also been out of the stage of history, only in solving international problems left over by history disputes that occur right there are some historical evidence of the role. The natural distribution of the Arctic also do not have access rights Occupation Doctrine. However, the Russian-led proposed UNCLOS is based on the Outer Continental Shelf is in line with international law claims legitimate aspirations, but, in addition, facing a "convention" issue of its own shortcomings in the Arctic, the countries at the technical level verification their claim is very difficult there. "Convention" in the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf and the outer continental shelf in the Arctic, the use of the provisions of both problems. Overlapping part of the country the right to demand the right ways in which the solution is the focus of international attention. Meanwhile, people talk about and analysis of Arctic issues is always the concept of sovereignty and sovereign rights of confusion, so I think it is necessary to clarify in the text focus: the Arctic countries are currently the focus of contention is the sovereign right of sovereignty which is a cross between and jurisdiction of a new law of the sea between the rights of the practice of States in the law of the sea, through continuous exploration, negotiation and mutual compromise reached by a right form. This right of coastal States to develop their own reasonable exclusive economic zone and continental shelf play a basic role of the law.The third chapter, the author analysis and comments the current mainstream solution for the Arctic problem. Construction of the Arctic system in the future, we can learn from the model also has a variety of these models have some reasonable questions offices and close to the Arctic, but can not completely resolve the North Pole a single question:1. "Svalbard Treaty" mode, each State Party in recognition of Norway’s full and complete sovereignty over the island under the premise of its citizens are free to enter to engage in the production and commercial activities, and the island never to for war purposes. The treaty to be in the Arctic Svalbard Islands, the first and only a demilitarized zone. Whether the treaty is to develop the historical background or the applicable territory has quite distinctive. The current focus of the dispute lies in the Arctic countries outer continental shelf rights advocate, so for the entire Arctic region problem,the reference of this mode is not enough.2. "Antarctic Treaty" model for the North Pole. Modeled on the "Antarctic Treaty" mode, the provisions of the Arctic region, particularly the Arctic Ocean waters to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. Freedom of scientific investigation and the temporary national freeze on the Arctic region’s territory based on the content of any legal basis, then the formation of the Arctic indigenous survival and development of mineral resources, biological resources and the protection, development and management control of the "Arctic treaty system."3. UNCLOS mode. Currently in the Arctic,the focal point is called the outer continental shelf issue, but on the continental shelf and the continental shelf outside the legal system there are clear provisions in the Convention and the applicable rules. For the present, "Mediterranean" features the Arctic, "the Convention" law and order in this region can provide an important basis for the construction. But "the Convention" on a variety of marine division and national activities in the relevant areas for the more comprehensive legal system and general provisions, and therefore must deal with the many special problems in the Arctic, we must address the issue of special Arctic "Convention" and related system is the real way to solve the problem.4. International Court Mode Feasibility Analysis. Arctic International Court of Justice to resolve territorial disputes after all a viable option, but territorial disputes complexity of the issues involved and the International Court of Justice of the irreversibility of execution of this model have made the prospect of using the Arctic is full of variables.5. Negotiation Model. It will resolve the North Pole may be happy to see the Arctic and neighboring countries, efforts to implement problem-solving approach. However, the problem relates to humanity’s future Arctic, small-scale closed-door meetings and consultations varied little effect.In short, it is imperative for the Arctic region to establish a comprehensive and suitable legal system. This paper analyzes the legal issues in Arctic and its various solutions, the disputes will bring some enlightenments to the international community and international law. Arctic settlements of legal disputes both rooted in the existing legal framework in international law, especially international law of the sea to the relevant rules and jurisprudence, from the territory (particularly the territorial sea) of sovereignty and sovereign rights of a basic form of dispute resolution to start, but also necessarily born out of the existing models, in compliance with the basic norms of international law under the premise of international consultation and cooperation, making full use of the existing international legal system, based on the formation of creative problem solving Arctic unique legal system. As soon as possible under the auspices of the United Nations and UNCLOS, and based on the conclusion of a comprehensive "Arctic Treaty" to negotiate a temporary freeze or abolish the execution of UNCLOS . The provisions of the Outer Continental Shelf in the Arctic, we should established the jurisdiction of the Arctic States waters as "common heritage of mankind," the legal status of the clear Arctic expedition, environmental protection , resource development , legal system and the freezing of the militarization of the region to use.Finally, the Arctic matters also relates to China in the natural, economic, and social and other aspects, related to China’s sustainable development, China attaches great importance. China needs to learn more about the Arctic, including the climate changes, geographical structure analysis, natural resource assessment information, and how these factors of Arctic in-depth studys impact on China. Futhermore, Arctic problem solving process is an important reference to China’s handling of the surrounding waters’disputes, China should consider this as an opportunity to study international problems and speed up the pace to maintain its maritime rights and interests, and should make positive actions to defend its maritime rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D993.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】686